I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 1014 God Opens His Eyes

A few days later, Suizi and his wife accompanied Chen Lijun to the hospital, and the young couple had already made up their minds.

As long as the deputy director takes action, he will catch her. There are only these few people in the left and right consultation rooms.

When they arrived at the hospital, the deputy director waited early. In order to show the importance she attached to Chen Lijun, she personally accompanied her into the B-ultrasound room.

Seeing this, Suizi followed in and asked Yu Jingting to wait outside.

Both parties have their own thoughts and plans, and only Chen Lijun is kept in the dark.

During the game, Suizi boasted that she had made complete preparations.

But when Chen Lijun lay down on the B-ultrasound bed, the doctor who performed the B-ultrasound gasped.

"What's wrong?" Suizi was nervous, and the deputy director also leaned over to look.

The doctor doing the ultrasound asked them to watch the screen.

"Look, Bureau Chen's child seems to have turned around."

Suizi leaned over to take a look, and it was true.

The deputy director was also dumbfounded, huh?

She took all the money, bought the color TV and took it home, but in the end, there is no chance to make a move?

The child's head was turned and the fetal position was correct.

Chen Lijun sat up happily, thinking of what Luoluo said to her yesterday.

At that time, it was just a child's joke, but it turned out to be true.

"This is really good, I have to buy a box of flowers for our little lucky star when I go back!"

Chen Lijun smiled happily, thinking that she would not have to suffer the reincarnation.

I heard it hurts.

Chen Lijun was happy when she looked up to see Suizi's dull expression.

"Why, are you unhappy?"

"Happy, I just react slowly." Suizi also recovered, with a happy expression on her face.

This is a good thing.

Although it was a little different from the plan, it did not affect her and Yu Jingting's next performance.

"Look, doctor, my fetus has been turned around, so I won't do this external inversion."

Chen Lijun rubbed her stomach and said happily that she would not trade any amount of gold, silver and jewelry for her now.

"Ah, I won't do it." The deputy director is now full of lawsuits, all he thinks is that the money has been collected, and what to do if the matter is not done.

Suizi saw her reaction in her eyes, and sneered in her heart, but remained calm on her face:

"Why do I think you don't look happy?"

"How can it be, aha?" The deputy director smiled forcedly, but she wanted to cry even more now.

I don't know if the TVs in department stores can be refunded?

What should she do if the other side pursues it?

Suizi sent Chen Lijun to Fan Huang's work unit, so of course he had to inform his father of the happy event as soon as possible.

Fan Huang was so anxious about Chen Lijun's pregnancy that he couldn't eat or sleep well, so he started to fuss, but he couldn't show it in front of his wife.

Now that Chen Lijun is out of danger, she naturally wants to tell him as soon as possible, so as to ease Fan's father's nervous heart.

It goes without saying how happy Fan Huang and his wife were.

Just talking about Suizi, after sending mom to dad, he followed Yu Jingting back to the hospital.

The deputy director was not in the consultation room, Suizi guessed that she should go to the mail room, because there was only a phone there, so she followed Yu Jingting to find it, and as soon as she reached the door, she heard the voice of the deputy director from inside.

"Secretary Zhao, things have gone wrong—yes, I know I shouldn't have contacted you, but this matter is really urgent, and Director Chen's inversion technique can no longer be performed."

These people are intriguing, never thought that it is up to people to make things happen, God is on Chen Lijun's side, and the children of others have their own blessings, so they turned around directly.

After much deliberation, the deputy director felt that this matter could not be concealed, so he hurriedly contacted the other side, preferring to return the money collected, and did not want to go into troubled water again.

"Why can't I get it?" A young male voice was on the other end of the phone.

Just as the deputy director was about to answer, his eyes went dark.

Yu Jingting came in at some point, covering her mouth with his hand, and Suizi answered the phone.

The deputy director was terrified. When did these two people come in?

"Hello? Hello?" The other end of the phone did not wait for an answer, so he said hello twice.

"The deputy director is a conscientious doctor, what you asked her to do is too insane, she can't do that." Suizi said.

The deputy director who was covered by Yu Jingting stared, she didn't say that!

"Who are you?"

"I'm her mother, I can't see my daughter so unrepentant."

Suizi didn't wait for the other party to react, and hung up the phone with Kacha.

The deputy director was about to burst into tears, feeling extremely wronged.

Is this woman a devil?

Moreover, why does her mouth have a strange taste? !

Yu Jingting withdrew his hand covering her mouth, and the deputy director almost fainted.

Yu Jingting wore a pair of medical gloves, the plastic kind, the barrier effect is very good, and the yellow stains on them—vomit!

"Sorry, my daughter-in-law is very strict and doesn't let me touch other women's mouths. I'm afraid you will infect me with foot-and-mouth disease. I just passed by the laboratory and saw someone throw gloves. I put them on. It seems to be a baby. To test."

As Yu Jingting said, he took out alcohol from his pocket and sprayed it vigorously on his hand, he is a clean person.

"Ugh!" the deputy director vomited.

I really vomited.

She has never seen such damage!

"You cooperate with us now, be a witness obediently, and I will let you retire early with dignity."

Suizi tugged at the corners of her mouth and brushed her hair gracefully.

"I don't want to retire." The deputy director said weakly, she was still young, and she still had dreams.

The other side promised that as long as she gets things done, she will be promoted to director, but she can't figure it out, why did this husband and wife fall from the sky?

"It's fine if you don't retire, then wait to be silenced, and then ask your family to burn some paper for you and spend it underneath." Suizi said the most ruthless words in the gentlest voice.

Yu Jingting snorted, "You still have the capital to negotiate terms with us? My wife just offended someone in your name, maybe the people over there are on the way now, ready to kill you. Say it or not ?!"

The deputy director knelt down, put his head in his hands and cried, "I said, I can say anything! They gave me money to do some tricks on Bureau Chen's external inversion, and I didn't think about harming the fetus. Just let her have a caesarean section today, and they promised me to be promoted to director if it was done, and they gave me 2,000 yuan."

After finishing speaking, he added: "I didn't think about harming the child, after all, it's life. I just want to make some money."

What he said made Yu Jingting happy.

With his smile, the deputy director thought he was going to let him go, so he also smiled apologetically.

"I x your uncle!" After laughing, Yu Jingting kicked him over, kicking him on his back.

"Doing this wicked and smoky thing, you still think you are very great, don't you? How many people do you have to cheat when you are a doctor? God let you fall into my hands, and you can choose whether you want to die or live!"

After speaking, he added another foot.

Suizi watched from the side, her eyes were cold, she never thought of stopping her.

This kind of person deserves it.

If it wasn't for her and Yu Jingting's wit, her mother would have to have an early section now.

"I want to live! I want to live! You can do whatever you want me to do! Please, let me go, I won't dare anymore!"

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