I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 464 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present and the scientific researcher were all taken aback.

They did not expect that the punishment given by Professor Lin Yi was so light, and they did not expect that Professor Lin Yi did not fire the scientific researcher or scold him or beat him. He just told him very plainly for three days. Assessment period.

Look at his performance during these three days. If the performance is not good, then the scientific researcher will be immediately fired and he will be deprived of everything at the same time.

The researcher was also shocked suddenly and looked up at Professor Lin Yi. Even he himself did not expect that Professor Lin Yi would face this kind of things so generously that he would not be fired.

Thinking of this researcher here, he immediately looked at Professor Lin Yi with shame.

"Professor Lin Yi, what you said is true?"

Lin Yi nodded and said again.

"It's true, you must give me a good performance in the next three days, but remember that no mistakes can happen."

"No problem, no problem, Professor Lin, I will definitely put out 100% of my energy and memorize the entire scientific research process. I will definitely not make the same mistake again. Thank you Professor Lin Yi."

The scientific researcher's voice was sobbing, and he was a little bit silent now.

After all, he made such a mistake, but it was a very big mistake. If he was expelled in other laboratories, it would be the best punishment for him. After all, he really couldn't bear the consequences of this matter.

However, Professor Lin Yi only gave him a three-day observation period and did not let him make the same mistake, or let him make any mistakes. This punishment is already very light.

But at this moment, Lin Yi raised his head and looked at everyone present, and said in a solemn voice.

"The mistakes made by this scientific researcher are huge, and the losses we have caused are beyond our means."

"But I gave him such a light punishment, and it was not because I was good at talking, nor was it because I was good-tempered. I just want to tell you one thing."

"Now the hx-No. 1 framework is about to go on track, and the supercomputer is about to be handed over. In this case, I don't want any accidents.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"But after the accident, the first solution we have to think of is to solve the accident and minimize the loss as much as possible. This is what we should do."

"And there is one more thing. I punished this researcher so lightly. That also means that the current situation is indeed too anxious. Everyone is working hard on the front line. In this case, mistakes are also made. inevitable."

"But after this time, I hope you can teach me a long time. I hope you can remember this lesson well. You can't make the same mistake again, and you can't do the same thing before doing anything. , You must report to me. This is a necessary condition."

"So the mistake made by this scientific researcher is certainly very serious, but in this case it is difficult to guarantee that the same thing will not happen, but this kind of thing only needs to happen once."

"Since this researcher has already made a mistake, then I believe he will definitely put out 100% of his energy in the subsequent experimental process, but please also supervise this researcher for me, as long as he Make mistakes again and again, then I will never allow mistakes again."

"And I also hope that you can supervise each other. We should take lessons from this scientific researcher's lesson."

There are two reasons why Lin Yi did not punish this researcher excessively.

The first one is that the scientific researcher entered the value when he was very anxious. Anyway, the mistakes made by this researcher were huge.

But in this case, it is difficult for someone to avoid making mistakes, so he chose to temporarily punish him lightly, and settle accounts with the researcher after the experiment.

After all, it is the time of hiring people. If the punishment is too severe at this time, it will only make everyone present feel invisible pressure.

At this time, everyone's nerves are already very tight. If you use tough methods at this time, it will only make everyone's tight nerves tense again.

It can be said that there are not too many people who can devote themselves to the entire experiment. This is a very bad thing for the construction of the framework, and it is also an unacceptable thing.

At least for the current framework construction experiment, it is something that Lin Yi cannot tolerate...

And the second reason is his trust in this researcher.

After some people have made a mistake, then he will be very careful the second time and will definitely not make the same mistake again.

This is a human instinct as well as a human instinct, so he chooses to believe that this scientific researcher will definitely work hard in the days to come, and will definitely improve his energy and not let himself make the same mistake again.

Therefore, based on the above two reasons, Lin Yi believes that it is not appropriate to impose excessive punishment on them at this time. Of course, he must be held accountable after the experiment is over.

After hearing Lin Yi's words, everyone present was shocked.

They knew that everything that Professor Lin Yi did was for the entire experiment, as well as for the entire scientific research project.

They also know the feelings of Professor Lin Yi very well, and they also know the feelings of Professor Lin Yi very well. They choose to understand Professor Lin Yi.

After all, in this situation, Professor Lin Yi has to undertake more tasks than them, and even more pressure than them.

Therefore, the punishment for this researcher was too light, and they were able to guess what Professor Lin Yi was thinking.

They are also very familiar with Professor Lin Yi's mood at the moment, and at the same time, their hearts are firm at 2.2. They must not make mistakes in the subsequent experiments, and no mistakes can happen.

At least, they can't let people around them, or old professors, and other scientific researchers help them bear the consequences. This is a very selfish behavior.

At this moment, Professor Li looked at Professor Lin Yi and said.

"Professor Lin Yi, what should we do now? Do we want to communicate with the superiors about this matter to delay the docking time of the supercomputer a little bit later?"

At this moment, Lin Yi waved a big hand, looked at everyone present, and said in a solemn voice.

"You don't need to proceed with the handover time as usual. All of you immediately tell the follow-up preparation staff, tell everyone, continue to prepare for all the next matters, I will deal with the matter here, and the restoration of the data will be handed over to me.".

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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