I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 436 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

"If we just want to prevent China from researching self-developed computers, I think it would be a better way to leave Professor Liang Zhiwei temporarily, but if we want to lose their military strength, I think Don’t take this approach."

"In general, no matter which method is used, we can achieve our goal of preventing China from completing self-developed computers, but now what we need to discuss is how to maximize China’s self-developed computers. The computer matter is put under pressure."

"It is absolutely impossible for China to study and understand the self-developed computer. After all, if China develops a self-developed computer, the loss to our country m will be the greatest."

"Our country m will be the ultimate loser, and even we indirectly contributed to China's success in the computer field."

"In general, everything we are doing now is for the consideration of country m, and it is also paving the way for the rapid development of our country m, so we cannot allow China to develop its own computer research in any way. The project is ready for research!"

Jackson said seriously.

At this moment, he fully understands what the current country m needs, or what the current country m needs to do.

After all, in general, the only huge problem facing country m is that China’s current military strength or economic level will already surpass that of country m.

If China is to be further attacked without the use of computers, then China will definitely be able to surpass country m and become the world's strongest country in a short period of time in the future.

You must know that their country m became the world's strongest country, and it also spent a lot of energy, spent a lot of money and various ways to become the world's military power.

Has also become the most powerful country in the world.

But if China in such a short period of time only took a few years to complete the foundation they have completed for decades, or even hundreds of years, then it would appear that their country m is too wasteful, or It is said that China's development is too rapid.

Under such rapid development, China is likely to continue to maintain. If China can continue to maintain, then in general it will not be a good thing for their country m.

It will only be a particularly bad thing.

After all, what they are doing now is to preserve the status of country m and to consider the future development of country m.

They cannot allow China to develop so quickly, nor can they allow China to step on their heads.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

After all, once China becomes the most powerful country in the world, a series of fields of their country m, even economy and military, and their status in the world will suffer a huge blow.

After all, a large part of the reason why their country m can have today's achievements and status is due to the fact that country m is a military power.

They can sell their arms to other countries, and country m has a large number of allies.

With the help of these allies, or with the support of these allies, country m has its current status.

Only now has the current economic and military power.

If China replaces country m as the strongest country in the world, then these allies of country m, or countries that want to attach themselves to country m, will immediately turn to embrace China.

And this matter has already begun. According to Jackson’s observations, or according to the information obtained by Jackson, there are already a part of the Allies, whether they are dependent on China or M. This matter has been shaken. Or maybe they are now considering whether to abandon country m and turn their heads to rely on China.

The reason why they don't rely on China now is mainly because China's self-developed computer has not yet been completed.

In other words, China’s current self-developed computer has always been an urgent matter for China. As long as China can complete the self-developed computer in a short period of time, Jackson believes that these allies will definitely turn around and attach to China in the first place.

After all, China would definitely become the strongest country in the world at that time, and at this time, they, the second country in the world, would have no value at all.

Even China has already embraced many countries before, and has good relations with many countries, if China becomes the world's strongest country again.

Then it is almost impossible for their country m to regain the position of the world's strongest country.

In general, I want to rely on my own strength to make China suffer, or if they want to consolidate their position, they can only rely on the computer to block this matter.

Only by temporarily staying Professor Liang Zhiwei in country m can the completion of China's self-developed computer be prevented in time.

Otherwise, they can only ask for help from other countries and join forces with other countries. Only in this way can they have a ray of vitality.

However, they have not yet reached the point where life and death are at stake, nor have they reached the point where they must unite with other countries.

After all, it is still possible to do some things by relying on their country m, and it is also possible to make some changes.

However, at the beginning of these changes, in Jackson's view, blocking related patents in the computer field was completely controllable.

But just now, he now feels that this matter has become more and more uncontrollable, and China's self-developed computer research process has gradually developed beyond his expectations.

This is a very terrible thing, and it is also something Jackson never dared to think about.

In general, China's self-developed computer is not only related to the future development of China, but also to the future development of country m.

As well as the future development of any country in the world, this matter is closely related to it. Jackson saw it very clearly, and he also knew it very well.

Therefore, he now urgently wants to know how to rely on the power of country m to prevent China from completing its self-developed computer.

China must not be completed. Once the self-developed computer is completed, it will bring the end of their country m to the public.

At this moment, a military lieutenant stood up and looked at Jackson, speaking in a solemn voice.

"¨〃Master Jackson, I have a good method here¨¨!"

"My method can not only imprison Professor Liang Zhiwei in our country m, but also allow the negotiation team to take Professor Liang Zhiwei away, and everything we designed on the high seas can be carried out as usual!".

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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