I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 415 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

"Professors, fellow researchers, listen to me about this matter, Professor Lin Yi has already discussed with me, Professor Wang, and Professor Li for a long time, even including the Korean leader, we Several people chatted together for a long time."

"For the question you raised, we have also brought it up. After all, the overall construction task of the hx-1 scientific research project was completed within 10-15 days. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish."

"It is also a very incredible thing. After all, the time is too short. It is indeed very difficult to complete the hx-1 frame in such a short time."

"However, after our discussions with Professor Lin Yi, we finally found that Professor Lin Yi has arranged everything. He has already arranged all the back roads and possible situations, or that we are in The situation that may be encountered during the experiment, Professor 25 Lin Yi has told us all about it, and it has also explained this matter."

"And what everyone needs to know is that the question you are worried about is whether you can complete the overall construction task of the hx-1 frame at the time of 10-15 days."

"About this matter, we have discussed with Professor Lin Yi before, and the answer given to us by Professor Lin Yi is that the overall construction task of hx-1 can be completed within 10-15 days, but this is It needs a prerequisite."

"The premise is that our entire scientific research project team must unite as one. More than 4,000 people must use all their energy and all their time to build the hx-1 scientific research project and build hx with all their strength. Frame -1. Only in this case can we complete the construction of the frame hx-1 in 10-15 days."

"Although it is possible, it is easier for me to say this, but it is indeed very difficult to do if it is done. After all, if the emergency plan is really launched, Professor Lin Yi will be in 10-15 days , Almost sleepless, fighting on the first line."

"It can be said that he has to devote all his time and all the time he can use to develop the hx-1 framework to coordinate the entire scientific research process."

"In other words, what he has to pay is far more than what we have to pay, and he alone will take on the overall coordination of the overall construction of the hx-1 scientific research project."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"If this is the case, Professor Lin Yi's work will become very tiring. He himself has to devote all his energy and all his efforts, even more than a hundred times more sweat than ours."

"Of course, on this point, Professor Lin Yi said to me very clearly. He said that since the plan to initiate the emergency plan is something he proposed, then he will definitely give everything for this matter. ."

"Put your own efforts, and now the only purpose of Professor Lin Yi's gathering of everyone is that he wants everyone to work together, let everyone help her, and let everyone help him."

"Our entire scientific research project team, with more than 4,000 people from above and below, will help Professor Lin Yi complete the overall construction task of the hx-1 frame, so that China will move towards a brand-new future, and that China will usher in a new chapter and let China's Self-developed computers can successfully come out and go to the world."

"Professor Lin Yi's idea is like this, he himself has already told us very clearly about this matter."

"Moreover, after we discussed with Professor Lin Yi, I, Professor Wang and Professor Li, all three of us decided to support Professor Lin Yi together."

“Even, we must implement the emergency plan by Professor Lin Yi to the end. After all, in our opinion, the emergency plan is indeed a good thing for China.”

"Furthermore, we can only believe that Professor Lin Yi can accomplish this seemingly impossible thing. In other words, if we believe that Professor Lin Yi can create miracles, then Professor Lin Yi must be able to create miracles to show us. ."

"I believe in this very much, and I have always believed in it, because I believe that Professor Lin Yi has this ability, and he can also do it completely."

"So, I choose to believe in Professor Lin Yi. The common choice of the three of us is to believe in Professor Lin Yi. I believe that he can bring a new era to China, that he can lead China to a new chapter, and that he can make China’s self-developed computer field can develop, and I believe that Professor Lin Yi can definitely lead China’s scientific research community and become a well-deserved top research community in the world."

"You know, before that, the miracles that Professor Lin Yi has created for us are too many. The plasma stealth device was created by Professor Lin Yi."

"You know, the plasma stealth device was proposed in the last century, and no one was able to develop it at the time. Even, at one time, people thought that the plasma stealth device was just a hoax, but in the end he was in Professor Lin Yi It’s been developed and successfully applied in the hands of, and even the effect is very good.”

"After that, Professor Lin Yi developed the 095g nuclear submarine. The mission of the 095g nuclear 427 submarine was too much. China's first batch of self-developed nuclear submarines, and even the overall raw materials, did not use any foreign materials. , All are independently developed by China."

"Moreover, even such a 095g nuclear submarine is not far behind. The 095g nuclear submarine is still ranked No. 1 in the world. No nuclear submarine can match the 095g nuclear submarine."

"I won't talk about the Vostok aircraft carrier. After all, the shock that the Vostok aircraft carrier has brought us is even greater."

"These are all miracles created by Professor Lin Yi, and they are all created by Professor Lin Yi. It can be said that these things have been developed for China entirely by himself."

"So, considering these aspects, I think that Professor Lin Yi is completely able to complete the overall construction task of the entire hx-1 frame within 10-15 days."

"After all, Professor Lin Yi has given us a good start, and Professor Lin Yi is also struggling towards a goal not far away. What we can do at this time is to unconditionally support Professor Lin Yi."

"Even, in this case, what we should do best is to trust Professor Lin Yi unconditionally. After all, Professor Lin Yi's words have already reached this point.".

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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