I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 382 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Upon hearing this, all the leaders, including their superiors, frowned, looking at Han Zhong, their faces filled with curiosity.

After that, Han Zhong did not hesitate too much, and went on to say.

"And we in China still need to wait three months before we can wait for Professor Lin Yi to lead the entire scientific research team to build the hx-1 computer framework."

As soon as he heard this, the upper-level leader's expression suddenly became solemn, and at the same time, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

The superior leaders did not expect that the time would be shortened so short.

Professor Lin Yi was able to build the entire hx-1 frame in just three months!

This is almost unavailable in the world, and the data he obtained before is that if you want to build a framework, it will take several years to build it under the condition of completely independent research and development.

Even if you have a lot of financial resources, manpower and material resources are invested, it will take a minimum of two years to complete the framework.

What surprised the superiors was that Professor Lin Yi actually shortened this time to three months.

The three-month period is not long, but it is short but not short.

At least for the current China, in three months, China's losses will reach trillions.

But this is also a very acceptable thing for China.

After all, if the duration of the scientific research project is extended to two years, 407, it will have a very significant impact on China as a whole.

It can be said that all the efforts made by Professor Lin Yi before and all the contributions he made in the field of military scientific research will also be lost as the computer patents are blocked this time, and everything will return to the starting line. They China will be equal to country m again.

After the two countries are competing.

And now Professor Lin Yi can actually shorten the time to three months, which is very satisfied in the opinion of the superiors. After all, China can wait for three months.

Thinking of this, the superior asked curiously.

"Lord Han loses, you know, three months is already very short, and it is not easy for Professor Lin Yi to do this. In this case, why start an emergency plan?"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

The superiors think more.

After all, the emergency plan involves too many aspects, and once the emergency plan is activated, the losses faced by China will increase geometrically.

It can even be said that China will face hundreds of billions of losses a day, and this is still a loss that can be shown.

There are also some losses in the dark, losses that cannot be revealed at the time, and overdrafts for future generations.

These are incalculable, and they are all things that China does not want to consider for the time being.

Therefore, the higher-level leaders did not understand that in this case, the time had been shortened to this point, but Han Zhong, why did he start the emergency plan at this time? He really couldn't figure out this.

After Han Zhong heard these words, he didn't panic at all, but he felt that it was very reasonable.

After all, what the superiors said is correct. Three months is neither long nor short, which is completely acceptable to China.

After all, it's only been three months, which is much faster than everyone expected.

"Leader, what you said is correct. The three-month period is indeed very short. It has been nearly two years ahead of our expectations!"

"But after some talks with Professor Lin Yi, Professor Lin Yi told me that now the entire hx-1 scientific research project is experiencing some problems, and Professor Lin Yi also explained to me the x-1 number The biggest problem facing scientific research projects."

Han Zhong said truthfully that he was going to tell his superiors all the content of his conversation with Professor Lin Yi.

After the superiors heard this, the curiosity on their faces became heavier and heavier.

He knows that so-called scientific research projects will definitely encounter problems.

At this time, Han Zhong stated that he wanted to start the emergency plan, so there must be his reasons, and even Professor Lin Yi should have his reasons.

It's just that this matter is not trivial. He must listen to Han Zhong's reasons, and listen to Professor Lin Yi's reasons, and then all of them can determine whether to activate the emergency plan after discussing.

"The Korean leader is negative. What kind of huge problems are facing the hx-1 scientific research project? Is it a calculation problem?"

Now that Han Zhong has explained the problems related to the emergency plan to activate the emergency plan, it is a calculation problem, and it is precisely because the country m has blocked computer patents.

Therefore, China currently has no supercomputers to use, and the biggest problem in scientific research projects is the calculation problem.

"Yes, the problem that the leader is facing for the Hx-1 scientific research project is the calculation problem, and it is precisely because the country m has blocked computer patents, our current supercomputers cannot be used in scientific research projects."

"According to Professor Lin Yi’s estimation, if a supercomputer comparable to the light of Taihu Lake can be called up with a peak calculation capacity of 2 billion billion times per second, then Professor Lin Yi can guarantee that within 15 days or even 13 days. Complete the overall process of the entire hx-1 scientific research project within!"

Han Zhong said very excitedly. After he said this data, he already felt his heart beating very fast.

Hearing this, all the leaders on the screen, the top military leaders, and the superior leaders were all stunned. They opened their eyes and looked at Han Zhong incredulously, as if they had heard something unbelievable.

"Lord Han is negative, are all what you said is true? If you can come up with a supercomputer comparable to the power of Taihu Lake's light calculation ability, Professor Lin Yi can really reduce the time again?"

The superiors couldn't help but asked with some suspicion.

At this time, another senior Chinese leader also raised his own question.

"It’s not a trivial matter to start the emergency plan. I hope you can have a good talk with Professor Lin Yi. If Professor Lin Yi can really guarantee that the time will be doubled, then this matter can be discussed. a bit."

"But if Professor Lin Yi can't guarantee it, then starting the emergency plan will not increase our profits too much, but will form a burden. This is not a good thing for our current China, and it is even possible. It would be a bad thing, so I think it’s better to take a long-term view on this matter."

"Yes, it is very important for the Korean Lord to bear this matter. If we only shorten the time by doubling, the cost we have to pay may be increased several times. In this way, the cost we paid will not match the corresponding cost. At the time of the year, wouldn’t our China be caught in a cycle of self-destruction?"

At this time, another senior Chinese leader also expressed his doubts. .

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