I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 423 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

After hearing Wei Wei's remarks, the reporters at the scene trembled and their eyes widened.

At this moment, they felt from Wei Wei's words that China might really need help, and China really needs the help of hundreds of millions of people from all over China.

After all, China is their motherland and their homeland. Now that their homeland has been hit hard, it is time for them to stand up and protect their homeland.

In the past, China was protecting hundreds of millions of people, but now China, the home they depend on, also needs their own protection.

Immediately afterwards, they immediately lowered their heads and began to write this piece of news, and at the same time, they were also thinking about how to write better wording, and then posted it on the Internet to resonate with everyone.

Hundreds of millions of people in China can truly help China through the difficulties from the heart. No reporter present chooses to ask questions at this time.

They all chose to record all these things silently, and they all chose to stand on China's side resolutely at this moment.

Soon, all the reporters finished their press releases.

They raised their heads one after another and looked at where Wei Wei was.

At this time, Wei Wei watched the reporters stand up and bowed deeply to the camera placed in front of him-said.

"This time, I also ask everyone to show their own strength to help the current China, and I also ask everyone to unite as one to help China tide over this crisis. It is now up to everyone's strength."

"This announcement will end here."

After speaking, Wei Wei straightened up, took the other two presenters, turned and left the venue.

When Wei Wei and the other two presenters left, the reporters who were present also got up, and immediately rushed out of the venue with the fastest speed to transmit the big news back to their TV station as quickly as possible.

This news must be released in a short time, and all people in China must be aware of this matter in the first time. After all, this is a very important matter for China, and it is also an extremely serious matter. Things.

...(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

At the same time, China's largest social platform, Bib.

Soon the official media all released several consecutive news at the same time.

"China's self-developed computer is expected to be available in a short time!"

"The latest news of China's self-developed computer, the emergency plan is about to start!"

"Is it a good thing or a bad thing to complete a self-developed computer with a nationwide effort?"

"China is the time when we need help the most. Please unite and step through this crisis together!"

As soon as these pieces of news came out, they immediately caused an uproar on the Internet.

After all, the news about China's self-developed computers is very capable of attracting the attention of netizens, and it is also a matter that affects the hearts of hundreds of millions of Chinese people.

In any case, China's self-developed calculator is a very important matter, and it is also a matter of great concern to netizens.

Moreover, self-developed computers are too important for China, and it is also a matter that attracts the attention of netizens.

So after these few news were sent out by the official media, netizens all talked about it, and at the same time, they all knew how China's current self-developed computers are progressing.

Immediately because of the appearance of these pieces of news, netizens started a heated discussion.

"What China lacks most now is the launch of self-developed computers. As long as there are self-developed computers, our China will be extremely prosperous."

"As far as which country is the strongest now, it must be China. As far as military strength is concerned, the contribution made by Professor Lin Yi can match any scientific research community in the world, and even many things done by Professor Lin Yi. It is impossible for ordinary people to do it, and even because of Professor Lin Yi, we in China can become such gunshots!"

"Now China is facing the crisis of self-developed computers. I believe that at this time there must be a professor like Professor Lin Yi who will stand up and resolve China's current crisis!"

"What I said upstairs is nothing wrong. Now China's self-developed computer is a very important thing. If the problem of China's self-developed computer can be solved, then our China will not have any more problems, and there will be no more problems. The difficulties can restrain our China."

"Now our home has been invaded by other countries, and we have been hit by other countries' conspiracy and intrigue. We should unite and help China tide over this difficult period. Only in this way can we protect our homeland!"

·· ·····Find flowers····

"I agree that China is now too dependent on supercomputers. It is precisely because of this that the conspiracy of country m can succeed. If our self-developed computer can be developed, then China will no longer be affected. Any persecution of conspiracy and scheming, our China will surely continue to prosper, and it will definitely be able to rank on the top of the world."

"Simply agree, can no longer agree. Now that the research process of self-developed computers is over half, it must not be long before our self-developed computers in China will be able to come out."

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"As soon as it comes out, the crisis in China will be over. As long as we survive this crisis, what are we afraid of?

"That's right, what China needs most now is the advent of self-developed computers. I believe that as long as computers can be successfully developed, China will regain its summit."

"Even all the monsters and monsters are no longer a problem in the eyes of China, but the problem now is whether the computer research work in the second half of the period can proceed smoothly?"

"This is a very important issue and a very arduous task. I think based on China's current technology and the top technology that China currently masters, it is still somewhat difficult for China to do this, at least in the short term. Within time, I think that self-developed computers will take some time to polish, and some time will be needed for them to come out better."

"This is the most important thing. Rather than just finding a computer to develop it, it is useless to develop such a computer, and it will not help China in any way, and it will even drag our country."

"It is true. What China needs most now is indeed a computer. But what we need to do now is precisely because of the computer, which causes us to face huge losses in China every day. But what we need most now is to The computer is good, and the computer must be the best to be able to come out." Knife.

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