I'm bound to the witch of death

Chapter 375 Resurrection

Chapter 375 375. Resurrection

Facts have proved that Miss Mu's perversion is beyond imagination.

In order to humiliate him, he would do anything, and he could use any spiritual clothing ability.

Or a locking technique? !

This is the first time that Xia Feng has seen the ability of spiritual clothes specifically targeting a single person.

Really outrageous.

Sure enough, after a while, Xia Feng was attracted by the sweat-stained breath between Miss Mu's delicate collarbones and moved her Adam's apple.

When he raised his eyes, he met the condescending golden eyes of Nong Nong.

"Mr. Xia, does it smell good?" she asked softly.

"so so."

Xia Feng said disdainfully and patted her beautiful back, "Get up first, Miss Mu. Since we have reached the peak of the fourth level, let's advance to the fifth level first, otherwise the remaining two Tai Chi powers will not be used."

"No need."

But the silver-haired woman shook her head and sat down with her round thighs to stop him from getting up, "Mr.

As she spoke, she waved her hand, and a large number of fifth-level spiritual materials appeared, and she began to prepare the fifth-level promotion spiritual liquid.


Xia Feng's eyes twitched slightly, and he was completely convinced. It seemed that the witch was determined to trap him and not let him have the slightest chance to escape.

Now that a day has passed, he is already a little tired, and he doesn't know if he can persist until the construction of the Eternal Day Seal is completed in two days.

Worried in his heart, Xia Feng had no choice but to take out a lot of fifth-level water attribute spiritual materials from Na Shi Space.

After killing Cha Taixian and obtaining all his treasures, the spiritual materials for promotion to the fifth level were completely prepared.

Although he didn't need this stuff to be promoted, he still carefully prepared the spiritual liquid in front of Miss Mu.

The spiritual liquid was quickly prepared, and the liquid in the test tube was golden.

"Let's get started, Mr. Xia."

Eyes facing each other, the two of them raised their necks and drank at the same time.

Afterwards, Mu Qingtong threw away the test tube, leaned over and blocked Mr. Xia's lips, and hugged his hair and neck.

It's just promotion to the fifth level. It won't cost her too much, so there's no need to waste time. It is completely possible to continue to practice Yin Yang Mirror while being promoted.

I believe the same is true for Mr. Xia.

Although the increase rate of ordinary Yin Yang Mirror practice is low, it is better than nothing.

Xia Feng was a little confused. He didn't think this was normal. Who was promoted like this? !

Can't you just sit quietly with your eyes closed and get promoted steadily?

You know, just by being promoted from the first level to the second level, a lot of people failed to advance and suffered backlash.

In a super-level field like the fourth level, if you want to advance to the fifth level, you have to spend at least four or five days sitting quietly, reconstructing the spirit structure and sublimating the spirit base under the action of the promotion liquid. And this still has a 70% probability of promotion failure.

Therefore, Xia Feng was a little worried that Mu Qingtong was so unscrupulous. If the failure backfired on his spirit base, he would be doomed.

A person's soul space is divided into [spiritual son, spiritual base, and spiritual essence] from the outside to the inside.

The spirit sons are arranged in an orderly manner to form the spiritual pressure that fills the surface of the soul, and the middle layer of the soul is the spirit base, which is used to release and create spirit sons.

As for the innermost ectoplasm, it is the core of the soul, involves the birth essence of life, and is the most mysterious.

When a spiritual master upgrades, the essence is to refine and sublimate the spiritual base, so that it can release spiritual particles faster, have stronger defensive ability to protect the spiritual essence from being harmed, and at the same time make the spiritual base smaller. Internal contraction.

The so-called getting smaller is because the soul space is limited. When the spirit base can be squeezed inward without damaging the spiritual essence and becomes smaller, the space free for the spirit son in the outer layer will naturally increase. Naturally, the amount of spiritual energy will be greatly increased as a result, while the intensity of spiritual pressure will not be reduced.

