in the sky.

Densely packed Zetarians piloted hovering combat airships.

It's pouring out constantly.

The first to appear are some clone minions.

Tall stature.

Pale skin.

Wearing a brass-colored helmet and cuirass.

Hand-held laser guns.

Just swoop down.

They are numerous though.

But it didn't look messy.

Rather, they are trained to spread out in small groups.

And began to attack people and buildings on the planet.

This was followed by a dozen or so giant biological warships.

The kind that is extremely large.

The visual impact is extremely impressive.

This thing is called a Leviathan.

is something similar to the Plankton of the Void.

However, it was mechanized by the Zetarians.

Thus became this biological warship.

Not only is it thick, it's also covered in thorns.

Assault weapons are not used.

A direct body hit is enough to kill.

More critically, it has an empty belly.

Able to carry a large number of soldiers.

It's a moving castle.

Watch as a large number of Zeta Swiss soldiers swoop down.

And the powerful creature ship.

The whole of New York panicked.

Then start running around like a headless fly.

The U.S. team was the first to react and began to organize manpower to maintain stability.

However, in the face of panic of this magnitude.

The U.S. team is just a drop in the bucket.

The crowd screamed and scurried over the explosion.

But basically they can only be targeted by the Zetarians.

It was easily smashed into pieces by several lasers.

Some armed police officers began to try to fight back.

But in the face of the whizzing Zita Swiss soldiers.

Everything seemed so futile and helpless.

On the contrary, the policemen who fought back with guns directly became the priority target of the Zeta Swiss soldiers.

The U.S. team watched all of this in front of them.

His eyes began to darken.

Buildings on the street are constantly being attacked and collapsing.

The cars on the road were blown up from time to time.

There were explosions and screams everywhere.

"What now?"

was the question in the minds of the American team at this time.

Fortunately, the American team is a determined person.

Even if it can't change the tide of battle.

But what needs to be done has to be done.

Iron Man is busy repairing the Helicarrier's engines.

Natasha is wrestling with Barton.

Thor is chasing Loki.

Hulk... Forget it, don't mention this.

In short, everyone is trying to do their own thing.

Then, even if your ability is limited, you still have to do what you have to do.

So, the American team began to cheer up.

Continue to fight back against the aliens while continuing to organize manpower to maintain stability and rescue.

At this time, the news of the alien invasion of the earth has also spread throughout the world for the first time.

The U.S. military immediately recalled the fleets in the Pacific and Atlantic.

Began to move closer to the vicinity of New York.

A large number of aviation formations have also been dispatched from the airbase.

There were even army troops rushing towards New York.

Emergency meeting of the United Nations.

The heads of state of the major powers have demanded that the United States must control the battlefield on the American mainland.

Otherwise, once there is a loss.

The major powers do not rule out the immediate use of nuclear bomb scrubbing tactics.

In the face of such pressure, the expression on the face of the President of the United States was very heavy.

And has repeatedly said that the United States will be able to successfully repel the aliens.

"Because we are the most powerful country in the world, we are confident that we will repel aliens!"

were the exact words of the American president.

The major powers said, "It's better to do this, otherwise our nuclear bombs will definitely be launched at the US mainland at once!" The US

president gritted his teeth and almost roared: "If New York is really lost, we will launch the nuclear bombs ourselves first without you launching them!" Finally, the

meeting ended.

The President of the United States said with a heavy face, "Tell the front line, if the front line troops fail in the battle, the first time to launch nuclear weapons, the target, Stark Tower

!" "Yes, Mr. President!"


the picture returns to the battlefield in Manhattan, New York.

Face the tide of aliens.

Everyone was desperate.

There are even religious people who are so desperate that they stand in the street holding hands and pray.

Pray for a savior to come at this time.

"Lord, save us, we need a Savior!"

said the prayer in their mouths.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared in the sky.

Immediately after, a whale-shaped spaceship with a special shape rushed from the sky.

Then, a burst of blue light shone brightly.

There was a loud bang.

A huge blue energy cannon was fired from the ship.

The target is the giant creature warship that the Zetarians are proud of.

I saw the energy cannon attack on the biological warship.

Shattered it in an instant.

Crisp and clean.

The effect of this record.

It immediately caught everyone's attention.

"Look, what's

that?" "That's amazing, it smashed that big guy with one shot

!" "Who is that?"

"Savior! It must be the Savior!"

Everyone present knelt down and prayed.

At this time, the U.S. team, which was organizing stability maintenance nearby, also saw this shocking scene.

For a while, his face was full of shock.

"It's... Who is this?"

"Alan, we seem to be late. Rocket said, looking at him.

Alan smiled slightly, "It's not too late, it's just right

!" and then turned to the Harmony and ordered, "Harmony, give me full fire, bang the damn

!" "Yes, master!"

So, the Harmony turned on attack mode.


, boom, boom!

A large number of energy cannons blasted directly in the direction of the Zetarians.

Countless Zitarians were blown to pieces with a bewildered expression.

The Harmony, on the other hand, seems to have turned on the state of incomparability.

God blocks and kills God, and Buddha blocks and kills Buddha!

It can be called a killing machine.

In a short period of time, five or six Zetari biological warships were destroyed, as well as countless airships.

"What's that, who's driving?" Fury asked, looking confused.

Just then, Thor Hammer arrived.

With a face full of excitement, he said, "That's Allen, he's finally arrived!"

"Allen? is he?"

Of course Fury knew about Allen's existence.

But I haven't paid attention to him all the time.

I didn't expect this guy to be so powerful.

It was really beyond his expectations.

At this moment, Tony had already repaired the engine and rushed over.

"Is that really that guy? When did he have such a cool spaceship?"

"It seems like he ventured in the universe." "


" "This guy can go on a cosmic adventure?"

"Yes. "

Oh my god, this is unbelievable!" just

as Tony and the others shouted incredulous.

The other side.

Inside the Harmony spacecraft.

"Allen, it's easy to waste energy with such a large-scale attack, and it is estimated that the spaceship will run out of energy after a few more rounds of attacks. Rocket reminded.

"I'm rubbing, and there is such a thing

?" "Nonsense, isn't this common sense?"

So, Alan hurriedly explained.

"Ghosn, you control the spaceship, precision strikes, and I'll go out with Rocket and Groot to help.

Ghosn said excitedly, "Okay, you guys can go without worry, I'm here." "

After all, I finally have the opportunity to control a ship as advanced as the Harmony.

You can't get excited.

Then, Allen, Rocket, and Groot rushed out of the spaceship cabin in an airship.

"Yo Hoo, New York, here we come!"

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