I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 191 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Has it become a single graphene? During the assembly process, there are some small problems that you need to take a look at. "

Lin Yi nodded thoughtfully when he heard this. Then, he immediately raised his footsteps: "Let's go, Professor Mo, let's go over and take a look."

Afterwards, the two left quickly.

Master Fan looked at the back of the two of them leaving without much thought, and soon joined the assembly work.


One day passed.

Assembly work continues.

After all, it is an aircraft carrier, not a fighter jet, or other military weapons. The assembly work is extremely tedious and complicated.

Even under the command of Lin Yi and General Master Fan, with the entire factory 1.6 scientific researchers and staff all on the battlefield, only about 30% of the assembly was completed in one day.

The remaining 70% is not completed.

But everyone did not give up, always fighting on the front line.

Now, the Vostok can test the water distance, and only this last step is left. As long as the assembly is completed and the simple operation is no problem, you can immediately declare to the superior and start the water test.

At this last step, everyone was no longer anxious, and instead completed the assembly work very carefully.

Time passed again.

In a blink of an eye, five days passed.

On this day, all relevant personnel in the entire factory were standing at the port, and the Vostok was floating on the water, and the final painting work was in progress.

Immediately afterwards, the painting work of the Vostok was completed under the attention of the public.

I saw that on the sea, a layer of red paint on the bottom of a ship, and a huge aircraft carrier with gray and white colors on top of the red paint, appeared in front of everyone.

At the highest point of the aircraft carrier, there is also a fluttering national flag!

The Vostok, with the completion of the painting work, officially appeared in front of everyone.

At this moment, everyone present was full of excitement, and there were faint tears in their eyes.

China truly belongs to its own aircraft carrier, today, it has come out! .

At the same time, there was a calm scene on the map of the world.

There is no change in any country, and they are all quiet.

But at this time of calm.

On the west side of the ocean, an inconspicuous small country, an even more inconspicuous village.

Gunshots broke out, and the soldiers dressed in regular army costumes raised their guns and watched the surroundings vigilantly.

Under the encirclement of these regular troops, hundreds of ordinary people were guarded by them.

These regular troops, all wearing gas masks, are at a distance from the ordinary people in the encirclement.

Among the ordinary people, there are also several medical personnel wearing chemical protective suits and armed to their teeth, leading ordinary people to a bus not far away.

Then, under the protection of these regular troops, hundreds of ordinary people got on the bus.

Da da da

At this moment, not far away, dozens of gunshots sounded.

Dozens of soldiers with yellow turbans around their necks rushed out and fired directly at the regular troops.

All of a sudden, the field suddenly became chaotic, and gunfire rang out.

Soon, under the order of the regular army, the bus departed quickly.

The regular army stayed in place and fought fiercely with the soldiers in the yellow turbans.

The soldiers on both sides did not have any accidents, and they fired their guns calmly.

It seems that they have experienced such things many times, and they have long been accustomed to it.

The fact is also true.

Here is the Syrian-Fair battlefield, which is called a purgatory on earth by the outside world. Even the King of Soldiers can't help but frown when he hears this name.

Soon, the regular army could not withstand the yellow turban soldiers' shooting, and fell in a rain of bullets.


At the moment when the 09 regular troops fell, the bus that just drove away burst into a sky of fire, accompanied by a huge roar.

Suddenly, a scene of purgatory on earth appeared here.

There are traces of burning everywhere. In the air, you don't need to deliberately smell it. The strong smell of gunpowder and gunpowder will burrow into your nose if you try hard.

Not long after, the soldiers with yellow turbans left the place one after another after filling up their guns for every regular soldier.


At this time, the commander of the Syrian-Fei battlefield, sitting in front of the camera of the TV station, looked very serious, and could see a trace of grief.

"My compatriots, first of all, I would like to express my deep condolences to those compatriots who have suffered in Yilaka village."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Today, the illegally armed Yellow Turban Army expressed responsibility for the Yilaqa village destruction operation. We strongly condemn this tragic behavior."

