Zhan Yingjun took advantage of the halftime break to explain: "We saw that in the first half, after fierce competition between the two sides, it can be said that Manchester United played more uncomfortable.

"When the midfield is restricted, it is difficult to open up the situation, although I also get two shots, but there is no threat, not even the goal frame!"

Liu Jianliang also smiled: "Yes, it can be seen from here that Pochettino deserves to be a new famous coach." Not to mention these senior coaches, his team is full of energy. On the other hand, Manchester United's midfield line is a bit sluggish, and it has also paid the price of injuries to players.

"However, although the two sides exchanged blanks in the first half, it was clear that Tottenham had the better attack, the game was more dominant, and a few shots were hit in the woodwork. In the second half, if United don't make adjustments, the horror will be a home defeat. "

In the dressing room corridor, because Liu Yang's shoelaces fell off, he stopped for a while to deal with it, so he walked last.

Seeing Ferguson and McPheran standing at the door of the locker room in front of him, he couldn't help but slow down.

"Mike, I'm giving me a lot of headaches at the moment."

"The first half was very passive, especially in the midfield, which was directly paralyzed and lost the ability to feed the cake to the front."

"Fortunately, in the forward line, a few people have good abilities to create a little bit of a threat, but it's obviously not the effect I wanted."

McPheran knew that Ferguson was looking for advice, so he said: "Why don't you try the lineup you trained with yesterday?"

Ferguson was noncommittal: "With the midfield restricted, even if that lineup is used, I don't think much will change.

McPheran tried to say, "Why don't we change another guy in midfield."

Ferguson's eyes flashed with anticipation, and he motioned for McPheran to continue.

"What do you think of Mata?"

And yet hear the name.

Ferguson's eyes darkened, obviously not very satisfied.

"After many battles, I estimate that his physical strength is not enough, and his characteristic is to dribble and connect, so that the players can go up and down, but the speed is not fast enough."

McPheran nodded: "In terms of physical confrontation, Mata's smaller body is indeed a bit of a loss.

At this time, Liu Yang stepped forward: "Old man, why don't you let Lingard try it, I think he can." The

two of them didn't know that Liu Yang was behind them, and they were both taken aback.

McPheran was even more dissatisfied with his eavesdropping: "Okay, this is a matter for our coaching staff, you go in quickly."

Ferguson seemed to be caught by Liu Yang's words, and turned to Liu Yang and said, "Then you give me a reason, why is Lingard feasible?"

McPheran was shocked, could it be that the old man really wanted to use the kid who almost made the whole team suffer defeat last time?

Has he forgotten the immaturity, rampant and sloppiness that Lingard showed in the last game?

And he doesn't have any experience in competitions!

However, seeing the old man's expression, he knew after many years of getting along that the old man was moved.

Liu Yang replied with a smile: "Lingard is young, and he is fast, and his skills are also good. In the last game, steals, dribbles, assists and stunners were all very eye-catching.

"I think it's like him, who has the ability to break through with the ball, and is young, who dares to fight and grab, and who has a wide range of runs. This kind of characteristic should be able to make up for the shortcomings of the current team.

"Why don't you give it a try, and if it doesn't work, you can change people."

Ferguson was indeed moved by Liu Yang's words.

McPheran couldn't help but be impressed by him.

As a player on the field, Liu Yang has such insight, which is absolutely very rare.

Generally only midfield geniuses have such a big picture.

Ferguson was secretly happy in his heart, and Liu Yang's words almost reached his heart.

But his face was still unfazed, and he said, "Okay, I'll consider your opinion, you go in first." It

wasn't until Liu Yang stepped into the locker room that a smile appeared on Ferguson's face.

"Old man, do you really want to do this?" Mike knew he was intrigued.

Ferguson replied with a smile and said, "Mike, when we chose Liu Yang before, would we think that he could perform today?"

Mike knew that no matter what he said at this time, he couldn't shake the old man's decision.

However, it is not so much that Liu Yang said that he moved him, but that he himself had this idea for a long time.

It's just that in this kind of competition, such a risky move, he needs someone to affirm.

And that person is undoubtedly Liu Yang.

Ferguson and McPheran pushed open the locker room door.

I saw a group of players wilting and languishing.

Ferguson's brows couldn't help frowning, the opponent's kicking style was really uncomfortable.

But playing in such a state of mind, it is inevitable that there will be mistakes.

So he lifted his glasses and said, "I know everyone feels bad, and so do I."

"The three-front battle makes everyone face this kind of high-intensity physical confrontation, which is indeed a bit overwhelming."

"But don't forget, this is our home stadium, the Theater of Dreams built by countless sages, and there are more than 50,000 of our fans waiting for us outside the stadium."

"Are we going to fight like this and give back to their expectations?"

His eyes then swept over the players: "Even if we fight until we fall, we must not admit defeat and give up."

It was the first time Lingard had received such a lecture, and Ferguson spoke passionately.

Immediately stood up and applauded: "What the coach said is that we should be strong and overthrow their white army." The

other players didn't expect this guy to dare to interrupt the old man's lecture, and they all pulled their mouths a little.

This product is really second, just wait to be educated by the old man.

But Ferguson wasn't angry at Lingard's interruption, instead he nodded affirmatively.

Everyone looked up violently, in disbelief.

Hell today?

Or is the sun coming out of the west!

The usually stern old man actually changed his temper?

Ferguson continued: "On that note, I would like to start by giving a quick credit to Michael Carrick in midfield.

"In the first half he was very tenacious, fearless in the face of the opponent's fierce pressing, and did a good job of maintaining the face that our team deserves, for which he was also injured."

Carrick was full of emotion, and it was worth it to be praised by Ferguson in person, even if the corners of his mouth hurt.

Ferguson looked at Carrick, who had a band-aid on his mouth, and said again: "Carrick, in the second half, you should rest and recuperate first."

Carrick nodded, although this small injury is not a big deal,

but it will also affect the performance of strength to some extent.

Regarding this, he obeyed the arrangement of the coach.

At this time, Liu Yang realized something and looked up at Ferguson.

Sure enough, his eyes were staring straight at Lingard, who was a second-year teenager.

"Lingard, you came off the bench in the second half, remember to play well and don't disappoint everyone!"

Lingard didn't expect the surprise to come so suddenly that he forgot to thank him.

In fact, in the first half, he sat next to the water cooler and watched everyone play, and he was already itchy.

It's a strong conversation, and as a footballer, who wouldn't want to play in a tournament like this.

Especially when he saw the team's midfield being suppressed, he couldn't wait to rush forward to help.

Now that he finally got his wish, he couldn't help but exclaim excitedly: "Really? It's great that I'm able to play. "

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