I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 460 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

At this moment, all the old professors and researchers came to the front of Professor Lin Yi, and at the same time their eyes looked at Professor Lin Yi with great enthusiasm.

"Professor Lin Yi, you don't have to thank us, this is all your own actions, and you have won our trust in you."

"At the same time, we are not just trusting you unconditionally. We are only deeply touched by your spirit and everything you do. That's why we do such a thing."

"Professor Lin Yi, if you really want to thank us, then lead us all to help China tide over this difficulty, build the hx-1 frame, and complete the great task of China's self-developed computer!"

"That's right, Professor Lin Yi still needs you to lead us in all subsequent experimental procedures. If you lead us, then we will definitely go further and complete the great road of China's self-developed computer. !"

The old professors around, as well as the researchers, all looked at Professor Lin Yi and said with excitement.

They know that everything that Professor Lin Yi is doing now is for the good of China and for the consideration of scientific research projects.

So they will not be stingy with their compliments at this time.

At the same time, they also admired Professor Lin Yi from the bottom of their hearts. After all, they saw everything that Professor Lin Yi did.

They also really admire this junior in front of them. If things are placed on them, they don't dare to imagine that they can be like Professor Lin Yi.

At this time, Lin Yi was very moved after hearing what these old professors and researchers said.

At the same time, he also felt that the group of old professors and researchers around him were so cute and so admirable.

It is the unwavering confidence of these old professors and researchers, or their firm belief, that helped China get to where it is today.

This group of talents is truly worthy of admiration, as well as a group of truly lovely people.

At this time, Lin Yi's heart was very touched, watching these old professors say from the heart.

"I am here to thank the professors and researchers for their support. There are still about two hours left before the emergency plan is launched."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"We must complete the preparatory work during this period of time, and at the same time, according to my previous arrangements, we need to assign some people to start the experiment process of the hx-1 frame, so I would like to thank all the old professors in advance. And the support of all the researchers!"

After Lin Yi said this sentence, the surrounding old professors and a group of researchers all showed bright smiles. Now that the emergency plan is about to start, they are very excited and excited.

Immediately you can see the start of the emergency plan, and immediately a supercomputer with no less than the peak-to-peak calculation capability of the Sunway Taihu Light will be added to their overall construction task of the hx-1 frame.

This incident is very encouraging for them, and it is also very exciting for them.

So after hearing what Professor Lin Yi said, they also felt from the bottom of their hearts that the crisis in China could really be resolved, and they also saw the hope.

At this time, Lin Yi looked at the expressions of these old professors, and knew what they were thinking in their hearts, and naturally understood their true thoughts.

Lin Yi looked at these old professors and said with a smile.

"In this case, the professors and researchers also ask you to help me. Without further ado, let's start preparing immediately. Time is waiting for no one. We must complete the task of building the hx-1 frame as soon as possible!"

Saying this, Lin Yi raised his hand and shouted.

"So in the next period of time, I would like to ask all the old professors and researchers to support me in all aspects. We must surrender to China’s superior leaders and all the people in China. The most satisfactory answer sheet!"

Upon hearing this, the old professors and researchers present all felt enthusiastic.

After all, they now sincerely feel that everything is developing for the better, and even they are now facing the launch of an emergency plan, to see the great event of China's self-developed computer officially landed.

Their mood is now hard to describe in words, and they are also full of hope for China's self-developed computer.

"Professor Lin Yi is right. It shouldn’t be too late. Let’s start preparing immediately. The emergency plan is about to be launched. We can’t hold back. Now every second is money, even more than money. Much more important!"

"Yeah, we can't keep on dragging it any longer, and immediately tidy up all the details and prepare for the arrival of the supercomputer, everyone!"

"Old folks, we have to devote all our energy and all our sweat to assist Professor Lin Yi in completing the overall construction task of the hx-1 frame. We can't live up to the superiors and all the donations The expectations of the Chinese people with their own computers!"

The old professors and researchers said sincerely, and their faces were filled with joyful smiles.

Bi 453, in any case, they have now entered the stage of preparing for the battle. It can be said that in the next period of time, they have to use their residual heat and make all the energy and sweat of their entire life to complete one. Something they have always wanted to do.

At the same time, they must not disappoint their superiors and the Chinese people behind the 400 million computers. They must not disappoint them and they must not disappoint everyone's expectations.

Rao is that the burden on their shoulders is very heavy now, even the responsibilities they bear are also very huge.

It can be said that this kind of responsibility is enough to crush people, but this matter does not exist for them. They are able to withstand this kind of pressure, and they are able to withstand this sense of responsibility.

Linyi watched these old professors raise their hands, clapped their hands and said loudly.

"Old professors, researchers, let's start preparing immediately. Time is not waiting, gogogo, we are running out of time now!"

After Lin Yi said these words, all the old professors present raised their hands and cheered enthusiastically.

At the same time, they acted immediately to make preparations. They must complete the preparations in a short time and prepare for the arrival of the supercomputer. .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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