Once a spiritual master loses his spiritual foundation, it is equivalent to the world of immortal cultivation losing his cultivation foundation, his Dantian will be destroyed, and his meridians will be severed.

There are countless spiritual masters in this world who have lost their spiritual bases, and most of them are due to failed promotions. The higher the level, the greater the risk that failed promotions will backfire on their spiritual bases and eventually lead to collapse.

Because of this, Xia Feng is now frightened.

He frowned and hugged Miss Mu's slender waist like a water snake, feeling her deep kiss and rhythm, his heartbeat became faster and faster, and his nerves twitched nervously.

Fortunately, he was overly worried after all. Is Mu Shen an existence that can be treated with common sense? It is not difficult for her to do two things at once.

Xia Feng caressed her back and closed his eyes to feel that there was no delay in the synchronization ability. The spirit base was like a pulsing heart, slowly shrinking under the influence of the ascension spirit liquid, and at the same time, it released the spirit seeds crazily.

Like the spray of water from a garden spring, the spirit seeds splashed out in all directions, quickly filling up the remaining space in the soul space.

No slack is left, everything is perfect.

[The spirit in your body is compressed to the limit, and your spiritual pressure is greatly increased! 】

[Mu Qingtong completed promotion, your spiritual base has been sublimated——]

[Your spiritual energy has gained a huge increase——]

[Your strength, agility, and essence will gain a large increase——]

Xia Feng and Mu Qingtong were startled at the same time, gasping and opening their eyes, their black pupils facing each other with their golden pupils.

[Your spiritual pressure level has successfully advanced to the ‘fifth level’! Copy bit +1]

[Currently owns copy positions: 6 (5+1)]

Xia Feng was immersed in the joy of increasing the number of copies. Suddenly, the tip of a jade finger slid along his Adam's apple to his chin, and raised it.

Mu Qingtong smiled lightly and said softly: "Under the influence of pheromones, he was able to be promoted so quickly. Mr. Xia is quite impressive."

"No, it's you who are great." Xia Feng glanced at her and spoke the truth.

Mu Qingtong happily accepted Mr. Xia's compliment and looked back at the time on the clock on the wall in the living room.

Three o'clock in the morning.

For more than a day in the past, she had not shown any signs of fatigue under the blessing of the Destiny Stone's 'Infinite Durability'.

But Mr. Xia's complexion seemed a little bad.

Although blessed by the power of the rules of the Destiny Stone, it still seems to consume some kind of energy from Mr. Xia that can affect life. According to the concepts in some ancient books, this energy should be 'Yang Qi'.

While thinking, the silver-haired woman twisted the waist of the water snake and readjusted her sitting posture. She looked at Xia Feng and suddenly asked: "Mr. Xia, is your Suzaku Magic Armor still there?"


Xia Feng naturally discovered the problem with himself, which made him a little frightened and his thoughts were changing.

Without changing his expression, he shook his head helplessly: "It's no longer there. There are only six spiritual weapon slots in total. The Suzaku Magic Armor can't increase much combat power, so I naturally replaced it."

"Lie." The crimson-haired maid sitting on the chair beside her said expressionlessly, straightening her back.


Mu Qingtong was thoughtful, her cold beautiful eyes slowly curved, as cunning as the crescent moon, and she said coldly: "It's good that you are still here."

Xia Feng: "!!!"

Mu Qingtong had already seen that Mr. Xia had previously resisted for fear of angering Gong Changyi, but now he was resisting the matter out of instinctive fear.

The more Mr. Xia resisted.

The more she likes it!

"Mr. Xia, I remember that after the Suzaku Magic Armor is resurrected, there is a 30-minute attribute doubling time similar to a promotion. After the doubling is over, it will be paralyzed for a few seconds, and there will be a 30-minute cooling time.

So, you only have to wait 30 minutes before you can use the resurrection ability again, right? "


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