I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 185 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Upon hearing this, Master Fan and Professor Mo both lowered their heads and smiled.

They all knew about Professor Lin's deeds, and they also knew why Professor Xue said such a thing.

"Yes, Professor Lin has gone to study again..." Master Fan shook his head and let out a laugh.

Professor Xue sighed, then smiled and shook his head: "Professor Lin, every time this is so beyond our expectations..."

At this time, Professor Mo hugged Professor Xue over: "Needless to say, come on, help, there are still many things left."

After speaking, the three of them quickly entered the state of work, and fell into a busy state again.


Time flies, three days later.

The whole factory is busy.

The preparatory work went on for four days, and there was still a little work left.

In the past three days, important old professors from China's scientific research community have arrived one after another who came to carry out research and development work.

These old professors are the top figures in China's scientific research circles. Everyone is an extremely top expert-level figure in various fields.

Now they all put down the scientific research projects on hand and gathered here.

It suffices to explain how much the senior leaders and the seniors in China's scientific research community want to develop China, the first generation, independently developed aircraft carrier.

The significance of this aircraft carrier to China is still too great. Old professors like them are very much looking forward to it. They all hope that the aircraft carrier they developed will pass the test.

But after I came, I learned that the entire scientific research project was overthrown by Professor Lin, and then when Professor Lin re-formed the scientific research plan, everyone looked surprised.

They knew that when Professor Lin Yi developed nuclear submarines before, the same was true.

The main thing they didn't expect was that Professor Lin actually took over the scientific research project of the aircraft carrier.

This is an aircraft carrier!

There are far more scientific research projects to be developed by aircraft carriers than nuclear submarines. Professor Lin, who wants to develop the entire scientific research project alone?

What a workload!

When Chief Teacher Fan formulated the scientific research plan, he had detailed telephone conversations, video conferences, etc. with professors in various fields, and finally worked out the plan that was overthrown by Lin Yi.

But Professor Lin Yi now has to make his own plan, which really surprised everyone.

What makes everyone feel helpless.

Professor Lin Yi also went to study before the research and development work, just like the last time he studied nuclear submarines.

Here comes this set again.

Although many professors knew about this, they all knew the scene when Professor Lin Yi finally showed up in front of everyone with six pieces of scientific research materials.

But after all, they still don't have much in their hearts.

After all, this is an aircraft carrier, and the workload is too much.

Moreover, Professor Lin has been four days old and there hasn't been any movement. How can this keep them from worrying.

But there is no other way. Now I have to wait, waiting for Professor Lin to leave the dormitory and bring out the complete scientific research plan.

With this in mind, the professors continued to make preparations while anxiously awaiting Professor Lin Yi's exit.


Time flickered, and another five days passed.

Inside the factory, a group of old professors gathered in the conference room.

The preparatory work has already been completed, and there is only one thing left for them to do now.

That is waiting for Professor Lin Yi's exit.

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, it seems that Professor Lin Yi has no intention of going out.

Because, the staff who went to deliver the food in the past learned that Professor Lin Yi was still writing draft paper in the room. Obviously, he hadn't worked out any scientific research plan yet.

This makes everyone feel a little frustrated.

Master Fan sat in the head position, frowning, his expression was very serious.

The other old professors all sat at both sides of the conference table, without talking, just sitting like that.

The atmosphere in the entire conference room was extremely dull, and someone sighed from time to time.

At this time, an old professor looked at Master Fan and said anxiously: "Old Fan, waiting this way is no way. If Professor Lin Yi doesn't come out, our research and development work can't be carried out."

Another old professor also echoed: "Yes, I have been waiting for more than a week, and we have been idle here for several days. When can this project start?"

The professors are indeed waiting anxiously.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

They are also for the sake of Professor Lin Yi.

After all, the Haikou that Professor Lin Yi praised in front of the leaders took two years to develop the latest generation of aircraft carriers.

Previously, the estimated time for their research and development of aircraft carriers was five years.

This has shortened the time by three years, and the workload has more than doubled.

You must pay close attention to any time, and you must not waste time.

But now, Professor Lin Yi still has no news, which makes them really anxious.

"Or, let's find Professor Lin Yi? See what he is up to?"

At this time, an old professor suggested.

After that, Master Fan shook his head: "Everyone, please stay calm, let's wait. Maybe, Professor Lin is stuck by some scientific research problem, maybe Professor Lin Yi is at the most critical point. At the moment, if we bother rashly, I’m afraid it will affect Professor Lin Yi."

Master Fan also wanted to find Lin Yi, and he had more worries in his heart.

But before, he agreed to Lin Yi and tried not to let others disturb him. Lin Yi only needs to formulate a scientific research plan with peace of mind.

