I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 384 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Therefore, for China now, it is very important to complete the overall process of the hx-1 scientific research project.

At this moment, the superiors watched Han Zhong frown and continued to ask.

"Lord Han, do you really believe that Professor Lin Yi can do this? And before, the leaders also said the drawbacks of this method. If the emergency plan is launched and the expectations are not met, then the loss to China It will be very huge."

"Professor Lin Yi is also very clear about this? And for China now, the overall progress of the hx-1 scientific research project is indeed a crucial thing."

"But the operation of the entire society in China is also very important. Once the society can no longer operate, then even the development of the framework of the hx-1 scientific research project will not help."

"Lord Han is negative, I hope you think it over before answering me. After all, this matter is a very important thing. This decision we made will affect the entire China and the entire world. ."

"Once we in China made this decision and caused a bad impact, it will be a very significant blow to the entire international situation for China as a whole. China has worked so hard for so many years. A great situation will be completely wiped out."

At this time, another senior Chinese leader also agreed.

"Lord Han bears, please consider this matter more. We value this decision very much, and your opinion is also very important to us."

"Because we have not discussed directly with Professor Lin Yi, I believe he should not have much time to continue discussing this with us now, so you are now talking with us on behalf of Professor Lin Yi, I want to know, you are really right Is Professor Lin Yi sure?"

When Han Zhong heard this, there was no angry expression on his face, and some were just calm, very calm.

At this moment, his heart is very firm. He has indeed believed in Professor Lin Yi, and he also firmly believes that Professor Lin Yi can really do the things that Professor Lin Yi told him.

The overall process of the hx-1 scientific research project was doubled in time, and even the construction of the entire hx-1 framework was completed within 8 days as Professor Lin Yi said.

Therefore, in the face of doubts from superior leaders and this senior Chinese leader, he still said firmly.

"Leaders, I firmly believe that Professor Lin Yi can definitely do what he said."

"Compared with the promise made by Professor Lin Yi before, when developing the 095g nuclear submarine, Professor Lin Yi also broke through all obstacles and successfully developed the 095j nuclear submarine."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"There is also the Vostok aircraft carrier. It was Professor Lin Yi who used his own efforts to come up with a plan. Even the old professors developed the Vostok aircraft carrier, which is now at the top of the world. It is precisely because of the Vostok aircraft carrier. We, China, have our current status."

"I am not here to commend Professor Lin Yi for his achievements, but to say that Professor Lin Yi's ability to develop the 095g nuclear submarine and the Vostok aircraft carrier is sufficient to illustrate the ability of Professor Lin Yi."

"So I believe that Professor Lin Yi can definitely do what he said, shortening the overall experiment process by one time, and even I can guarantee Professor Lin Yi."

"If, in the end, Professor Lin Yi does not achieve the doubled experiment time as he said, then I will abandon everything together with Professor Lin Yi to pay for the reputation and status that I have obtained, and even I can cooperate with Lin Yi. Professor Yi is here to make a military order!"

Han Zhong is very firm in his heart now.

Even, he has already said that he wants to make a military order with Professor Lin Yi.

When discussing with Professor Lin Yi before, he was also very skeptical.

After all, this matter is really illusory or illusory.

The time for the overall experiment process to be doubled is indeed too much, and it is too incredible.

However, after discussing with Professor Lin Yi, he found that this matter does not seem to be that difficult for Professor Lin Yi.

It can also be said that even if there are difficulties for Professor Lin Yi, then Professor Lin Yi will definitely be able to achieve everything he said, as well as everything he said.

In general, he now trusts Professor Lin Yi very much.

After hearing Han Zhong's words, the superiors and China's senior leaders all looked at Han Zhong. Their brows were still frowning, as if they were making a major decision...

Immediately afterwards, in the curtain, the superior leaders and a group of senior Chinese leaders were discussing in a low voice.

"Everyone, do you have any thoughts on this matter?"

The superior asked.

At this time, a senior Chinese leader on the left said.

"Leader, I still think it is necessary to continue to discuss this matter. After all, although everything that Professor Lin Yi said may seem to be very profitable, we don't know whether it can be done or not."

"And if everything is placed on Professor Lin Yi, it will not be a good thing for him."

"After all, Professor Lin Yi is now our top scientific research scholar in China. If this incident has caused a lot of pressure on him, causing serious damage to the body of Professor Lin Yi, or unable to continue participating in scientific research projects afterwards, That is also a very significant loss for us in China."

"In general, I think an emergency plan can be initiated, but it still depends on the situation."

Immediately afterwards, another senior Chinese leader also said.

"The leaders have different views on this matter. I think we can start an emergency plan, and even we can devote 90% of the computers to the construction of the hx-1 scientific research project."

"But before this point, what we have to consider 2.2 is the physical condition of Professor Lin Yi and the overall information of the scientific research team where Professor Lin Yi belongs."

"The other thing is, we also need to make a comprehensive statistics on the loss of the entire China within these 15 days, and we also need a backup plan."

"If everything is as Professor Lin Yi said, the task of setting up the entire hsx-1 scientific research project can be completed within 15 days."

"Then, within these 15 days, huge losses will be caused to China's overall social operations. I think we can initiate emergency plans while ensuring that China's overall operations will not suffer huge losses."

"So, I'm considering applying for a backup plan, a plan that will not affect the operation of the Chinese society too much, and will help Professor Lin Yi!".

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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