I'm bound to the witch of death

Chapter 389 Fortress and Traps

Chapter 389 389. Fortress and Traps

It is also because of this cultivation system that some of the evil spirits in the evil tribe have six or seven eyes but are still evil.

For example, Shouling, the evil spirit mentioned by the evil spirit tribe, has reached the six-eye level, but is still evil. Now he is preparing to be promoted to the seven-eye level, and then change his job to become evil.

Of course, Xia Feng doesn't really care whether Shouling will change his job or not.

What he cares about is that in order to help Shouling to be promoted, Ye Lihelian will provide a large number of evil spirit beads!

This is undoubtedly good news.

After asking a few more questions, Xia Feng used the Blood Beast Shadow to annihilate the three evil spirit souls and the traces of the surrounding battles, and then returned to the Bronze Building with the unconscious girl in his arms.

He originally planned to wait for the "open day" five days later before entering the Dongsheng Fortress, but Ye Lihelian and Shouling seemed to be doing something big, which made him change his mind and prepare to act in advance.

And Li Zaishi's daughter was also in the Dongsheng Fortress, so he had to go in to see the situation anyway.

After handing Chen Xiaoshui over to a trusted female subordinate of Mu Qingtong and settling him down, Miss Mu did not ask any more questions and headed towards Dongsheng Fortress with him.

However, Mu Qingtong was still a little dissatisfied and said, "Mr. Xia, your plan is too sudden."

According to Mu Qingtong's plan, today should be reading, practicing, afternoon tea, studying the Destiny Stone, reading again, waiting for Mr. Xia to return from the God Space, and having two reasonable bed battles with Mr. Xia before going to bed, and sleeping.

This is how she has been for the past ten days. This kind of routine life is actually quite good.

It's just that Mr. Xia has to go to the God Space every day to be played by the evil god, which makes her always dream of Mr. Xia being teased and played by the evil god at night.

It makes her inexplicably irritable.

Although it's just a physical relationship, she doesn't like Mr. Xia, not at all! But the nominal fiancé is so unscrupulous that he goes out to cheat in front of her, which is undoubtedly a provocation to Naked.

However, it's no big deal, because the evil god will die sooner or later.

And they will die miserably.

Xia Feng stood on the high slope of the grassland and looked out. He could vaguely see the end of the mist. There was a towering wall of nearly a thousand meters, standing like a giant.

Right above the wall, every hundred meters there was a flag with black ink on a silver background flying, and in the middle of the flag was written the word [Shang], which was written with the domineering military spirit.

This was the gate flag of the fourth gate pillar of the empire.

And higher above this towering wall,

there was a giant blue whale with a size of a hundred feet, humming and poking out of the clouds, flapping its fins like a snail, slowly drilling into the red clouds in the sky.

Xia Feng glanced at the huge words carved in the middle of the high wall: Dongsheng.

He patted the shoulder of the woman in the black dress: "Miss Mu, let's go."

Xia Feng used a bronze mask to disguise himself, turning into a black-haired ape with a silver horn on his forehead.

This was one of the three Erlings he had met before.

Then, he used the evil demon heart to increase his evil aura, and he was exactly the same as the evil spirits, and there was no difference.

Of course, the evil spirits could not enter the military area, but according to the information Xia Feng had obtained from the interrogation, the three evil spirits needed to send him directly to the living area of ​​Dongsheng Fortress after they caught him.

To this end, he asked Miss Mu to disguise herself as a man wearing a K mask.

He put on a black robe and cloak, and jumped down the high slope with Miss Mu in his arms, and rushed away.

Dongsheng Fortress is divided into living area, military area, and core area.

The military area and core area are inside the towering walls.

Outside the high walls is the living area, and outside the living area, there is a light blue barrier covering the sky, completely covering this huge area.

Xia Feng carried Mu Qingtong, and under the secret guidance of an officer, took a helicopter through the light blue barrier and entered the living area.

Looking down from the sky, you can see neatly arranged white houses below.

The white house is only two stories high, with four windows, lawns, fences, and mailboxes outside the door. Each white house looks exactly the same, like countless white squares arranged on the ground.

However, in the center of thousands of white houses, there is a very special red house, four stories high, with simple and elegant decoration, and a maid watering flowers on the second-floor balcony.

