I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 119 What are you holding back?

In the deep winter, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow, Yang Tun was covered by thick snow, as if wearing a new dress.

Outside the small courtyard of Yu's house, a group of children were running in the snow, and their laughter and laughter spread into the house.

Suizi sat at the kang table, concentrating on grading papers.

The final exam has just ended, and this is the last thing Suizi will do for the students.

At the end of this semester, she will no longer go to school as a substitute teacher.

"Sister-in-law! Have you approved my paper yet?" Jiao Jiao stretched her neck to look.

The name is all sealed with a stapler, but it doesn't really matter to Suizi whether it is sealed or not.

In the past two months of substitute teaching, she has already memorized every child's handwriting.

"The approval is over, there is progress."

"Hey!" Jiao Jiao happily rolled somersaults on the kang, almost kicking Yu Jingting who was eating peanuts with her feet.

"Crazy girl, go and go!" Yu Jingting pushed his sister away in disgust.

"The progress your sister-in-law said is about going from five points to ten points in the test. What are you talking about?"

"Slightly slightly, that's not true! If you don't have 90, you can pass the exam if you are 80."

Jiaojiao was very confident, raised her chin and asked Suizi:

"Is that right, sister-in-law?"

"Ninety in Chinese, ninety-five in mathematics." Suizi announced the answer.

All the peanuts in Yu Jingting's hand fell on the kang.

"Little girl, have you finally learned to use your power for personal gain and help your child cheat?!"

Suizi rolled his eyes at him, and stroked the stupefied Jiaojiao's head.

"Don't talk nonsense, this is the result of Jiaojiao's own hard work. I have already told the teacher who will take you next time, before my sister-in-law takes you into the city, I will let you be the monitor."

Before the exam, Suizi gave Jiaojiao one-on-one tutoring, which was a small lesson.

He also encouraged Jiaojiao to be the monitor of the class if she got into the top ten.

Jiaojiao has grown up a bit since the accident, and Suizi has been instilling in her "knowledge changes destiny" intentionally or unconsciously during this time, and the little girl knows to work hard.

The primary school textbooks are not too difficult. After mastering the method, the child is smart, so it is not surprising that the grades are raised.

"But don't be too proud. The questions in the village are relatively simple. When you transfer to the city, it will take a lot of effort to maintain the top scores, but I believe you can do it, and I will help you .”


Jiaojiao wiped her tears, she didn't expect that she could do so well in the exam.

"He counted the money after being sold, tsk." Seeing his sister being fooled by his wife, Yu Jingting complained.

Don't think he didn't see it, Suizi asked someone to buy a lot of things from the city yesterday.

Among them are exercise books.

He made his sister cry bitterly, because he wanted the child to study more during the winter vacation, this little girl is very cunning.

Suizi stopped sewing and picked up the finished little clothes.

"Does it look good?" She was already preparing new clothes for the baby in her belly.

The little red dress is about the size of a palm and has small sleeves. Thinking that a cute baby will wear it will make you feel good.

"It looks good. My sister-in-law looks good in everything she does. She's so skillful."

"Your sister-in-law farts and you say it's delicious."

Yu Jingting felt that his younger sister was his wife's licking dog, so he touched his chin and thought to himself.

Now the whole family can maintain their sanity and not be confused by her soul-absorbing spell, and only him, who is the number one hunk in the Wang family circle, is the only one.

"Jing Ting, I also hooked a scarf for you, look."

Suizi pulled out a large beige woolen scarf from behind as if by magic.

"The photo sent by my uncle's letter, I think it is very popular in the city, so I made one for you too."

"This color is too girly." The macho man who claimed to be rational maintained his disgust and aloofness on his lips.

But the neck had already betrayed his ready-to-move heart, and stuck in front of her.

Let Suizi wrap the scarf around him, the man has a slender neck and a straight figure, wearing a scarf looks very good.

"The color is not girly at all, how handsome-Jiaojiao, does your brother look like Xu Wenqiang from Shanghai Beach?"

Suizi stepped back a little to admire, the tough guy had a rough and majestic temperament, and he was Wang Jiawei's "Xu Wenqiang Fenqiang" himself.

"Brother, do you know what you look like when you stretch your neck?" Jiao Jiao tilted her head and thought for a while.

"It's like our dog squatting obediently while waiting to eat the bone-sister-in-law, he hit me, don't you care?!"

Yu Jingting threw a shelled peanut at him, Jiao Jiao, not to be outdone, picked up a feather duster to fight.

The tassel supports the forehead.

"Mother is not at home, can you two and five calm down? Jiaojiao, put down the feather duster, it's dusty!"

Push Yu Jingting, quickly pick up the kang peanuts, prodigal lords!

"Mother can't come back yet?" Jiao Jiao's face was sullen, she hadn't seen her mother for several days.

Wang Cuihua has to move back to her mother's house every other week after eating pig-killing dishes at home.

After her natal mother fell, she and her natal brother took turns serving the old lady, and this week it was Wang Cuihua's turn again.

Suizi suggested that the old lady be brought to her home so that her mother-in-law would not have to run back and forth.

Wang Cuihua's sister-in-law disagreed, saying that the old lady was getting old, and if she died in her daughter's house, it would be a joke to the villagers.

The general concept in the village is that the elderly must die in the son's house, not in the daughter's house.

Although Suizi couldn't understand why the old lady had to curse the old man to die early even though she had broken bones and couldn't move, but she was alive and well.

"Mother won't be back in a few days—Jing Ting, I stewed pheasant mushrooms, let's send mother a pot later, and chicken soup, take it to grandma."

In the past few days, there has been heavy snowfall, and pheasants are everywhere in the mountains. Yu Jingting led his people to go up the mountain to trap pheasants, and the harvest was very good.

It's strange to say that he can do a lot when he goes up the mountain, but others are not as clever as him.

The winter in the north is dull, and every family relies on the stored autumn vegetables to survive the winter, and Lao Yu's family seems to have had a fake winter.

Meat food has never stopped since the beginning of winter. As long as Yu Jingting enters the mountain, he will not come out empty-handed. Others will not gain as much as he does.

Suizi was also worried that, in this age when material resources were not abundant, she would suffer from malnutrition during pregnancy.

As a result, less than two months after being reborn, she had already started to count the calories in her diet, and controlled her diet in a planned way so as not to give birth to a fat baby.

"The road is not slippery in the past few days, and I also go out for a walk. Counting, I haven't seen my grandma's wrestling until now. Jiaojiao should go too."

In order to protect the baby, Suizi easily leaves the village.

She didn't go to see her grandma when she was sick, which was criticized by Wang Cuihua's natal family.

It is said that Yu Jingting married a cultured man and looked down on poor relatives.

The aunt's family is also in that village, so she doesn't quite get along with Wang Cuihua's elder brother and sister-in-law.

Because of scolding Suizi together, a friendship was established.

They get together every now and then, scolding Suizi for being a broom star, and scolding her for having eyes above her head.

The colleague who had Suizi in the village felt that the words were outrageous, so he told Suizi exactly.

After hearing this, Suizi stayed put and didn't tell Yu Jingting, lest he blow up someone's toilet and sit on the wall to scold him or something.

But today, she had to go there herself.

"What are you holding back?" Yu Jingting felt that his daughter-in-law was laughing badly.

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