I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 394 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

"Professor Li, Professor Song, Professor Wang, please listen to me, three of you, I will answer this emergency plan one by one. The emergency plan, as the name suggests, is the plan to be used in an emergency. This plan is the responsibility of the Korean Lord. It’s worked out before."

"I told you about this before, and I believe you should have an impression."

"The main purpose of this emergency plan is to gather the power of all netizens to build a supercomputer for China!"

"The power of all netizens come to build a supercomputer for China?" Professor Li asked even more dazedly.

After hearing what Professor Lin Yi said, Professor Li became even more confused.

He had no idea how to use the power of all netizens to build a supercomputer for China.

You must know that the computers used by netizens, or the tools used by netizens to go online, are two completely unrelated things for supercomputers.

And how does the power of netizens gather? Where is the power of netizens reflected?

These are things they don't know, and they are all incomprehensible.

Moreover, use the power of netizens to transform their power into measurement capabilities.

Is it necessary to distribute all important data to all netizens so that they can make calculations?

Obviously, this method will not work, and it is impossible to do so, unless Professor Lin Yi is a fool, but obviously, Professor Lin Yi is not a fool.

Even anyone present could not say that he was smarter than Professor Lin Yi.

That is also almost impossible.

The most important thing is that he has not thought of gathering the power of all netizens to contribute to the entire hx-1 scientific research project.

Therefore, he did not understand this matter very much, and he did not understand what Professor Lin Yi was talking about.

Hearing these words, Lin Yi nodded.

Then, looking at the puzzled faces of the other two old professors, he knew that these three professors must be very puzzled.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

After all, without telling how to gather the power of all netizens, these three old professors would not be able to figure out even if they wanted to break their heads.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yi continued.

"Three professors, you also know that the entire Internet users in China, or the number of computers in China, exceeds 600 million, which is even higher than this number."

"And with 600 million computers, it may be very important and crucial for the whole of China. After all, it is also the age of the Internet, whether it is the overall operation of the society, the storage of personal documents, or all One thing that everyone needs is the existence of computers."

"I won't repeat the importance of computers. You three old professors may know the importance of computers better than I do."

"In this way, the computers we know now, according to the statistics of superior leaders and senior leaders, China's high-performance computers, there are more than 600 million units in the registration, nearly 700 million units!"

"This data is very objective, and if we make reasonable use of these more than 600 million computers and 700 million computers, then it will be a very huge good thing for our hx-1 scientific research project team!"

"Even, this will be a very exciting thing for us!"

"As long as we can use 400 million of them to build a supercomputer that can be comparable to the light of Shenwei Taihu Lake! That is to say, integrate these four computers together."

"Common calculations are the most important part of our experiments. In this way, we can greatly shorten our experiment process and our overall experiment time."

After hearing what Professor Lin Yi said.

The faces of the three old professors suddenly showed surprised expressions.

Because they did not expect Professor Lin Yi to think of this method, and they did not expect that this emergency plan had been formulated before.

Moreover, Professor Lin Yi is about to start this project now.

After all, this plan has a certain degree of risk. As soon as they heard about the overall process of this emergency project, they had already foreseen the risk.

However, they did not say it at the time.

Because they want to listen to Professor Lin Yi's follow-up thoughts, maybe Professor Lin Yi has already figured out the follow-up method, maybe...

In this way, the three old professors continued to look at Professor Lin Yi, ready to listen to his next words.

Seeing this, Lin Yi glanced at each other with the three old professors, then smiled at them and continued.

"So, after negotiating with Lord Han, both of us believe that 400 million China computers should be assembled! Come and help, the hx-1 scientific research project!"

"You need to know that if these 400 million computers can be integrated, then if these 400 million computers are integrated, the peak calculation capacity they can form will reach 2 billion billion times!"

"This data is very terrifying, and it is completely comparable to the light of Shenwei Taihu Lake. As long as the emergency plan is activated, then our entire hx-1 scientific research project team can devote themselves to the experiment."

"There is no need to worry about the calculation problems anymore, so that important data will also have the ability to process, we only need to strictly follow the scientific research plan formulated in advance to carry out the experiment."

"You must know that if it is a supercomputing capacity of 2 billion times, it is completely able to measure all the important data in the overall process of the hx-1 scientific research project we are currently undertaking. This computing power is completely sufficient, and it is also It doesn’t take much time to get the results we want."

"Of course, if the 2.2 emergency plan is initiated, it will definitely have a very big impact on the operation of the Chinese society. I have also thought about this point with the Korean leader, so the Korean leader will go to follow the superior leader. , And China No. 1 middle and senior leaders discussed whether to initiate an emergency plan."

"Now that the South Korean leader has returned, and gave me the expected result, the emergency plan can be launched, so now we are very dominant in China and even the hx-1 scientific research project as a whole. There is enough ability to complete the entire scientific research project."

"Then this incident is of course a very huge good thing for us, and it is also a very exciting thing. I think that although this incident will have a certain impact on the social operation of China, it is for the hx-1 number. It is a very important decision for scientific research projects.".

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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