Xia Feng glanced at the scene below, but found that the helicopter had been parked in the air for a while.

He looked at the officer in the cockpit in confusion: "Why don't you move forward?"

The officer was a third-level festival envoy. He glanced at the evil tribe wrapped in a black robe and cloak, and said lightly: "Wait, they are still retrieving the landing authority."

Xia Feng nodded, but at the same time, Yue Hongli's voice rang in Xia Feng's heart: "Three hours ago, the superiors suddenly issued an order that the fortress can only enter but not leave. From now on, no matter who enters the fortress for any reason or in any identity, they will be immediately surrounded and killed!"

Hearing the result of Yue Hongli's mind reading, Xia Feng's black pupils shrank suddenly, and with a thought, he carried the fake-dead Mu Qingtong directly into the Paladin space.

At the same time, nine beams of light lit up at the same time on the towering wall that went straight into the clouds, rumbling and piercing the sky, and the back half of the helicopter was instantly annihilated in the black light cannon trajectory.

Only the charred and broken cockpit was left, falling to the ground like a meteor, and the pilot in it was bleeding all over, but he was only burned by the aftermath, not fatally.

He was still working diligently, and while blood was spurting out of the sky, he was still holding his communication watch and shouting hoarsely: "The target has space-related abilities! Failed to kill, repeat! The target has space-related abilities"

"."Xia Feng didn't understand, how could he be discovered with such a perfect disguise?

However, from the driver's voice, another possibility can be inferred. Dongsheng Fortress seems to be attacking indiscriminately, and it is not necessarily aimed at him.

He was just unlucky and ran into the muzzle of the gun.

What a shit luck.

At the same time, the tops of thousands of white houses on the ground instantly lit up with red light lines, shooting straight into the sky.

Xia Feng sensed that his paladin space was shaking, and it broke directly with a snap!

He vomited blood, and fell back to the present world with Mu Qingtong again. Five Zhenwu auras in the distance were approaching rapidly! The towering walls farther away lit up eighteen red light spots again.

Is this a trap? Xia Feng's scalp tingled, and he turned around and ran.

Fortunately, after nearly a month of training, his agility value has been greatly improved with the help of Miss Mu, which is much higher than that of a normal ordinary five-spiritual master.

The speed is fast.

But now he is completely in the tiger's den. The officers who are resting in the white houses on the ground saw the invaders and also took to the air to block them.

Boom! ! Boom! ! ! A huge red eye made of thunder even appeared in the sky. As the giant eye swept its gaze, thick thunders fell from the sky, chasing Xia Feng's afterimage and slashing, almost blowing his butt off.

Meow! He cursed in his heart, but fortunately the Paladin Space was finally repaired! He thought and entered the Paladin Space again!

"Miss Mu." As he thought, Mu Qingtong's beautiful eyes spun a swastika-shaped golden light.

Suddenly, a huge amount of mental power surged out of her brows, filling the entire Paladin Space.

The red lines shot out from the white houses on the ground are a kind of mental ray, which can pass through any space blockade and directly enter the Paladin Space to affect Xia Feng's soul state, causing his perception of space to drop sharply, so that he can't control the space-type spiritual tools and is forced to return to the present world.

After Miss Mu fills the alien space with mental power, she can perfectly resist the attack of this ray.

It's just that the consumption is a bit large, and it is estimated that only Miss Mu's mental energy can withstand this consumption.

Seeing the two suddenly disappear again, all attacks in the world suddenly stopped, and all officers looked around in confusion.

Xia Feng flew past the officers openly. The Paladin Space only had fifteen seconds left, which was not enough for him to escape from the fortress. He could only find a place to hide first.

Just as Xia Feng was nervously looking for a hiding place, he unexpectedly saw a familiar figure.

In the center of the white house, the only four-story elegant red house stood.

The maid who was watering the flowers on the balcony on the second floor had already hidden in the house for safety, but at this time, a tall woman in a homely floral dress opened the window and raised her cold and beautiful eyes to look at the battle situation in the sky.

The woman's casual wine-red long hair fluttered in the wind, and Xia Feng was surprised, "Teacher Freya?"

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