I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 447 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

"You are right. This is what we need to do most now. We must not let China think that the exercise preparations we have made in advance are these things for them."

"We must do a good job of confidentiality, and we must let anyone in China know. Once we let them know, our entire plan will end in complete failure."

Jackson looked at Bruce and nodded heavily.

He very much agrees with everything Bruce said, and it is true. If China's negotiation team sees that they are conducting exercises, they will definitely be involuntarily suspicious.

Therefore, they must announce a time period for the exercise, that is, during this period of time, during the time when China's negotiation team arrives, they will not conduct the exercise.

Nor will they intervene in any matter. Only in this way can they be able to show their sincerity, which means that they can relax their vigilance and enter the trap they set in advance.

If you want to do this well, it is a very important thing and a very important thing.

After all, in this case, if they want to have all of them, country m must deal with these details. Anything in the details may lead to the failure of the whole plan, and it may also lead to everyone's efforts. , Will be in vain.

443   At this point, Jackson is very careful, and he is also very concerned.

In any case, this plan must be implemented normally and smoothly. He can't let anyone see these flaws, nor can more people know about it.

After all, the fewer people who know about this matter, the better. This is not a good thing, although it is a good thing for their country m.

But once the plan is leaked, the impact will be huge. It can be said to be bigger. Then everything they are doing now, their calculations, and all their efforts will be transformed into Bubbles, in the end, they will not be able to do all of this anymore.

At this time, after hearing what Jackson said, Bruce nodded in agreement and continued.

"Master Jackson, this is indeed the case. What we have to do is to ensure that the plan is not leaked out as much as possible, and our exercises should be controlled within a certain range as much as possible."

"Resolutely, we can't let China see any clues. In any case, we have always maintained a form that China wants to pick up Professor Liang Zhiwei, then we agree and we agree."

"And we will not threaten them, as long as we can do this well, then it is the most successful part of the plan for us."

"As for the follow-up problems, I think they will also solve them perfectly. After all, in this case, their first idea is definitely to bring Professor Liang Zhiwei back to China."

"Help them complete the self-developed computer, this is a not easy path."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"And we are helping them complete this not easy path, but there is one more point. I think we need to pay attention, Master Jackson."

"I think we must show that we are very embarrassed on the way of negotiations, but we still have to hand over this state of Professor Liang Zhiwei to them."

"Only in this way can they be more convinced that Professor Liang Zhiwei is real and that Professor Liang Zhiwei is not fake, so that they will not think about other places, and we will not do anything bad to them. ."

"Only by letting them believe that we are sincere and sincere, we have no bad intentions, only in this way can they be fooled more easily, and the traps we set up in advance can be put to use. ."

At this moment, after hearing Bruce's words, Jackson nodded, then he looked at Bruce and waved his hand.

"Okay, go down and make preparations. This matter will be discussed here for the time being. Remember that all the details must be perfected. There must be no loopholes. You must not have any place for them to see the clues. ."

"Master Jackson, please rest assured to me. I will do everything well, and there will be no loopholes."

Bruce stood up, raised his hand in salute, and looked at Jackson.

At this moment, Bruce's eyes are full of firmness. He absolutely wants to do everything well, and he must do this thing perfectly.

And, we must make them pay the price they deserve.

After all, their country M has always suffered a lot from this kind of thing, and it has embarrassed them very much.

It can be said that in the past few years, the blows they have endured, the pressure on fishing vessels they have suffered, and the sudden internal conflicts have all been intensified to the extreme.

In this case, they are very eager to help themselves through some means and means to escape this crisis.

Only in this way can they better meet the bright future that truly belongs to their country m, and only in this way can they be better able to accomplish what they have been doing in their hearts, and also be able to better help themselves and move towards a better future. Brilliant future.

While speaking, Bruce left the meeting room.

At this time, only Jackson was left in this conference room. He stayed in his seat with a calm expression on his face.

In his eyes, the dark eyes were like a calm lake, calm.

But when you look deeper, you can see the calm lake surface, but there are silky waves, like a turbulent wave, the scene that is about to come.

At this time, Jackson felt this way. All the peace now will be the peace on the eve of the storm, and it will be their last chance for Country M.

If you want country m to prosper, and if you want to take this opportunity to turn around, there is only this road left.

Only the current road is left.

To complete all of this, Jackson has to make more preparations and a series of preparations. Only in this way can it be ensured that the whole thing cannot be discussed and completed successfully.

There can be no accidents in the whole plan, which Jackson is very important to.

Once there is any accident, then those who are waiting for him and those who are waiting for Country M will be wiped out.

Even if they don't firmly seize this opportunity, it is possible that in the future, he will not have any more opportunities.

They also don't want to have any chance to make a comeback. He must firmly grasp this opportunity.

Thinking of this, Jackson narrowed his eyes and looked forward, not knowing what he was thinking about...

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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