I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 430 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

"Our company has all signed up. Our company's size will be relatively large. There are nearly 10,000 computers in the company. All of these 10,000 computers are contributed to China to help the self-developed computer to proceed smoothly."

"We are really happy to be able to help China. After all, China has protected us for so long and nurtured us for so long. It is time to contribute our own strength."

"If one party is in difficulty, all parties will support. In this case, China will not help other countries. We must stick to our hearts. We must choose to help China tide over our difficulties.

"If we don't help China anymore, then no one will help China in this world. Only we are China's last arms, and China will be our last harbor. So everyone hurry up to sign up and contribute your own. Computer!"

"We must not disappoint the senior leaders of China, and we must not disappoint the 25 team of the self-developed computer science research team. We must let the world know and everyone knows how strong our Chinese nation is."

"How unity is the unity of our Chinese people. In this world, China is our motherland, our country, and our mother. Our mother is in trouble. We must not stand idly by. Please sign up as soon as possible. what!"

"Already signed up and contributed 10 computers!"

"I shut down my mine, I can contribute more than 100 computers in total, maybe not many, but this is part of my strength, I can only contribute so much!"

"I also contributed my computer. I hope everything goes well, and I also hope that China can tide over this difficult time smoothly."

"Our China cannot be overthrown so easily, and our China cannot be overthrown so easily. We must continue to be strong. We must fight against country m. We must let the group of people from country m. I know, we Chinese people, we China, are not easy to mess with!"

"Everyone is working hard, so I will also contribute my own strength. China will always be strong and prosperous. I firmly believe this. China will also be more prosperous. Through this difficult period, the future will be bright. Bright, as long as we can get through this difficult time, then we will definitely get the reward we deserve next!"

Soon, netizens started intense discussions on this matter, but at this moment, no one wanted to discuss whether the emergency plan would have a huge impact on China.

In other words, it is time to have a huge impact on the overall operation of China's society.

What they are thinking now is whether they can convene 400 million computers. After all, this is such an arduous task set out by China's senior management.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

If 400 million computers can be assembled, it can only show that the people of China are truly united and cohesive enough to accomplish even this difficult task.

If it is not convened, the final result will be disappointing, and even the top executives of China will be disappointed, and those who have contributed to them will be very disappointed.

At this time, as more and more people contributed their own computers to help China's self-developed computer in the overall experimental process.

The registration link was also urgently repaired in the background. At the same time, the registration link has been filed, and the number of computers contributed by it has reached an astonishing 50 million!

It took only 10 minutes for China to convene 50 million computers, and 50 million computers have been convened in just 10 minutes!

After all, this is 50 million computers. Although there is still a long way to go before the task, it has already been summoned to 1/8.

Within 10 minutes, 1/8 has been convened, which shows how strong the cohesion of the Chinese people and the unity of the Chinese people is.

Or how powerful their beliefs are, and how powerful are their firm ideas that they want to help China complete the path of self-developed computers.

This is the unity of the Chinese people and the cohesion of the Chinese people. At this moment, it truly embodies the strength of China, and it also embodies the country's conviction.

For this matter, only China can do it.

But this 50 million is not the final number of registrations. It was just a short 10 minutes before the 50 million computers have been officially transferred.

At the same time, the number of these 50 million computers is constantly increasing and doubling.

The people of China, as well as some companies and individuals in China, are all contributing their computers to make their due contributions to China.

At the same time, a series of official media, as well as a group of very influential media in China, have started to transfer the computer, and they broadcast news 24 hours a day.

"In just 10 minutes, 50 million computers have signed up, and 50 million in 10 minutes. This is the best expression of the unity and cohesion of the Chinese people!"

"I am so strong in China. Only China can achieve such an amazing speed! 50 million units in 10 minutes, don’t underestimate it, only 433 is 50 million computers. This is an important performance that the Chinese people are concerned about China. It is also an important manifestation that the Chinese people want to contribute to China!"

"There are 60 million computers. Within 15 minutes, China has registered and contributed more than 60 million computers. What an amazing speed!"

"With such an astonishing number of 60 million computers, it took only 15 minutes for China to convene!"

"Moreover, this number is still growing. It is very likely that within the next five minutes, it will exceed 70 million units and 80 million units, and it may even exceed 100 million units!"

"Such an astonishing speed, such an astonishing number, and in such a short period of time, China has set one after another world record China, and it also lets everyone in the world know how much their people's cohesion is in the unity of their people. Powerful!"

"The power of the people is the most powerful. As the old saying goes, water can carry and overturn the boat. From this we can see how powerful the people are. The supercomputer is enough to see the power of the Chinese people. The cohesion of China, the strong unity, and the firm determination of everyone to make a contribution of their own to China!".

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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