I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 406 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Only in this way can they really help China go to the world and help China go to the top, and only in this way can the villains who hide in the shadows and use despicable means be truly punished.

Only in this way can they truly feel the power of China, and only then can they have more concerns before the next shot, and can also make those people feel jealous.

This is also the purpose of Professor Lin Yi and the purpose of the upper-level leaders of China. After all, China is now facing a huge crisis. Only after breaking through this crisis can China truly become stronger, and only break through this. Only after the second crisis can China truly go to the world.

To break through the crisis, the most important thing is that the research project team led by Professor Lin Yi, the overall construction task of the hx-1 frame, that is, the computer development work.

Only when this is completed can all of the above be achieved, and only when this is completed can all of the above truly begin.

Lin Yi is very confident about this. As long as the emergency plan is activated, it is very simple for the hx-1 scientific research project to complete all the above.

Even the completion of China's self-developed computer is a relatively simple task for Lin Yi.

Of course, although it depends on whether Professor Liang Zhiwei can return to China as scheduled.

But in general, if Professor Liang Zhiwei returns to China, it will be even more powerful for Lin Yi, and it is also a very good thing for China's self-developed computer.

But no matter how you say it, the overall construction task of the hx-1 frame is still the top priority and the beginning of everything. It can be said that the hx-1 frame is the most basic step and the most important step.

Only by completing this step can you move to the next step faster and complete all the following things. Therefore, it is very important whether the hx-1 frame is built, and it is also very worrying for Lin Yi.

After all, only after completing the hx-1 frame can we complete all the following things, and only after completing the construction of the hx-1 frame, can we be ready for everything. Of course, the premise of all this is Whether to start the emergency plan.

"Don't say that, Professor Lin Yi, we also want to thank you. Without you, the hx-1 frame cannot enter the experiment, and we cannot participate in the overall operation of the hx-1 scientific research project. ¨¨ ."

"At the same time, if the hx-1 framework did not appear without you, it would be a very serious blow for us. We cannot know when we will be able to develop a new framework that can bypass all patented frameworks. ."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"If you really want to say thank you, it should be we thank you. It is because of you that we can participate in the experiment now and we can see the hope of China's self-developed computer."

"At the same time, we can also see China's hope of breaking through this crisis. It is all because of you, Professor Lin Yi, and also because you are leading us all, and then work together to help China through this crisis. Second difficulty."

Professor Li said sincerely that the expression on his face when he looked at Lin Yi was very serious, and there was a hint of enthusiasm in his eyes.

After all, it is precisely because of Lin Yi that everything can be so smooth now.

It is also because of Lin Yi that China can have its current status, and it is precisely because of Lin Yi that they can truly see the hope of China's self-developed computer.

They can also see China’s growing hopes. They believe that as long as they complete the self-research of computers, for China, the future will no longer be a matter, and the difficulties will be solved.

After all, everything now is not that important to China, and only self-developed computers are the most important thing.

After all, this is the age of the Internet. If there is no computer, it will be a devastating blow to a country.

In other words, other countries are progressing, and this country will only continue to retreat, and it will only continue to retreat, and even only if it makes or pays a great price, can it show signs of breakthrough.

And this sign of breakthrough, in their view, is a very desperate breakthrough. After all, if a breakthrough can be achieved once it really has to pay a great price, then for this country, it is also a very desperate breakthrough. bad news.

No one wants to see this scene, and they don't want to hear it happen with their own ears, and they don't want to see it happen with their own eyes. This is something that everyone doesn't want to see, and everyone doesn't want to hear it.

"Yes, Professor Lin Yi wants to say thank you. It is really us, thank you."

"¨〃Okay, I don’t want to repeat it if there are too many. After all, Lao Li has already said it just now. If I say it again, it will be a bit too repetitive. You are too hypocritical. Professor Lin Yi, we should do business next. Up."

Professor Wang looked at Professor Lin Yi with a smile. At this moment, all his thoughts have been put on the next business matter.

At the same time, he also had a strong admiration for Professor Lin Yi. Under this circumstance, Professor Lin Yi could still think of thanking them. This was very moving for his old professor.

But now is obviously not the time for small talk. Now that we have decided to start the emergency plan, we must tell everyone in the entire scientific research team about this matter.

After all, everyone in the entire scientific research project team has the right to know, and they all need to know how much help the hx-1 scientific research project is for the hx-1 scientific research project, or how much help it is for China. It must be known.

If they don't know, it will be unfair to all researchers in the entire scientific research project team.

After all, if they were asked to complete the previous three months' workload without knowing it, and it was still within 10-15 days, they would definitely not understand and would not understand the situation.

"Professor Lin Yi, the top priority now should be to tell everyone in the entire scientific research project team this news."

"Also, you must explain everything to them. After all, if you don't tell them all, I believe someone will definitely stand up against launching the emergency plan."

"At the same time, they will not be sure of your approach, so we must now tell everyone in the entire scientific research team about this matter, but Professor Lin Yi, please rest assured, the three of us will also explain this with you. This matter does not leave everything to you. The three of us are your firm back and your firm supporters!" Yang.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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