I'm bound to the witch of death

Chapter 321 321K Face Man, where can you run to? !

Chapter 321 321. K-faced man, where can you run? !

"Dr. Kate, how are the results of the examination?" Cameron Diaz was very concerned.

Dr. Kate put down the hearing aid and the pregnancy test stick, and said with a happy face: "I'm pregnant. It's been more than two months. Congratulations."

Naomi Watts' face showed a look of surprise. She was finally pregnant and could finally be a mother.

Judging from the time, it was probably during the period when the global tour began. She had sex more often and got pregnant.

Cameron Diaz was also very happy to hear this, and quickly congratulated Naomi Watts: "Congratulations, Naomi, I really envy you."

Naomi Watts was very generous: "Michelle, you are also very fast. Since you can get pregnant, it proves that there is nothing wrong with our bodies."

Before not getting pregnant for a long time, in addition to the genes of the Landrini family, the rest is that Gilbert and the women deliberately controlled and intentionally prevented pregnancy.

But since last year, no one has taken special contraceptive measures, and finally Naomi Watts got pregnant this year.

"That bad guy," Cameron Diaz gritted her teeth, wondering if she would drain Gilbert at night.

Dr. Kate advised: "Naomi, it is still dangerous for you to get pregnant at this age. Pay more attention to your diet and keep moving."

Dr. Kate said a lot of precautions. Cameron Diaz called Xingzi and asked her to write them down.

Scarlett pouted. Although sister Naomi was pregnant, she was not as happy as she imagined. Maybe this was the feeling of jealousy!

Scarlett's friend Mole asked Scarlett: "Why are there so many women around Director Gilbert? Are you willing to do this?"

Scarlett's answer at the time was: "Excellent people are always surrounded by many people. I have witnessed Gilbert's continuous success since I was a child.

In my eyes, no one is better, more outstanding, and more able to win my heart than him."

Scarlett's special circumstances may be due to family reasons, which led to her having some father complex. When Gilbert broke into her life, Scarlett could not tolerate other men in her eyes.

After all, people of the same age look very naive, and there are basically no people in the world who are better than Gilbert.

Those who are richer than Gilbert Jr. are not as young as him, those who are younger than him are not as talented as him, and those who are more talented than him... No one in this world is more talented than Gilbert Jr.

Cameron Diaz doesn't have so many thoughts. Except for Naomi Watts, she is the eldest sister among the women and has been with Gilbert Jr. for a longer time than Naomi Watts.

Cameron Diaz is really happy for Naomi Watts. She quickly called Charlize Theron and Jennifer Connelly who were filming outside.

Charlize Theron has finished filming "Monster" and is hiding to restore her figure and beauty. She doesn't want Gilbert Jr. to see her ugly appearance, and she won't show up unless she changes back.

Jennifer Connelly just released a movie in the summer and took on another "Bruce Almighty" to work with Jim Carrey and Morgan Freeman.

It is worth mentioning that the position of the heroine of "Bruce Almighty" was snatched by Jennifer Connelly from Jennifer Aniston.

It seems that Brad Pitt's wife and the reputation brought by "Friends" are not as effective as a phone call from Gilbert Jr. to Roger Birnbaum, the producer of "Bruce Almighty".

The two women were envious when they heard Cameron Diaz say that Naomi Watts was pregnant.

Charlize Theron accelerated her recovery and came back quickly. Jennifer Connelly planned to take a leave in two days to come back and see, and squeeze Gilbert Jr. by the way. She also wanted it.

The Cantaloupe Manor was full of joy. After a while, Gilbert Jr. came back with Anne Hathaway.

Naomi Watts looked at Gilbert Jr. with a sweet and happy smile on her face, and her hand unconsciously touched her belly.

"How is it?" Gilbert Jr. was very concerned.

"It's true that I'm pregnant. Doctor Kate has confirmed it." Cameron Diaz on the side replied.

"Great," Gilbert rushed to Naomi Watts and lay on her belly to listen to her feeling.

Naomi Watts chuckled: "It's only been more than two months, can't you hear it?"

"Can't you hear it?" Gilbert smiled, he and Naomi Watts looked at each other, and an element called family affection began to rise.

"Okay, okay," Cameron Diaz decided: "It's getting late, go to rest!"

Cameron Diaz drove Scarlett and Anne Hathaway back to the room, and then said to Gilbert: "You stay with Naomi tonight, I'm going to sleep first."

After that, regardless of Gilbert and Naomi Watts' reactions, he went straight back to his room.

Gilbert and Naomi Watts both knew that Cameron Diaz was letting them spend more time together. After all, she was pregnant, and Naomi Watts needed Gilbert.

After a quick wash, Gilbert and Naomi Watts lay on the bed, rarely doing anything, just hugging each other.

Gilbert smelled the scent of Naomi Watts's blonde hair, while Naomi Watts' fingers drew circles on Gilbert's chest.



"Do you think it's a boy or a girl?"

"I don't know yet."

"So do you like boys or girls?"

"I like both..."

Naomi Watts raised her head and asked again: "Have you named the child?"

"This... How about calling the boy Ilian and the girl Tilly?" Little Gilbert thought for a while and said.

Naomi Watts chewed it a few times and felt it was good: "There is also a Chinese name. You also have a Chinese name, give the child a Chinese name."

"Let me think about it!" Little Gilbert touched Naomi's hair and thought for a long time and said: "Maybe I need a little help. I heard that Chinese people are very particular about naming."

"Okay then," Naomi Watts buried her head in Little Gilbert's arms happily, feeling very relieved.

Finally, she realized her wish to be a mother, and she was really happy.

Although Little Gilbert wanted to keep a low profile, some relatives and friends still had to be notified. Aunt Meryl, who lived in San Francisco, came directly from San Francisco.

Aunt Meryl lived directly in Cantaloupe Manor and took care of Naomi Watts until he gave birth.

After the old man learned that Naomi Watts was pregnant, he, who never went to church to pray, actually went to church to pray for the first time.

The old man also invited a pastor to pray for Naomi Watts.

And friends such as Leo, Matt Damon, and Sofia Coppola also called to greet him.

Leo even rushed to be the godfather of the child, but when he heard that Robert Iger and Doug Walter were both interested in being the godfather of the child, he gave up.

But Leo still promised that he would prepare a big and thick gift after the child was born.

Tom Cruise directly pulled his daughter Suri over and said to Gilbert Jr.: "If it's a girl, the two are sisters, and if it's a boy, it's a baby marriage."

Gilbert Jr. was helpless: "Tom, don't you ask Suri's wishes?"

"She must be happy, Suri, don't you think so?" Tom Cruise turned to ask his daughter.

Suri, who was attracted by the novelty toy, didn't pay attention to what Tom Cruise said, and then nodded.

"Look, Suri doesn't refuse."

"Uh!" Gilbert Jr. said, "Let's wait until the kids grow up!"

Naomi Watts's pregnancy was not told to outsiders. Although this joy is rare, Gilbert Jr. and Naomi Watts don't want to share it with anyone except their relatives and friends.

Because Naomi Watts is pregnant, Gilbert Jr. put down his work and stayed at home for more than a week.

But he has a lot of things to do after all. Although he wants to stay with her for a while longer, he was persuaded by Naomi Watts to go back to work.

It's been a long time since he took a break. In addition to the release of "The Fault in Our Stars", Gilbert Jr. also started to prepare for "Pirates of the Caribbean".

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