I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 158 The Street Stalker Who Adds the Drama

The small pieces are finished.

The elders of the two families both got the things they wanted, and took advantage of the interval between pumping out the big ones, to spread hatred towards Yu Jingting.

With IOUs in their pockets, both families have the illusion of "standing up".

The two aunts stood behind Suizi and Wang Cuihua in a strange mood.

During this period of time, because of the New Year's fire incident, Suizi was rumored to be amazing by the villagers, and they all said that she was in Wangfu and sent to her husband's family.

The two aunts had long held back an unknown anger, and today they seized this opportunity to ridicule them vigorously.

"Suizi, it is said that you are the lucky star of your mother-in-law's family, why don't you give it away today?"

"His fourth aunt, look at what that iron root is pumping in your house? It's broken and can't be used!"

One person said one sentence, and after finishing speaking, they all let out piercing and sharp laughter.

Suizi glanced at her mother-in-law and bit her lip.

Wang Cuihua was already annoyed by the nagging of these two old women, but when she saw that her well-behaved daughter-in-law, who looked like a little rabbit, had been wronged like this, she felt angry from her heart.

"The two of you are going to be in trouble soon, and you still have the time to meddle in our family's business? My daughter-in-law is my family's lucky star, not yours!"

After finishing speaking, he pulled Suizi's hand to his side, and gave the two gossip women a big white eye.

"Stay away from them, it's bad luck." Wang Cuihua said to Suizi.

Yu Jingting also happened to look this way, and the scene of his wife and mother being attacked by two shrews was in full view.

Suizi hurriedly gave him a reassuring look, lest he do something now and ruin the plan later.

Yu Jingting made a fist with one hand, his rough fingers were pressed together, making continuous clicking noises, the tip of his tongue lightly brushed his back teeth, and he used his carelessness to cover up the murderous look in his eyes.

The next step is to draw large items, because the amount is too large, and each item is divided into many lots.

The most valuable thing in the production team is the walking tractor worth 6,000 yuan.

Because the value is too great, it is divided into nearly 200 shares.

Every household in the village can get a share, and whoever wants it will exchange money for lots from door to door.

At the time, this was almost impossible to do.

Even for a "big family" like Yu Jingting, it is impossible to spend 6,000 yuan at a time.

Therefore, the most valuable tractor has become the least suspenseful thing, and there is a high probability that it will be thrown there for public use.

What is really competitive is the cattle.

According to the plan, Lao Yu and Jifang went up first, and they all got the lottery, and Yu Jingting also got it by luck.

In this way, Lao Yu's family had three shares in their hands, and Yu Jingting decided on the other families who had drawn lots.

The site has the ownership of the cattle, which has won the envious eyes of the villagers.

The uncle and the second uncle looked at each other and smiled, they were not envious of Yu Jingting's cattle.

Because they can immediately use the IOU in their pockets to blackmail Yu Jingting.

Yu Jingting couldn't afford the money, so he had to give them the cattle for free. The interest was theirs, and the cattle were theirs, so he was very happy.

The two brothers were thinking about Yu Jingting, and Yu Jingting was also thinking about the next thing about farming.

Although his family's "white paper fan" has given him good ideas, he also has his own ideas.

Yu Jingting was gearing up, ready to shock his wife all night with his next performance——

He behaved so well, she had to let him mess around with those things on the kang.

Chen Kaide, who was sitting in the back row, felt lonely, he was unlucky, and smoked things that were not needed and worthless.

Seeing Yu Jingting got the cow, he was envious and greedy, and chanted loudly with his mouth crooked:

"This old Yu's family is very lucky. How can they get a bull lottery? Is this my tassel bringing good luck to my in-law's family, or is it because someone's hands and feet are not clean?"

For a coward like Chen Kaide to shout this out in public, it is enough to show that the matter of taking cattle from Jingting makes people jealous.

The scene fell silent for a moment.

The production team leader who presided over the meeting looked embarrassed.

"Don't talk nonsense! Our lottery is the most fair."

There was a guilty conscience in the words.

The captain took advantage of the second uncle and the others, and tampered with the cattle lottery.

Asked by Chen Kaide, the captain stuttered guiltily.

"Don't disturb the order of the meeting. Everyone is waiting in the cold weather. Let's move on to the next item, dividing the land! For the buffalo, you come first."

Yu buffalo is the second uncle.

The captain was afraid that his little trick would be exposed after a long time, so he asked the second uncle to come up and draw lots.

The box was pasted separately, and inside it was a note that had been written long ago, with three types of first-class land, second-class land, and sandy land written on it.

Whoever catches that gets it.

Suizi heard the captain read the second uncle's name, and looked at Yu Jingting.

According to her and Yu Jingting's plan, it's time for Yu Jingting to stand up.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when Chen Kaide questioned the fairness of the lottery just now, he snatched the first lottery spot, snatched the land of the second uncle, and tore off the other lottery pasted on the box by the way, so that the uncle could not get the first-class land.

But at this time, Yu Jingting was looking at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose.

Sitting like a statue, not making eye contact with Suizi, not saying a word.

Suizi didn't know what he was going to do. Seeing the second master go up with an eager expression on his face, he stretched his dark hands into the lottery box.

Yu Jingting didn't move at all, just wandering leisurely.

What's happening here? Suizi was puzzled.

Obviously we have discussed it at home.

The captain took the lottery from the second uncle. The second uncle didn't even look at it, full of confidence.

I reached into the box and touched it up, and it was easy to find the note pasted on the box.

Does it matter? First class, sure!

After the captain exchanged a tacit look with the second uncle, the captain pretended to spread out the note and read aloud:

"The buffalo was drawn first—huh?! Sandy land?"

Both of them showed shocked expressions at the same time.

The second uncle snatched the note from the captain's hand, and almost saw the hole in the note.

"What's going on?!" The second uncle's eyes were about to spit fire.

After receiving so many gifts from him, give him a piece of sand? !

"I don't know either?!" The captain was even more confused than the second uncle.

The sign he glued on himself will not be a problem.

"Our production team is the fairest. My second uncle smoked a piece of sand 'by his ability'. Who would dare to say that Lao Yu's family is tricky?"

Yu Jingting adjusted the atmosphere lazily.

There was a tidal wave of applause from below.

Applause for fairness!

Cheers to one piece less shabby!

There are only a few pieces of sandy land in total. If someone else draws it, the chance of getting it is small, so we must applaud.

Suizi lowered her eyes and pondered for a few seconds before she realized, could it be that this was the work of her family's street slipper? !

Looking up, he met Yu Jingting's wicked eyes.

Yu Jingting raised his eyebrows at Suizi, Suizi couldn't close his mouth, it was really him.

Although Wang Cuihua didn't know that it was her son's tricks, she stood up immediately, turned around and smiled brightly at the second aunt who had a pale face.

Did the two gossiping women just say that Suizi was coming?

Doesn't this hit the muzzle!

Thank you Xun_Xun Lianxia for your 5000 coins, and Akatris for your 1500 coins~

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