After wiping off the "feces juice" all over the face.

The crowd moved on.

Finally came to the position of the mother worm.

Look at the giant bug in front of you, which is at least two stories tall.

Everyone couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

Gollum -

"What now?" "

Find a way to open the door." "

How do you open it?" "No

." "

What if you don't have that?"


saying that, the rocket stepped forward first.

Several small blasting devices were found in the backpack.

Arrange them in a circle and stick them to the metal door.

After pasting, quickly step back.

"Everyone find cover, and when the door is blown open, you rush in. "

Wait for the rocket, won't it

wake up the mother worm?" "Nonsense, not only the mother worm will wake up, but other bugs will also hear the news, so we need to hurry

!" "But, what if you can't blow up the metal door?" "Close your crow's mouth, if you can't blow it up, you will be buried together

!" "Damn!"


this moment, the rocket had already pressed the switch.

Suddenly, the blasting device began to glow red.

Immediately after, there was a loud bang.

In an instant, the entire cave began to shake.

Smoke and dust.

I don't know if the metal door exploded.

One thing is certain, though.

That is, the mother worm near the metal door was blown open.

I saw the two-story female worm.

was directly swept away by the air wave.

And let out a scream of horror.

Wait for the smoke to clear.

Take a closer look at the metal door.

Good guys, the metal door was blasted open with a hole two or three meters in diameter.

"Quick, rush!"

shouted, and everyone rushed out from behind cover.

Target, metal door entrance.

When they came to the door, they were greeted by a dark tunnel.

The kind that can't see the end at a glance, and doesn't know where it leads?


Rocket jumped in first.

Groot and Phil in the back jumped in as well.

Alan looked at the dark tunnel, and his heart beat a drum.

In case a giant beast with its mouth open under the tunnel is waiting for them.

That would be tragic.

I shudder to think about it.

"Man, what to do, jump or not?" It

was clear that Ghosn shared his concerns.

But at this time, the female worm that was lifted off behind suddenly let out a sharp roar.

Then he came running like crazy.

Also, the roars of the synthesized monsters could be heard from the other side of the lab.

I guess it's already on the way to the rush.

Alan gritted his teeth, "Jump!"

and closed his eyes and jumped down.

Ghosn was not far behind.

In this way, the two of them landed like a slide in the dark tunnel.

Accompanied by screams.

The two disappeared into the darkness.

In the tunnel, Alan felt as if a long time had passed.

But it just didn't reach the end.

Made, how long is this tunnel?

I don't know how long it has been.

Finally, it was noticeable that the slope of the tunnel was gradually decreasing.

In other words, we are almost at the end.

Eren couldn't help but cast a fireball spell to illuminate it.

Then a spider silk was released.

A catapult that speeds up.

After a few ejections, I finally saw the exit.

I saw a sudden brightness in front of me.

Immediately after that, a huge underground space unfolded in front of you.

"Damn, it's so big, what kind of place is this?"

the rockets, who had arrived early, came back after a circle.

"It should be an underground base, built in the heart of the planet, and the architecture here is all Cree style."

Alan looked at the mirror-smooth floor on the ground.

Look at the solemn white pillars.

There is indeed a bit of the architectural style of the Licles people in the movie.

"Where's the spaceship? Why didn't you see the spaceship?"

"Go to the general control room and take a look, there is a panorama inside.

So, when Ghosn arrived, everyone set off for the general control room.

Climb all the way up the circular staircase.

Finally came to the main control room.

Pushing open the door, he found a dried corpse inside.

I don't know how long I died.

Phil moved the corpse away, then began to press on the counter.

Anyway, Alan couldn't understand his operation.

Phil muttered as he operated, "I wonder if it can still run?"

After a while, a flash of light flickered.

Immediately after, a large holographic image appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Then Phil began to concentrate on the hologram.

Constantly review images and descriptions for various locations.

Everyone also looked at him expectantly.

I saw that the more he looked at it, the heavier his face became.

Alan's heart sank.

Isn't there a spaceship?

So I couldn't help but ask, "Hey, man, what's wrong? Don't you have a spaceship?"

and shook his head, then turned to look at the crowd.

"Guys, there's good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

"Damn, don't mess around at this time!" Allen said angrily.

"Let's start with the good news. Rocket said.

"The good news is that there are ships. "

And what about

the bad news?" "The bad news is that the ship may not be able to take off. "


"No motivation. "

Oh shit!"

"Is there no way to fix that?"


"Don't you say it sooner, don't show off your clumsy sense of humor at this time, man!"


It is to forcibly extract the geocentric energy of this planet. "

Then smoke it!"

"But there's a catch. "

What's the problem?"

"There are countless bases like this on this planet, and after years of extracting energy, they are now on the verge of depletion. "


"So if it is forcibly extracted, it is very likely that the entire planet will collapse in an instant.

"If it collapses, it will collapse, as long as the spaceship can take off."

"When it collapses, there will be a strong gravitational pull, and it is unknown whether the spacecraft can take off, and once the spacecraft is pulled in by gravity, we will not survive. "


is it so dangerous?"

Just then, Ghosn let out a scream of terror.

"Oh no, no, guys, those nasty bugs are coming after you!"

everyone hurriedly ran to the window to take a look.

Sure enough, a steady stream of monster bugs poured out of the passage.

"Oh shit

!" "Quick, find the ship

!" "Follow me!"

Phil led the way, and the group followed him.

But it was soon overtaken by the bugs.

"Ghosn, you and Phil go first, and the three of us stay behind to break off!"

After saying that, Eren began to condense the super-large fireball technique.

"Lao Tzu is fighting with you!" Rocket

also took out the laser cannon behind him.

Start aiming.

"Damn bugs!" Groot

stretched out his arms and began to lengthen.

"I'm mu... Groot!"

Everybody's ready.

Eren was the first to attack.

"Fire Escape - Hao Fireball Technique!".

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