"Our home is suffering a series of injuries, and unfortunate things happen one after another."

"The terrorist forces of the Yellow Turban Army continue to spread, and the momentum is far beyond our imagination."

"But we will definitely not sit still, our army, the regular army vowed to fight for our homeland to the end!"


On the other side of the ocean.

Country M, in the meeting town.

In the highest conference room, at this moment, the upper and lower military leaders of country M, as well as important leaders of country M, are gathered.

Jackson still sits at the top, presiding over this meeting.

Sitting on either side of him, one side is composed of members of the Parliament led by the Speaker of Parliament Pederna.

On the other side, there are high-level military leaders led by Secretary of Defense Wells.

The atmosphere in the conference room was dull and depressing.

Everyone here knows that what Jackson is going to say today must be extraordinary.

At this moment, Jackson raised his head, glanced at the crowd with cold eyes, and said in a deep voice.

"Everyone, I am calling you here today to talk about what happened in the Yilaka village in the Syrian-African battlefield."

When the words fell, everyone's complexion suddenly changed, and their eyes were full of consternation.

Syria and Africa battlefield!

This name is very familiar to them, even, not only is it familiar, they are too familiar.

The Syrian-African battlefield is on the west side of the ocean. It is called the Purgatory of the King of Soldiers. Because of various factors, battles are taking place there almost every day.

The two main forces are the local regular army and the irregular armed forces.

Of course, because of the year-round fighting, the people there don’t have a livelihood, and the ordinary people living there live in dire straits every day, living in fear all day long.

Because they don't know when they will die, or they don't know whether they will wake up in their sleep.

In order to avoid the continuous occurrence of such battles, the United States called on some countries in the world to send troops to the Syrian-African battlefields to conduct peacekeeping operations every year, in order to solve the perennial fighting situation and let ordinary people on the Syrian-African battlefields. , Can lead a normal life.

However, the existence of the Syrian-African battlefield has a history of more than ten, twenty years.

Even though so many countries in the world put a large number of soldiers into the Syrian-African battlefield every year, and put a large amount of military into it, trying to prevent this protracted battle.

But it can't be stopped at all, but also because of various factors, and with the addition of these countries, the battle between the regular army and the irregular army has become more intense.

One more important point is that the munitions used between the regular army and the irregular army have gradually begun to advance.

This point really makes many people full of doubts.

China is one of these countries. Over the years, China has dispatched countless peacekeeping troops. The number of Chinese soldiers who died on the Syrian-African battlefield is even more numerous. However, the final effect is still minimal. It is not because of anything else, but mainly. Some people make trouble from it.

The same is true in some other countries.

Country M is no exception. As the most powerful country in the world, they will send garrisons to the Syrian-African battlefields to prevent the occurrence of fighting.

But many people know that the positioning of the soldiers sent by country M is very vague. On the surface, country M is to prevent the fighting from happening, but behind the scenes, country M has supported some irregular armed forces.

Moreover, as long as the bidder is high, he will sell large amounts of arms to whom.

It can be said that the fighting has been going on for so many years, and there is no sign of stopping, not because of anything else.

It is because certain countries are eager to sell their own excessive and unadvanced munitions that prompted the fighting to take place.

After all, munitions can only be used in battle. Who uses munitions in peacetime?

Therefore, once the battle is over, the chain reaction will be infinitely huge, and the impact will be far more than the simple end of this battle for the whole world.

At this time, Jackson said this sentence, and the upper-level leaders of Country M in the meeting town were all taken aback.

Especially with regard to what Jackson said about what happened in the village of Elaka on the Syrian-African battlefield.

They have heard of it today.

Now, this matter has spread to a lot of people, and many countries are already aware of this matter, and they are all holding urgent meetings to discuss countermeasures.

