
Ronan fled anyway.

The fleet of the Nova Legion failed to keep him.

However, Ronan also suffered a heavy blow.

I believe that I dare not come out for the time being.

And Alan and the others followed the people of the Nova Legion back to Shandar.

And all of a sudden, he was promoted from a prisoner to a VIP.

Even a cosmic hooligan like Yongdu was treated with courtesy.

This is something that Yongdu never dared to imagine in his life.

"Are you really leaving?" asked Quill.

Alan smiled, "Tony's illness has been cured, and it's time for us to leave, otherwise our friends on Earth will be worried." "

yes, my girlfriend is still on Earth waiting for me to go back!" Tony added.

"Then you don't want your share of the reward?" Quill was referring to the share of money after the cosmic spirit ball was sold.

Alan smiled, he didn't think that the cosmic spirit orb could really be traded.

So, he said indifferently, "No, if you can really trade it, you can share my share."

"Wow, man, you're so generous, I've never seen anyone as generous as you!"

"Thank you for the compliment, but I'm not optimistic about your deals.

"You're thinking too much, man, the Cosmic Spirit Orb is very sought-after.

"I hope so!"

After saying that, Alan turned his head to look at Rocket and Ghosn, "You really don't plan to go back to Earth with me?" Rocket

shrugged, "Sorry man, Earth is not for me, I still like the life of cosmic adventures, I can't sleep at night without hearing the gunfire." "

Well, then we'll see you later

!" "And you, buddy!" Alan added, looking at Groot.


Groot!" Although Groot was reluctant to Allen, he still chose to be with the rocket.

As for Ghosn, I saw him come over and hug Allen tightly.

"I'm sorry Alan, I'm reluctant to give up my old brothers. With that, he

glanced at the Yongdu and Marauder members in the distance.

"It's okay man, we'll see you

again!" "Well, I believe it!"

After saying that, he hugged again.

After hugging Ghosn, Phil also walked over.

"I also had the opportunity to be a guest on Earth. Phil said with a smile.

"Welcome, Earth welcomes you, my friend!"

and the two hugged as well.

At this point, basically everyone said goodbye one by one.

Eventually, Alan and Tony get on the Harmony spaceship.


two weeks later.

Deep in the universe.

A certain space zone of the star field suddenly appeared in an obvious arc.

Immediately after, the bright starlight began to roll and flicker.

Subsequently, a swirling vortex appeared.

A spaceship emerges from the maelstrom.

It was the Harmony that had crossed through the wormhole.

"The universe is amazing! no matter how you look at it, you never get tired of looking at it!" Tony said with emotion as he looked out the window.

And Allen, who was sitting in the driver's seat, had a look of disdain.

While driving the spaceship, I drank a glass of wine.

"You turtle, that's it, as for the chatter along the way

?" "Hey, you guy, aren't you just messing around with the universe for a few days, what are you pretending?" Tony snorted back.

"When I get back to Earth, I'll start working on spaceships, and by then, I'll be able to find a ship that is even more powerful than your Harmony. Tony continued to disagree.

"Yo roar, have ambition, I'm optimistic about you!" "Don't

be weird, when I was in Shandar before, I collected a lot of good things, and I might be able to do it when the time comes, after all, the earth also has high-tech talents."

"Well, aren't you afraid that these high-tech products and knowledge will be remembered?"

"I know that there will definitely be a lot of forces targeting them, but there are some things that must be done."

Speaking of this, Tony's expression suddenly became a little sad, "I used to be self-righteous, but since I experienced an alien invasion and this cosmic adventure, I suddenly understood one thing.

"Oh, what do you see?"

"I understand the fact that the civilization of the earth is really fragile.

When Alan heard him say this, he was stunned for a moment.

Truth be told, he crossed over.

For this so-called earth, in fact, the sense of belonging is not very strong.

Even, he subconsciously felt that the earth of this plane was a fictional thing.

It was really hard for him to worry so much about this so-called earth.

Because, civilization is such a thing, and it is counted in tens of millions of years at every turn.

He didn't know how long he would live in this world.

To put it mildly, he thinks Tony is worrying about nothing.

Moreover, as far as he knows, Tony is just a mortal in the Marvel system.

The lifespan is more than 100 years at most.

So, Alan really thinks Tony is worrying about nothing.

So Alan walked over and patted Tony on the shoulder, "Tony, I know what you think, but you're a little too worried, the world is unpredictable, there are always all kinds of unexpected things happening at any time, you can't be perfect, just listen to me, just be worthy of your heart!"

But Tony shook his head, and then took the wine glass in his hand.

Took a hard sip and continued.

"I'm sorry, I can't.

Then he took another sip of wine and began to say with a look of reminiscence, "I remember when I escaped from Afghanistan, the psychiatrist told me that I had PTSD.

"Of course, I didn't believe it at the time, and even laughed at the psychiatrist.

"But then, I noticed my abnormality, and I started to use alcohol to get to sleep.

"Even, sometimes I have to put on steel armor to feel safe.

"Don't look at me acting like a playboy all day long, I'm really scared.

"But I'm not afraid of death, I'm afraid that I can't protect what I want to protect.

"This fear has always been hidden in my heart, and I have never dared to face it.

"It wasn't until the alien invasion that I suddenly realized that my steel armor wasn't omnipotent, and it couldn't protect what I wanted to protect.

"So, I'm starting to feel like I have to face it.

Alan listened to him silently.

Then walked over and gave him a hug.

"Okay Tony, it's all in the past, isn't it?"

patting him on the back, Alan continued to comfort.

"Actually, you don't have to take everything on yourself, it's too stressful.

Tony smiled bitterly, "I used to enlighten myself like this, but this cosmic trip has made me completely recognize the reality, after seeing the civilization of Xandar, I am more sure that the earth civilization is really vulnerable, we really can't go on like this, maybe one day a more powerful alien civilization will invade the earth again, do we still have such good luck

?" "So, what do you want?"

"I want to..."

Tony suddenly said with a bright eye, "I want to disclose everything I have seen and heard, as well as the knowledge I have mastered, and the advanced technology products that I have purchased from Xandar this time."

"I want all scientists and people on the planet to share these scientific knowledge and products, instead of continuing to work in silos." "


you sure?" "I'm sure!"

"You know, you're going to be dealing with all the countries of the world, and they're not going to let you make this public to the public."

"I know, so, I need your help, Alan!" Tony

looked at with a look of hope.

Alan was a little embarrassed.

To be honest, he didn't really want to get involved in it.

But look into Tony's eyes.

He couldn't bear to refuse.

In the end, I could only nod my head.

"Okay, whatever you want, I support you. "

Thank you Alan!".

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