Although this position can already be used for long-range shots

, this angle is not good,

and there are two players on the opposing side to block, and there

are a lot of people blocking the door from behind.

At this time, it is obviously unwise to shoot from a distance.

It can only be said that Lingard wants to make meritorious contributions too much and wants to prove himself in front of everyone.

As a result, the two defenders of the opposing team saw Lingard get up and

ran over to block it with their bodies.

The ball bounced off the defender.

Seeing this situation,

the little pig couldn't help but complain: "What a waste!" "

Other Manchester United players also felt that this was a bad treatment, why did they choose to shoot from a distance when they could pass the ball and break through.

If Lingard had the same long-range shooting ability as Cristiano Ronaldo

, they wouldn't be able to say anything

, but you are obviously a newcomer, and you

just squandered a good attacking opportunity to hit the ball so hastily.

However, thinking that this ball was snatched back by himself, many people are not good at saying anything in person.

Sunderland manager Keane wrapped his left hand around his chest and his right hand propped up his chin.

It was tricky for him to not let up their attacks even though United were leading the scoreline.

But fortunately, the young man who came up to make his debut was a little stunned and didn't pose much of a threat to them.

The ball did not go out of bounds, and

the direction in which it popped up was just not far from

Ronaldo, only to see Ronaldo throw off the defender at high speed and get the ball first.

However, at this time,

the restricted area was still full of people.

He knew he didn't stand a chance with a long-range shot like this, so he dribbled twice.

Two Sunderland defenders rushed towards him in an instant,

and Lingard saw his idol being besieged and rushed to help.

Ronaldo didn't have a love belt, and passed the ball back to Lingard directly, after all, he was his little fan brother.

As soon as Lingard received the football, he wanted to burst into the box.

This made many people dumbfounded again,

this Nima is a brutal man!

There are five or six defenders on the other side.

He thought that Maradona, the king of the ball, could ignore the opponent's defense.

Cristiano Ronaldo also pulled his lips and seemed to realise that he had made the wrong choice to pass to Lingard.

It's good to be young and energetic, but you can't do it alone and ignore the interests of the whole team.

Three Sunderland players go straight to Lingard!

But Lingard didn't seem to see it, he thought that this was already near the forbidden area, and if he could break through successfully, he might be able to impress everyone.

So he rushed straight with the ball.

Keane's eyes lit up on the sidelines.

This kid is too young and too expressive, and he doesn't pass the ball at all.

So he made a gesture to the Sunderland players on the pitch.

When the players saw this action, they immediately understood!

At the same time, his eyes instantly became sharp, and several defenders were even more three-way packs.

Sure enough, he is handsome for only three seconds, and

he will be struck by lightning if he loves to pretend.

Just when Lingard was comparing himself to Maradona and wanted to use a feint to pass someone's house.

Three defenders gave him a kick-off straight away.

He couldn't move away from the crowd, and that's when Lingard realized that this was the Premier League, not the young in his academy team.

There is no comparison between defensive strength and physical confrontation intensity!

The ball changed hands in an instant and was snatched up by Sunderland's main defender Koné.

Keane was happy out of the corner of his eye, and once again gave instructions on the sidelines.

After seeing the instructions, Sunderland suddenly changed the defensive posture since most of the half

, like a tiger out of the cage, and rushed towards Manchester United's half in high spirits, the speed was unprecedented!

At this time, there were as many as seven players involved in the attack, and five of them even broke into the Manchester United half!

Koné didn't hesitate and sent a long pass straight to Jones near the midfield.

Jones received the ball and took two steps forward, then went straight to the foot.

Passing to another midfielder Kirchhofer running further forward

, Manchester United were still in a sleepwalking state at this time, and they didn't expect Sunderland, who had always been defensive to show off, how could they suddenly change their strategy and launch a counter-attack?

And now the opponent has sent the ball to the edge of the penalty area after three passes and two kicks.

The speed of the counterattack is even more staggering.

And they haven't had time to defend yet?!

Kirchhoff also had no tie and immediately kicked the ball the moment he received it.

After less than two seconds of delay, the ball was successfully delivered to the feet of striker Defoe.

At this time, the two strikers of Defoe and Fletcher had already rushed to the penalty area.

Manchester United's defensive players are Robb and Varane.

The other two were denied in a midfield position by Sunderland's quick pass.

In addition to two or two strikers, Sunderland also has another main midfielder, Wickham.

He was the first to see the instructions from manager Keane and sprinted wildly towards the United as soon as he saw his players snatch the ball from Jesse Lingard.

So it has created a three-to-two advantageous situation.

And these three people often cooperate in the team, and they are so familiar with each other that they can't be more familiar.

In the face of Robb and Varane, the

three of them directly started a smooth short pass

cooperation, and finally Defoe and Fletcher opened a wall-hitting cooperation, passing Varane, who was running left and right, taking care of one or the other.

Seeing this, De Gea immediately went out to meet him.

But Defoe was faster, and he didn't wait for the other party to get close, and directly pushed at a small angle.


The ball slams into the net with ease!

Sunderland miraculously pulled a goal back and the

team went crazy as

they put their hands around each other's shoulders and happily circled their heads in circles.

It was not easy and it was too exciting!

They were able to score a goal at Manchester United's Theatre of Dreams!

Before this, it was something that I couldn't even think of.

Because they have been winless for nine consecutive years, they can't even play against the weak team.

Even before the start of the game, they didn't think about winning at all, and they were already thankful that they could get out of the Dream Theater.

Now that they can score at Manchester United's home stadium, they can earn face!

Sunderland's manager Keane was smiling, and

even if he lost the game, he would be able to hold his head up in front of the club's old shareholders.

and can keep his handsome position, and he will not be fired.

Zhan Yingjun was shocked: "It's so unexpected, the relegation team Black Cat Sunderland actually scored a goal at Manchester United's home stadium, which is a miracle for them who only scored five goals in nine consecutive games!"

Liu Jianliang was also deeply surprised: "Sunderland can play so fluently in attack, it's really rare." This counterattack was also too sharp, too fast, with more and less, and finally by the striker Defoe skillfully pushed and broke through the door of Manchester United!

"But what surprised me was that Manchester United were too slow to come back!"

Without waiting for Zhan Yingjun's interface, the fans spoke one after another.

"Where is Manchester United's slow defense, it is that everyone didn't expect that the stunned Qinglingard would be so poisonous, not passing the ball and carrying it alone, and finally being robbed, which led to a quick counterattack by the opponent!"

"That's right! Lingard is too poisonous and loves to pretend to be forced, even when my Yang Emperor asks him for a ball, he doesn't give it, it's like his nostrils are facing the sky! "

Everything is Lingard's fault, it's really the Zero Emperor!"

"Emperor Zero! Emperor Zero! Emperor Zero! Fans

have expressed their indignation, and PPLT directly exploded the screen!

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