After learning that Alan and Phil are coming to support with the Nova Legion's fleet.

Rocket, Quill and the others suddenly rekindled hope in their hearts.

Now, all they have to do is.

Try to stay alive.

Just hold out until the fleets of Allen and the Nova Legion arrive.

And they were saved!

And so, the rocket was in good spirits.

Left and right.

Jump as far as you can towards the meteorite pile.

Take advantage of the natural barrier of meteorites.

Hide and block attacks.

This method turned out to be good.

Rocket and the others survived the meteorite pile for the time being.

As for the scuffle between the Sandar forces and Yongdu and Ronan.

Now the situation is gradually becoming clearer.

First of all, on the side of Xander, due to the initial firepower output was too fierce.

Now there has begun to decline, mainly because the firepower seems to be somewhat insufficient.

Moreover, their position is fixed, which is equivalent to a fortress position, and they are also the most fiercely beaten.

Yongdu and Ronan, on their side, can move to fight.

It is more flexible and has a lot of leeway.

The losses were smaller.

But the two sides are a little different.

Because the Marauder and the member organizations of Yongdu understand that they are not as good as Ronan's.

After all, Yongdu belongs to the rogues, and Ronan is a regular soldier on his side.

It is an undeniable fact that there is a clear gap between the two sides.

So, in the end, it was obvious that Ronan's side had the advantage.

Moreover, Ronan's side also has the advantage of troops and weapons.

Until now, Ronan's spaceship is gradually forming an encirclement.

Yongdu's side gradually fell into a passive state.

The small ship and his little brother were relied on by Ronan's soldiers to have an advantage in numbers and weapons.

began to be annihilated one by one.

And on their own side, they often sacrifice three or four people to exchange one person for the other party.

It's not cost-effective.

"Boss, what should we do? If we continue like this, we will be wiped out by Ronan's men!" said his younger brother very anxiously.

Yongdu also had an angry expression on his face.

He is very entangled now, and he is unwilling to ask him to give up the cosmic spirit ball.

But if the stalemate continues, nine times out of ten it will be planted here.

After struggling for a while, Yongdu finally sighed and said.

"Then withdraw!"

and the Marauders began to fight and retreat.

The situation is clear again.

Ronan had a clear advantage.

And began to have the energy to free up his hands to find Quill's ship.

In the Darkstar spaceship, Ronan looked at the situation on the screen with a confident expression.

Then he spoke, "Send the order down and start searching for the location of the cosmic spirit ball with all your might!" and

Ronan's younger brothers began to split up their forces to search for Quell's ship.

Soon, Ronan's fleet spotted Quill hiding in a meteorite pile.

Ronan began to shout at Quill and them.

"I'll give you one last chance, hurry up and hand over the cosmic spirit ball obediently, otherwise, there will be no forgiveness!" After

receiving Ronan's communication message, Quill and the others began to panic a little.

Quiel, in particular, said weakly, "Guys, why don't

we hand over the Cosmic Spirit Orb to Ronan?" Gamora and Rocket roared at the same time, "No!" Gamora

continued, "I advise you not to be lucky, I know Ronan very well, hand over the Cosmic Spirit Orb, we will only die faster, if we don't hand it over, we will have a chance to live!"

That's right, she's right, and besides, Allen, they're coming, as long as we hold on for a while, we can turn defeat into victory!"

So, in the end, everyone decided not to go out and continue to hide in the meteorite pile.

Seeing that they still didn't come out, Ronan immediately gritted his teeth angrily.

I saw him staring at the meteorite pile, and then shouted angrily.

"Fire at me and force them out

!" "Yes!"

after his men took the order.

Suddenly there was a wild bombardment.


, boom, boom



In an instant, a large number of meteorites were shattered by the laser cannon.

Countless pieces of rubble flew and scattered.

Some of the smaller meteorites fall apart and turn into dust.

"Keep fighting!" Ronan continued to order the attack.

