I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 455 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Upon hearing this staff member's words, the expression on Lin Yi's face suddenly changed.

At the same time, he was also very excited. After all, the emergency plan to be launched now is what he has been looking forward to.

After all, as long as the emergency plan is launched now, the scientific research project of the hx-1 frame can be carried out smoothly.

This is what they have always wanted to do, and what they have always wanted to accomplish. With the help of the emergency plan, it can be done logically.

For Lin Yi, this is definitely something that excites him very much.

At this time, Lin Yi's eyes widened with excitement in his eyes. He looked at the staff member and asked loudly.

"What you said is true?"

The staff nodded heavily and looked at Professor Lin Yi's eyes, which were also shining.

The expression on his face now is very excited, very excited.

After all, the matter of launching an emergency plan is a very important matter for the entire scientific research project team and everyone present. It is also a crucial matter.

Only when emergency plan 25 is activated, then their next plans can proceed smoothly.

As long as they can complete the overall construction task of the hx-1 scientific research project, what kind of effort they have to put in, how much sweat they have to put in, it is all right.

After all, building the hx-1 frame is the most important thing for them at the moment.

Similarly, this is what they most want to do right now.

As long as the hx-1 frame can be built, as long as this historic step can be completed, China's self-developed computer can continue to move forward until the self-developed computer can be fully completed.

"In this way, in other words, the activation of the emergency plan will be completed soon! Now we are preparing to integrate the computers, and I believe that the integration will be completed after a while!"

"At that time, our entire project team will be able to use the emergency plan, we will be able to accomplish what we have always wanted to do, and we will be able to achieve the task of building the hx-1 frame, shortening the extremely long time!"

The staff said very excitedly.

At this moment, his face was also filled with an excited smile, after all, he was also a member of the entire scientific research project team.

He also wants to make the hx-1 frame faster.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

After all, if it can be built, then the crisis China is facing now can be resolved to a certain extent, and at the same time, China's overall strength can be strengthened.

At this time, after Lin Yi heard the staff's words, the expression on his face changed again.

Then, he said with a trembling tone.

"Well, I already know the matter, you immediately notify everyone, speed up the preparation work, everyone prepares, and welcome the start of the emergency plan!"

He is very excited now.

"Yes! Professor Lin Yi!" the staff member said excitedly.

After speaking, he turned around and walked into various laboratories. He wanted to pass the good news to everyone present.

He also needs to pass this news to everyone in the entire scientific research project team. He wants everyone to know that the emergency plan is about to start, and what they have always wanted to do is about to be completed.

Lin Yi looked at the back of the staff member leaving, and he was very excited now.

As long as the emergency plan can be initiated, it will be a happy event for everyone in the entire scientific research project team.

They are also doing planning work for this matter now, of course, his mood now is completely different from before he heard the news.

Before that, he had not learned that the 400 million computers needed to start the emergency plan had been called up.

Moreover, when the news that these 400 million computers were being integrated, he was still full of expectations.

After all, to start the emergency plan now, 400 million computers need to be summoned. At that time, there were 20 million meters left that were not summoned.

Although the number is small, he is also a little nervous.

After all, he knows that it is relatively easy for China to gather all these computers, not to mention that there are only the last 20 million computers left to gather.

These 20 million computers are relatively easy for China to convene, but even so, he can't help but feel a little apprehensive, and it can even be said that he has some expectations.

But now the news gathered by the computer has reached his ears, and the integration is already in progress.

His current mood has changed tremendously. He feels that the scientific research project hx-1 is about to start.

In other words, the hx-1 frame is about to be completed, anyway, as long as the emergency plan is activated, they want to build the hx-1 frame, it will be a very easy thing to do.

As long as Lin Yi can control the whole process of building the hx-1 frame, then this matter can be completed smoothly and can be achieved very smoothly.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi was even more excited, even he immediately lifted his steps and walked in the direction of the general laboratory.

Soon, I came to the door of the main laboratory. At this time, more than 450 old professors in the main laboratory, as well as Professor Cai, and everything Han Zhong, were waiting in the laboratory.

At this moment, these old professors, as well as Han Zhong, and Professor Cai, are discussing preparations, and they are also making corresponding preparation plans, as well as perfecting all the details after the emergency plan is launched.

Their division of labor is very good. At the very beginning, Professor Lin Yi led the formulation of the entire test plan.

Or in other words, Professor Lin Yi is the leader of the entire project. He will formulate the entire plan and the general time flow. After these have been worked out.

Then the details of the follow-up plan, and all the things that need to be formulated, require their old professors, as well as the general manager of the project, Han Zhong, to formulate the details and continuously improve the details.

As long as some details are perfected, the preparations are all prepared, and then the emergency plan is initiated, it will be a very smooth matter.

After starting the emergency plan, the overall experiment process will not be too different, and there will not even be too much deviation.

This is a good thing for everyone involved in the entire scientific research project.

Only in this way can it be ensured that the overall experiment process will not be damaged, will not be affected, and can be completed smoothly. .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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