After rescuing Gamora.

Quill hurried forward to help her.

"Hey, are you alright?"

but Gamora didn't seem to appreciate it.

Very arrogantly said, "I don't need you to save me."

Alan shrugged, "I'm not interested in your life or death, and I wouldn't have come with you if it weren't for Quill." "

As for Quill, this big pig's trotter belongs to the philanthropic people who love a woman when he sees it.

Gamora instantly sensed Quill's intentions towards her, and immediately looked at Quill with a wary look.

"Hey, don't look at me like that, I just saved you because I wanted to know where you were going to sell my Cosmic Spirit Orb.

Gamora glanced at Quill, "I do know that there is a way to sell the Cosmic Orb. "

Really, how much can it be sold?"

"4 billion."

"What? 4 billion?"

Even Alan was a little shocked at this moment.

Although he knew that the final transaction was not completed, this price still made Alan can't help but be shocked.

After all, the price is too tempting.

As for the idea of appropriating the cosmic spirit ball for himself, Alan didn't think about it.

It's just that this thing is a hot potato right now.

With his current strength, he can't hold it at all.

I've thought about trying to see if I can trigger entries or absorb some energy.

But thinking of those people in the original play who disappeared after touching the spirit ball.

Alan didn't dare to try again.

So, for the time being, follow Quill's line and act when the opportunity arises.

Eventually, with Quill's trickery, Gamora agreed to cooperate.

Everyone worked together to escape from prison, and then sold the cosmic spirit ball and divided the 4 billion equally.

- The

next day.

Allen, Quill, Gamora, Rocket, and Ghosn eat in the common area.

Rocket was the first to say, "If you want to escape from here, you must first enter the surveillance tower above. The

group glanced at the towering surveillance tower in the middle of the common area.

Guards are on duty 24 hours a day in the monitoring tower.

The slightest excesses on the part of the prisoner, they could immediately notice it.

Although most of the time they are more laissez-faire.

For example, the old man bullied the newcomer.

They don't usually bother.

I was even happy to see it and had fun with it.

But if there's a riot or a prison break or something.

They'll sound the alarm right away.

Then a large number of offensive drones and armed forces were dispatched to suppress it.

That's why the rocket makes a suggestion to enter the surveillance tower.

I saw the rocket continue, "I need a few things to help us get into the surveillance tower. "

What is it?"

"First of all, it's the security ring that the guard wears, and it controls all the doors in the prison, and I need that.

"Okay, I'll leave this to me. Gamora said.

"And what?" Quill continued.

"And then there's the prosthetic leg of the guy over there. Rocket

pointed to a guy with a mechanical prosthetic leg in the distance.

Quill glanced at the guy, then nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll take care of the mechanical legs."

Alan smiled, he knew Rocket was playing Quill, but he didn't say anything.

"By the way, and Gorn, your robotic arm. Rocket said with a smile.

Alan was speechless by him, this thing even played his own people.

Let him be, though.

Ghosn nodded, no problem.

"Finally, it's the panel on the wall that glows yellow, and I need the batteries and wires inside the panel.

"I'll leave this to me. Alan said with a smile.

"That thing is at least 20 feet above the ground, and it's on top of the surveillance tower, where the level of surveillance is the strictest, once we do it, it will definitely cause an alarm, so it must be fast!"

Alan nodded, "No problem, I'll be in a Hulk state by then, I should be able to easily take off the battery, and then I'll drag the guards, and you guys rush to the surveillance tower as soon as possible." "

Okay, no problem, that's it!"

It was a prison cell in the dead of night.

Suddenly, the alarm sounded.

"What's going on?" the

guard on duty, who was dozing off, was suddenly awakened and exclaimed.

"It seems that someone below has vandalized the monitoring tower equipment. "

The two guards on duty passed through the surveillance, and sure enough, they saw a huge green monster.

In his hand he was holding a yellow flash that had just been removed from the wall of the surveillance tower.

"What does he want to do?"