At this time, Wells took the lead in raising his hand and signalling: "Master Jackson, this matter is of great importance. What happened in the village of Yilaka on the Syrian and African battlefield has had too much influence. It is said that the Yellow Turbans have already occupied Syria. In many places other than the battlefield, as far as I know, the troops we sent in the past have also suffered partial blows."

At the end of the story, Parliament President Pederna also said: "Master Jackson, the current situation on the Syrian-African battlefield is very severe. If we increase reinforcements, it is very likely that our country M’s army will be damaged more severely."

Immediately afterwards, Pederna changed his words: "So, my proposal is to send all the garrisons we sent in the past, and to withdraw all of them, and also all our compatriots from country M on the Syrian-African battlefield. "

All the people present did not express any other opinions.

For this matter, at present, the best solution is what Pederner said, to withdraw the army of country M to avoid greater losses.

At least, the members of the parliament all agree with this decision.

But at this moment, the four-star general Smith gave a cold snort.

"This is a good opportunity! Master Jackson, I don't agree with the withdrawal of the troops!"

As soon as the voice of opposition came out, the atmosphere in the entire conference room suddenly changed, and the members of the council immediately turned to look at Smith, with a very confused expression.

Jackson also turned his head to look at Smith, but his eyes were full of interest.

"Smith, what can you do?"

At this time, the corner of Smith’s mouth ticked: "Master Jackson, as far as I know, there are many ordinary Chinese people on the Syrian-African battlefield. The battle that broke out in the Syrian-African battlefield is a very special experience for us. Good opportunity."

"You can imagine that such fierce fighting broke out on the Syrian-African battlefield. China will definitely send troops to the Syrian-African battlefield to evacuate overseas Chinese."

"If we can hinder China during this time, China's evacuation operation, can we suppress the arrogance of China before?"

"China’s previous practices have already had a huge impact on our country M, making our country M’s status in the world gradually decline, and even many countries’ attitudes towards our country M have also changed, and they doubt the military of our country M. strength."

"This is a very heavy 280 blow for our country M. If we can take this opportunity to suppress China, wouldn't it be a good thing? At that time, the military strength of our country M will continue. Once affirmed, the previous blow will no longer exist!"

"So, I think we might as well send a naval fleet to the Syrian-African battlefield to prevent China's evacuation of overseas Chinese!"

As soon as this remark came out, the top military officials of country M expressed their agreement.

During this time, the military strength of their country M has suffered a very serious blow.

After a professor Lin appeared in China, the radar they had just developed first failed, and later this professor and that professor appeared.

As a result, their Ohio-class nuclear submarine lost the title of the world's top nuclear submarine. It was the previous military exercise.

Good guy, two Ohio-class nuclear submarines were towed away by China, and they have not yet returned.

This has made M country's military leaders feel unprecedented humiliation.

Their only idea now is to make China pay the price! Pay the price of the application!

Therefore, they must take advantage of all opportunities, even if it is only a small opportunity, to seize it and hit China's arrogance severely!

Only in this way can the anger in their hearts calm down!

At this time, President of Parliament Pederna stood up directly: "Smith, have you forgotten the mysterious kelp of China before! Our two Ohio-class nuclear submarines were towed away by China, once we dispatched the naval fleet? , What should China do if the old technology is repeated!"

When the words fell, none of the high-level military officials said anything.

Indeed, the research results of kelp have not yet come out, which makes M country a little bit afraid.

After all, the mysterious kelp grown in China is a bit weird!

Moreover, they still don’t know the planting cycle. As Pederna said, once the navy fleet is sent to the Syrian-African battlefield, which kelp will China bring to ambush their naval fleet, isn’t that cool?

Knock knock

At this moment, a knock on the door sounded.

Jackson's secretary took a document and stepped in.

When he came to Jackson's side, he attached to Jackson's ear and whispered, "Master Jackson, regarding the mysterious kelp planted in China before, the research institute has now developed its principle.".

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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