I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 453 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

They don't want to rest now, nor dare to rest. Although their state is not the best physical state, the firmness in their hearts is the strongest now.

After all, they have just received all the basic training and are about to carry out this final step of training.

They dare not relax, and they don't want to waste any time, they just want to be at their best moments when they are at their peak.

To complete the firm ideas in their hearts is also to complete the dreams that have been in their hearts.

After hearing the words of the five backup pilots, Zhao Bing nodded with satisfaction. He just wanted such a soldier, that is, he wanted to answer this resolutely.

Because in his opinion, if these five backup drivers choose to rest at this time, they will completely fail his trust and the trust of their superiors.

These five backup drivers are among the elite selected from hundreds of thousands of drivers.

They can only achieve their goals by constantly sprinting and forging ahead, but if they choose to rest once they choose to stop, then this is completely for them, for China, and even for everyone. Not a good thing.

After all, rest will make them slack, and it will also make them a kind of inertia that they want to continue to rest~.

People are lazy, so once they choose to rest in this situation, it is very likely that in the next stage of training, they will think-to be lazy.

Or they will relax. This situation is-totally impossible.

Although this situation is basically impossible for these five backup drivers, but in order to avoid this situation from happening.

Zhao Bingyou still feels that if they must choose to rest, they will have only five backup drivers, and they will face the final decision, which may even affect whether they can become official drivers.

So, now after hearing the loud answers of these five backup drivers.

Zhao Bingyou was very satisfied with their answers, and couldn't help but add a compliment to their five backup pilots again.

In general, the performance of the five backup drivers from the very beginning, when they first arrived at the training base, or until now, after the entire basic training has been completed.

Zhao Bing was very satisfied with their performance in the final training in advance, and they all felt very much that these five backup drivers really have the potential to become full-fledged drivers.

They can really be called official drivers.

At this moment, Zhao Bingyou looked at the five backup pilots and said with a smile.

"Very well, in that case, you immediately start the next stage of training!"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Then, Zhao Bing turned his head, looked at the staff on the side, and said in a solemn voice.

"Now prepare for the next stage of training immediately, and be sure to complete all training within these two days!"

"I'll give you an indicator. Within these two days, these five backup drivers must be trained to become official drivers. If this goal is not achieved, then all of you will be punished!"

"This matter can't tolerate the slightest consideration. After all, the time is too late. We must seize all the time, seize everything, and use the time to complete this matter. We must train official drivers!"

Zhao Bing has said that in these two days, the five backup drivers have completed the training level of becoming a full-fledged driver.

Moreover, if they fail to complete it within two days, they will be punished. This statement is true.

If these staff, and these five backup drivers, really cannot complete the final training within two days.

Then it means that all the staff and the five drivers did not put all their energy and sweat to complete this matter.

After all, when all the staff are on the battlefield, and the five backup drivers are working hard, it is very easy to complete the entire training within two days.

It is also a very simple matter, Zhao Bing believes that as long as this matter is to be completed, it will definitely be completed.

Moreover, there is one more thing, that is, there is really not much time left for their training base.

·· ·····Find flowers····

Everyone is watching their actions, and they are also waiting for their actions.

At this moment, whether the five backup drivers in the training base can become official drivers in a short period of time is a top priority.

It is also the beginning and node that affects everything. In general, they must be completed in a short time.

This is everyone’s hope and everyone’s expectation, and we can’t wait any longer.

If you continue to wait, there will be other obstacles to the unevenness.

It is also possible that other unpredictable risks will exist. Therefore, under the current circumstances, they must seize all the time and do their best to do this thing firmly.

.... .... .......

Only in this way can they better complete the tasks assigned by their superiors, do them better, do everything to their best, and present everything as perfectly as possible to everyone.

At this time, after receiving the order from Commander Zhao Bingyou, all the staff present and the five spare pilots all had a serious expression.

Looking at Zhao Bingyou commander in unison, everyone raised their hands at this moment and gave a standard military salute to Commander Zhao Bingyou.

"Commander Zhao rest assured, we must put out all our energies and make all our efforts, and we must live up to Commander Zhao's expectations, and we must live up to the expectations of superiors, and we will guarantee the completion of the task!"

At this time, hearing the replies of these people, Zhao Bing nodded with satisfaction, then he looked at the staff on the side and said softly.

"Then let's start, don't waste a minute and a second, any time is very precious to us now, we must seize all the time and complete what I have ordered as soon as possible!"


After speaking, the staff on the side immediately began preparations.

The five backup drivers also immediately entered the ready state.

Next, they will go to the cabin of the Mecha Mecha for piloting missions.

This is very critical, and it is what they have always dreamed of. Knife.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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