Boom Boom

Bang Bang Bang

Dust and debris were flying near the meteorite pile.

Behind one of the huge meteorites.

Quill and the others hid behind him.

"Damn, how

long can we hold on like this?" "If we can't hold on, we have to hold on, do you have a better way

?" "Why hasn't this guy Allen been here for so long?" Quill complained.

Rocket gave him a roll of the eyes, "Please use your stupid head to calculate the time carefully, it's only been three minutes, okay, no matter how fast he is, he can't be so fast!" "

Oh my God, it's only been three minutes? How do I feel like it's been a long time!"

Just as everyone was complaining, suddenly, a laser cannon hit the meteorite they were dodging.

Boom -

the meteorite was directly killed by a quarter.

Fortunately, the meteorite was big enough to help them block the damage, and it could continue to help them maintain their camouflage.

"Oh shit, it was so dangerous just now, I almost got hit!" And

Ronan, seeing hundreds of meteorites, couldn't find out where Quell was.

Ronan was visibly angry.

"Come out quickly, or I'll beat all the meteorites into dust, and even you into dust!"

Of course, there was still no response.

Ronan clenched his fists and roared loudly.

"Keep fighting, hit me hard!"

Ronan was lucky this time, though.

Hit directly at the position where Quill and the others are dodging.


The huge meteorite was directly shattered.

It fell apart.

And the spaceship hiding behind the meteorite was directly shaken out.

Directly exposed to Ronan's search range.

"There, there they are!"

Ronan's fleet, having spotted the target, instantly resembled flies that smelled a foul smell.

A buzzing rush rushed over.

"Damn, they're chasing, run!" Rocket

just tried to maneuver the ship and run.

But then a laser cannon quickly fired at them.

Boom -

"Oops!" the

rocket screamed badly, and an offset was about to dodge.

But by this time it was too late.


laser cannon hits the tail of the ship directly.

In an instant, the spacecraft shook violently.

Everyone was thrown into pieces.

The rocket got up and shook his head.

Hurry back into the driver's seat.

Just about to operate the driving platform.

It was discovered that the ship's power source had been damaged.

"Damn, the ship has stalled!" "

Huh, so what now

?" "How do I know when I step on a horse?"

the rocket thumped his fist into the operating platform.

"Then why don't you surrender?"

"Surrender a fart!"

After saying that, the rocket carried the laser cannon.

Direct manual attack.

Boom -

A small spaceship that came to capture them was blown up in an instant.

Ronan saw that they were still stubborn.

Trembling with anger.

"Bastards, these bastards, hit me and blast them all into scum, the cosmic spirit ball will not be destroyed, it's a big deal that we spend some more time looking for it!"

the boss spoke, and his younger brother naturally didn't dare to disobey.

I saw more than a dozen small spaceships immediately surround me.

Immediately after that, a large number of laser cannons began to accumulate energy and prepare for launch.

Looking around, more than a dozen spaceships are brewing laser cannons ready to launch.

Quill and the others were in despair.

Once a dozen laser cannons are fired at them at the same time.

There is absolutely no chance of them surviving.

In an instant, it will be blasted into slag.

Not even slag.

Everyone began to close their eyes and wait for death.

Finally, more than a dozen laser cannons were charged.

Boom -

the speed of light is fired at the same time.

A salvo of fire came at their ship.

"I didn't think Uncle Ben would die here!" Rocket laughed to himself.

However, at the very moment when the beam of light lit up.

Suddenly, a faint blue light lit up around him.

Immediately after, a familiar whale-shaped spaceship suddenly appeared in front of them.

It just appeared out of thin air, as if it were teleporting in space.

But that's not the most amazing thing.

The most amazing thing is.

More than a dozen laser cannons hit the blue light mask around him.

In an instant, it was like mud and sand entering the sea.

All attacks disappeared without a trace.


the same time, a familiar voice came.

"Sorry guys, I'm late!".

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