Although I don't know how far Lin Yi's current scientific research plan is, he is still willing and believes Lin Yi has been waiting for Lin Yi to come out of the dormitory.

Then, to everyone, to all the old professors in the scientific research field present here, a perfect scientific research plan.

Hearing this, the old professors all sighed.

"Then we... can't just wait here..."

"I don't know how long it will take... Sigh."

"Forget it, let's wait for Professor Lin, Lao Fan is right, maybe, Professor Lin is now at a critical time, and it is very likely that he will break through the immediate difficulties..."

"If Professor Lin is facing difficulties now, he should come and tell us more. With one person, can he really make a plan? Nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers are completely two things!"

The old professors started talking one after another, and everyone expressed their opinions.

But in the end, opinions are not uniform.

Master Fan and Professor Mo also had bitter faces, and they looked at each other with helplessness on their faces.

Professor Lin's delay was indeed a little longer.

But no way, let's continue to wait...

After a while, the meeting room became quiet, and the old professors came and discussed, but they didn't expect any solution.

In the end, all the old professors went back and ended the entire conference.

But when he left, every old professor had deep worries and doubts on his face.

Professor Lin, can he still surprise everyone in the end like before...

They don't know, and they don't know.

What we can do now is to continue to wait for the moment when Professor Lin leaves the customs.


Time flies, and three days have passed.

In Lin Yi's dormitory.

Lin Yi sat at the desk, his whole person attached to the case, the pen in his hand kept writing 0 on the draft paper...

There are already thick dark circles between his eyes, and Lin Yi's overall state does not look very good.

On the ground, there was a thick layer of draft paper on which Lin Yi calculated and wrote down the research data.

These draft papers prove his efforts during this period and also prove that he has been studying these materials during this period.

During this period of time, he has been conducting research on the 9 data, and the Brain Field Prediction Research Institute has hardly stopped.

I have been calculating and studying the data.

What makes Lin Yi a headache is that there are so many materials that even him finds it difficult.

But Lin Yi's efforts during this period of time were not in vain, and he has studied 8 of the 9 documents.

Only one piece of electromagnetic ejection data remains unfinished.

What Lin Yi didn't expect was that it was this electromagnetic ejection data that was the most difficult, and it was also the most difficult for him.

After a long time, Lin Yi put down the pen, leaning on the back of the chair, looking at the ceiling with both eyes.


He sighed and shook his head. The corner of Lin Yi's mouth showed a bitter smile.

"This electromagnetic ejection is really difficult...I didn't expect this level of difficulty."

The electromagnetic ejection data selected by Lin Yi is a technology that is ahead of the current world, and is one generation more advanced than the electromagnetic ejection technology of country M.

This was Lin Yi's own choice. He rushed to this from the beginning. Therefore, even if the difficulty was beyond his imagination, he never thought about changing one.

After all, this is also a lesson point!

At this moment, Lin Yi stretched out, picked up the scratch paper that had just been written, and glanced at it.

The corner of his mouth suddenly ticked, and the eyes surrounded by dark circles became more fascinating.

"Fortunately, I'm finally done, and Laozi is almost exhausted."

Knock knock

There was a knock on the door.

"Professor Lin, I'm here."

Outside the door, a man's voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a man took the food, opened the door, and delivered it to the dining table aside.

"Professor Lin, don't you need to take a break? I don't think your condition is very good." The man looked at Lin Yi worriedly and reminded him.

Lin Yi looked at the sky outside the window, and it was already night.

After 0.8, I turned around and shook his head: "It's going to end soon. You can't give up at this time."

"By the way, Xiao Li, please inform Master Fan for me. At 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, I will go to the conference room with the prepared plan for a meeting." Lin Yi added.

Xiao Li's expression was stunned when he heard the words, his eyes flashed with surprise.

"Okay! Professor Lin, please rest assured, I will notify Master Fan immediately!"

After speaking, Xiao Li put down the food, turned around and ran outside the house, the expression on his face was very excited.

Professor Lin has finally finished his research, and the research and development of the aircraft carrier is about to begin!

Thinking of this, his steps are faster, and he wants to inform Master Fan of the good news as soon as possible!

On Lin Yi's side, he looked at the steaming food.

I got up from the desk, came to the table, and started to eat.

Lin Yi's food is delicious and satisfying.

This was the hottest meal he had eaten during this time, and it was also the most delicious and delicious meal he had eaten.

Soon, Lin Yi finished his meal, hiccuped, got up and returned to the desk to continue his research.

There is only a small amount of electromagnetic ejection data left, and he must hurry up and complete the entire study as soon as possible.

Tomorrow, I will go to the conference room with a scientific research plan to officially start the research and development of the aircraft carrier! .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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