I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 479 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

For a while, all the researchers in the entire first laboratory, as well as the old professors, stared at the computer screen one after another, without looking away for a moment, staring at the computer screen in front of them intently, constantly tapping. The code is written line by line, representing the code of the repair program.

At this moment, they have only one idea in their minds, and that is to complete all the details as soon as possible, make all the preparations, and let the data repair process complete as soon as possible.

They can't live up to Professor Lin Yi's continuous efforts, nor can they live up to Professor Lin Yi.

Within a few minutes, the framework of the repair procedure was completed, and this effort was under this situation.

They can only do their best to complete the things that Professor Lin Yi ordered faster and better. Only in this way can they ensure that their hearts are not condemned.

After all, Professor Lin Yi has done better. Although they said, they cannot surpass Professor Lin Yi.

It is also impossible to surpass Professor Lin Yi, let alone to be able to complete all the work in just a few minutes like Professor Lin Yi.

However, they can only do their best and can only make themselves complete the task faster and better. Only in this way can they live up to the task that Professor Lin Yi just ordered.

After all, now Professor Lin Yi has done this, and they have to keep up and follow the pace of Professor Lin Yi to complete this task, which made them feel very difficult at the beginning.

However, it is precisely because of the joining of Professor Lin Yi that they are now full of confidence in this task.

They felt that as long as Professor Lin Yi took the lead, they would be able to complete this arduous task in the shortest possible time within the stipulated time.

After all, they are led by Professor Lin Yi, and they are completely capable of doing it.

Now everyone’s faith has become Professor Lin Yi, and everyone’s confidence comes from Professor Lin Yi.

It can be said that Professor Lin Yi has now become their soul sustenance and a figure like their leader.

Under the leadership of Professor Lin Yi, they are absolutely confident that they can complete this seemingly impossible task, and they are also absolutely confident that they can create miracles and allow the supercomputer to be smoothly connected to the experiment.

It is with this belief and it is with this belief that they have done a very good job in perfecting the details, it can be said that they have done it very quickly.

Because they cannot fail anyone, and they dare not fail anyone at all.

After all, in this case, there is only this they can do. They can only do their best and do their best to do all this and perfect everything.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

As time passed by, everyone present, the old professors, and researchers, all became nervous and busy.

They want, in the shortest possible time, to complete the enrichment of the details of the repair procedure and to do the tasks assigned by Professor Lin Yi.

This is their mission and what they must do.

After all, in any case, what they are doing now is for the entire scientific research project, for China, and even for each of them, and for everyone.

Soon, one minute, two minutes, three minutes...

Time is quietly passing by when they are constantly busy without knowing it.

Even, they don't have much feeling themselves. After all, they are all busy and can't feel the passage of time.

At this moment, a scientific researcher suddenly raised his hand to look at and shouted to Professor Li.

"Professor Li, my details are complete and I have entered them all. Now I will send them to you. Please receive them."

After speaking, the scientific researcher immediately started operating on the computer in front of him, his eyes full of excitement.

His face was full of excitement, because he knew that he was the first person to complete all the details.

At the same time, he was also the first person to complete his own tasks. He is now very proud and very excited, precisely because he is the first person to complete these tasks.

Although, this job is relatively simple.

After all, he has Professor Lin Yi, and Professor Li to give him the bottom line, to set the framework for him, to set the detailed direction for him, and so on, all aspects.

He only needs to enter the code he wants to enter, but in the eyes of this scientific researcher, it is not easy for him to achieve this kind of achievement...

After all, what he entered was the fastest and the fastest to complete these things. In general, he was very proud of his heart. After all, no one else had completed it, only he had completed it.

When Professor Li heard these words, the expression on his face suddenly changed, and a flash of joy flashed in his eyes.

When he heard this sentence, he looked down at the time in the lower right corner of the computer. Three minutes had passed.

In these three minutes, a researcher has completed all the details, which is an incentive for Professor Li and everyone present.

In other words, it is a spur. This scientific researcher did a good job and completed all the details in three minutes.

In Professor Li's view, this is a very good thing. It can inspire everyone, make everyone feel a little hope, and let everyone have the courage to continue fighting.

At the same time, it also lets everyone see that this thing can be completed, and all of this can be done in a very short time.

This is a very good thing, and it is also a shot of a heart attack for everyone present, and it can be said that if there is no such scientific researcher, it will be the first to complete these tasks.

So, in any case, their process is likely to be further delayed, or the overall process 2.2 will also be delayed.

If things develop like this, for all of them present, for the entire hx-1 frame project.

Even for the subsequent development of China as a whole, it is an extremely unfavorable signal.

It is also an extremely bad thing.

Now everyone's hopes are on the self-developed computer, and everyone's expectations are also on the hx-1 frame.

Once there are any problems with the framework, it will be the biggest blow to the self-developed computer, even for the entire China, for the people of China, and for the superior leaders of China.

Even, it is a big blow to everyone in the supercomputing center, and it is also a very bad signal. .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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