I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 147 Successfully won (thanks to Shu Yue'er+more)

"Frankly, if you weren't Suizi's mother, I wouldn't want to deal with you. You are the most thoughtful person I have ever met besides my wife."

These words brought Chen Lijun's already high blood pressure to a whole new level.

"That's really wronged you, run away from me as a wronged snake!!!"

If you dare to talk to your mother-in-law like that, there will be no one else but this bastard.

Let him go to the ditch one by one. Chen Lijun spat twice in her heart.

She doesn't admit that this is her son-in-law, no, admit, admit!

"But I know, I don't get along well with you, Suizi will be in trouble in the future."

"That girl hates me to death, if you scold me for her, she will only like you more?"

There was a trace of imperceptible bitterness at the corner of Chen Lijun's mouth.

"It's like this for a short time, but I didn't just spend three or two years with her. After she thinks about it, don't go around the corner. You two are tired, and scratch me together."

Yu Jingting snorted, when the time comes, he will become a pitiful little boy scratched by his own mother-in-law, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Can a pure man do such a loss-making business?

"How are you sure, that girl can stay on top of the curve? She will recognize me in the future? She is afraid of blood. If she is more courageous, she can follow Nezha's example and shave her flesh back to her mother and sever ties."

"She's a bit stubborn, but she's also smart. It's okay to hide your tricks from her for a while. Sooner or later, she will find out that the little girl is very smart."

Accidentally said bald mouth, the little girl blurted out.

Chen Lijun froze for a moment, as if thinking of something, Yu Jingting's eyes gradually darkened.

This kid really likes Suizi.

But what surprised Chen Lijun even more was what Yu Jingting said about "her tricks".

"How do you know I'm hiding it from her?" Suizi didn't even notice, but this kid actually sees through everything?

Yu Jingting didn't want to answer this question, just smiled and said nothing.

Chen Lijun is used to calculating others, and it was the first time she met someone who could counter her.

This feeling of not being able to control the overall situation made her irritable and wanted to smoke a cigarette.

Yu Jingting took out a box of unopened red plums from his pocket, which was specially prepared when he came.

"Since I dare to call you Mom, I will definitely be your son-in-law. It's a commonplace, and I'm not afraid of offending you."

Pass the cigarette to Chen Lijun.

"Although you deliberately angered her and alienated her for the good of my wife, you don't want to tell me why, and I won't ask."

"But my daughter-in-law has a stubborn temper. She will never forgive you if she doesn't scratch you a few times in the future. If you two really fight—"

"You help her?" Chen Lijun skillfully said Jingting's lines.

"That's natural, but we have to make an agreement. If you two reconcile in the future, if she is unreasonable, you, mother-in-law, have to help me."

The two extremely smart people looked at each other, and Chen Lijun smiled.

This time it was a real smile.

"When the baby is born, send me a letter and treat her better."

Chen Zixiao felt that he was hallucinating again.

He goes out for a few minutes.

Before going out, his sister still looked down on Yu Jingting.

When they came back, the two had already discussed the name of Suizi's child.

The satisfied look on his sister's face was definitely not faked.

This time it was really the way the mother-in-law looked at her son-in-law.

On the train back, Chen Zixiao asked Chen Lijun.

"Sister, haven't you always looked down on him?"

"I never looked down on him. Ever since I was still in Yangtun, I thought he was a promising young man."


Chen Zixiao thought carefully, Yu Jingting's mother is a great jumping god, maybe she taught Yu Jingting some spells.

Why did his psychologically twisted sister suddenly become kind?

"I objected before, but I was just worried that his temper would be at odds with Suizi, fearing that Suizi would be wronged."

"Then you are not worried now?"

"He has already called Suizi little girl, so why should I worry?"

Chen Lijun has been depressed for many days, and finally she can relax her brows steadily.

"Sister, are you sure you haven't been cast under a spell?" Get out of the car now and splash some blood, is there too late?

Ladies, no matter how you hear it, it's all disrespect for women, right?

"You don't understand, he has the same virtue as his father, and the way of expressing his liking is a bit special."

This is not special anymore, this is a heavy taste, right? Chen Zixiao thought to himself.

I can't find the dog's blood. The raw pork knuckle that Jing Ting gave me can be rubbed against his sister's face—there's frozen pig's blood on it. Does the pig's blood ward off evil spirits?

"He is capable, likes Suizi, and knows—"

"what do you know?"

Know how to regulate the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

This is what Chen Lijun likes most about Yu Jingting.

Chen Lijun did not say this sentence.

Yu Jingting didn't say anything either.

But he can appear here, and what he said, has already shown Chen Lijun his hole cards and his resourcefulness.

He is trying to tell Chen Lijun that he will have a way to reconcile Suizi with Chen Lijun in the future.

As long as it's convenient for Chen Lijun, he can use it as a shit stick, er, it's double-sided tape.

She has no reason to refuse such a son-in-law.

Chen Lijun is now imagining the scene of her daughter leading the child to the capital to reunite with her after the crisis is resolved on her side.

Seeing Yu Jingting's performance today, she also agreed to bring her son-in-law.

Wang Cuihua is a close friend in her boudoir, so naturally she has to come.

Jiaojiao can study at the school affiliated to her institution, arranged by her sister-in-law, Suizi is not worried.

Chen Lijun's thinking suddenly jumped to several years later.

"Sister, why didn't you tell Suizi that you were doing it for her own good?"

"The less she knows, the safer she is."

"I thought you looked down on Jingting's background and wanted to find a better one for Suizi."

"Family background can be worked hard, education can be improved, but IQ and ability are born. My son-in-law, family background can be ignored. Character and IQ are the most important. He is qualified to match tassels. Of course, the most important thing is- —”

Chen Lijun picked up a mouthful of crisps made of tassels, stretched the corners of her eyes, and was in a happy mood.

"He called Miss Suizi."


Chen Zixiao felt that, in the future, he should let his younger brother do it when he heard his elder sister talk about such errands that no one could understand.

Outside the car window, the vast northern wilderness passed by quickly.

Chen Lijun's thoughts drifted to a long time ago.

At that time, Yu Jingting, also called Yu Tiegen, knelt in his father's coffin, with a straight body, and said to Yu Shuisheng's coffin.

Dad, don't worry, I will take good care of your little girls.

Chen Lijun was surprised that a ten-year-old girl who is not afraid of a coffin is already courageous enough to say such responsible words.

It's just that "little girl" is too vulgar for a cultural person like Chen Lijun.

She told Yu Jingting not to describe her mother like this.

But at that time, Yu Jingting corrected Chen Lijun seriously.

His father said that only the woman he likes the most can call it that, other women are not qualified.

Yu Jingting, who was kneeling in front of his father's coffin, must have engraved this title into his bones.

"The girl Suizi is usually dull and silly, but she has a good eye for picking men. Little girl, what a little girl."

After getting off the car, contact the mental hospital and show it to his sister, is it too late? Chen Zixiao was slightly confused.

Thanks to Shu Yueer for the reward, the title and more will be sent~

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