I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 409 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

"Professor Lin Yi, what is your purpose for calling us here? The experiment is now underway, and the first phase of the experiment will soon be able to enter the important link. At this time, do you have any important things to do? Announce it?"

An old professor looked at Lin Yi and asked.

His eyes were full of doubts, and his face was full of puzzled expressions.

At the same time, everyone except the three old professors and Han Zhong.

Everyone in the entire scientific research project team looked at Lin Yi with doubts. They didn't know what the purpose of Professor Lin Yi was for calling them.

I don't know why Professor Lin Yi called them here.

Is there something very important that cannot be announced, but what is this very important thing? Or what exactly does Professor Lin Yi want to tell them? They don't know this matter at all.

Lin Yi looked at all the people in the entire scientific research project team, the corner of his mouth twitched and a smile was drawn, then he looked at them and said.

"Dear old professors, researchers, everyone in the entire scientific research project team, my purpose of calling you here today is to announce to you a very important thing, which is about the hx-1 framework and China is very important."

"I hope we can not discuss the experiment for the time being, but only discuss the things I want to explain next. After all, this matter is really too important, and you also need your help."

"Even, all of you need to agree, and I also need to discuss it with you. After all, I can't make the decision on this matter, nor can I alone make the decision on my own, and I must tell you now."

The faces of everyone present became even more puzzled when they heard this, and their expressions when they looked at Lin Yi became even more puzzled.

Immediately after, Lin Yi looked at everyone present without much hesitation, and then continued to speak.

"Everyone knows that the overall construction task of the entire hx-1 scientific research project, our original plan was to be realized within half a year, which is the best result."

"But for me, after my estimation and my rigorous calculations, the time I set for the hx-1 frame is three months, which means that I am confident that I can lead the entire scientific research team It is a prerequisite to complete the construction of the hx-1 frame within three months."

When the words fell, everyone present was taken aback.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

They did not expect that Professor Lin Yi would announce this.

You must know that their original plan is to complete the hx-1 frame within 6 months.

This is already very powerful, and you must know that this is only within half a year, and it is very difficult to complete the hx-1 frame in just half a year.

But unexpectedly, Professor Lin Yi cut this time by half again, which means that the hx-1 scientific research project can be completed within three months.

That is, the overall construction task of the hx-1 frame. They did not think of this at all, and they did not anticipate it at all.

That was three months. After all, it was only three months. In three months, I wanted to build the hx-1 frame.

This matter is a bit weird at first, and it’s a bit too fast. You must know that Professor Lin Yi, although he has passed the simulation experiment, and has come up with a whole set of solutions that will not go wrong, to give all of the scientific research team People’s precious information allows everyone to experiment according to the experimental procedure.

In this way, the efficiency can be greatly improved, and the time can be shortened, but can this thing be done in three months? Or can the hx-1 frame be built within three months?

After all, that is a new type of frame for the hx-1 frame. This thing is a bit too fast.

You know, other countries or other technology companies want to build a framework in a short time.

It also takes at least two years.

Moreover, it took two years to build a framework, which is already very powerful. They did not expect that Professor Lin Yi would directly shorten this time to three months, which made them a little skeptical.

"In three months, can the hx-1 frame be built in three months? Professor Lin Yi, do you really know what you are talking about?"

"It's only three months. It's only three months. Can you really build a framework in three months? And the confidence that Professor Lin Yi said is full of confidence. I seem to believe it a little bit... .."

"No, that’s only three months. Our plan is half a year, but in my opinion, it’s already very impressive to be able to build within half a year. It is also the fastest in the world. Professor Lin Yi said three months. ."

"I think it's boring. After all, three months is still too short. No scientific research project can be completed within three months. You must know that it is a complicated framework program like the hx-1 framework."

"Yes, I think so too. After all, three months is still too short, or is it that Professor Lin Yi is too young and he doesn't have a good measure of the construction of the entire computer framework?"

"I don't think so. Although I know Professor Lin Yi is confident, I also think that three months is too short. It's just that Professor Lin Yi may be too confident. He may not have participated in computer science before. Scientific research projects."

"Yes, after all, the hx-1 frame is the first time that Professor Lin Yi has participated in computer scientific research projects. He may not understand the whole process a bit, or he may not be able to calculate the specific time."

"I think so too. After all, Professor Lin Yi is a bit too young. He may have imagined it better, but there will definitely be problems during the experiment and it cannot be smooth sailing. 2.2"

"I agree, I still think that three months is still too short."

All of a sudden, the crowd began to talk, everyone whispered to each other, what Professor Lin Yi just said, to complete the overall process of the hx-1 scientific research project in three months.

We must know that three months is still too short. They agreed that what Professor Lin Yi said may be a bit biased, or that Professor Lin Yi has not clearly realized the seriousness of the matter, or that Professor Lin Yi has not yet clearly understood the seriousness of the matter. It is not clear how long the entire scientific research project will take.

After all, this is a scientific research project that takes time to build up. It is also a very important scientific research project. It cannot be completed in a short time. If it can be completed in a short time, it can only show that this scientific research project is not particularly important. Research projects. .

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