"Whatever he wants to do, stop him first!" "

Yes, yes, yes!"

So, a large number of attack drones swarmed out.

Then begin to notify the other guards to come to their aid.

The guard in the surveillance tower called for support as he turned on the megaphone and shouted at Allen.

"The green prisoner, warn you to put down your device and go back to the cell, or we'll shoot!"

But apparently Alan didn't take their words seriously.

Raise your fist directly.


After a loud roar, a single punch smashed a large area of the surrounding drones.

As the drone exploded, the rest of the cell became agitated.

The scene began to descend into chaos.

At this time, the two guards had already come to Alan with energy guns.

"Hey, big guy, surrender or you'll be out of luck

!" "Oh, huh?" "

Bastard, you're looking for death!"

Just as they were about to shoot Allen.

Ghosn and Quiel, who suddenly pounced from behind, directly threw the two guards to the ground.

And snatch the opponent's energy gun.

"Quick, go to the top of the surveillance tower!" Alan

said after helping everyone block the drone attack.

The others rushed towards the top of the monitoring tower.

Due to the surprise, the guards in the cell did not react at all.

Soon, the rocket and others managed to occupy the surveillance tower.

After entering the monitoring tower, the rocket began to operate.

"Guys, get it all out!"

Gamora, Quill, and Ghosn pulled out the safety bracelet, the mechanical leg, and the robotic hand, respectively.

But Rocket laughed and said, "Sorry man, I'm kidding you, I don't really need those two things."

Then he took out the panel and Gamora's safety bracelet that Eren had given him and said, "Actually, that's just these two." "

Oh shit, you bastard, I bought this at a great price!" said Quill with a distressed expression.

Ghosn didn't care, and put the mechanical arm back on, and it didn't matter at all.

"Alright, stop making a fuss, let's get started!" Gamora urged.

"Yes, ma'am!"

the rocket began to operate on the control console of the monitoring tower.

At this time, there were already quite a few guards rushing towards this side with heavy weapons.

"Hey guys, you better hurry, they're coming in with rocket launchers!" Alan reminded from outside.

"Right now, buddy!"

the bazooka-armed guards burst into the cell.

The operation on the rocket's side was finally completed.

"That's it!"

the words fell.

All of a sudden, everyone in the cell seemed to have lost their center of gravity.

All floated.

It turned out that the rocket had turned off the gravity system here.

Immediately afterward, Rocket asked Ghosn and Quill to throw the rope they had prepared in advance to Allen.

The two of them worked together to pull Alan over.

But at this moment, Dragus grabbed Allen's thigh.

"Take me with you, I'm going to follow you, I know, I'm going to meet Ronan with you

!" "Damn!"

Alan kicked his leg hard.

But they couldn't kick Dragus away.

In the end, he had no choice but to take the oil bottle of Dragus into the monitoring tower together.

"Oh shit! Why did this guy come along?" Quill complained.

"No matter, it's too late, just let him follow!" So,

the rocket quickly unplugged the base switch under the monitoring tower.

Subsequently, the entire monitoring tower also floated.

"And how do we get out of now?" Dragus asked.

"Look at man!"

saw that the rocket was another operation.

Then the drones in the cell began to fly towards the surveillance tower.

Finally, all drones are attached to the surveillance tower.

Forming the power source of the monitoring tower.

With the slow movement of the monitoring tower.

The drone propelled the surveillance tower out of the prison tunnel.

Until I got out of cell 8.

The crowd walked out of the surveillance tower.

Their belongings were then found in the place where they were stored.

That's when Quill discovers that his Walkman doesn't show up.

He insisted on getting the Walkman back.

Others disagree.

But Alan stepped up at this point.

"I'll go with you, buddy!" Quill


He really didn't expect anyone to be willing to take such a fearless risk with him.

Immediately, my heart was moved.

"Thank you, buddy!"

and the two of them rushed back in.

And told the others to get on the spaceship and wait for them first.

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