I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 162 Three people go and three people come back

"Buy a tractor?"

When Wang Cuihua heard Suizi say this, she thought she had heard it wrong.

I reached out and touched my daughter-in-law's forehead, it wasn't hot either.

"Our family only has two tractor tickets right now? There are more than 90 tickets outside, and we collect them one by one. Can we afford it?"

The walking tractor is worth 6,000 yuan, and the per capita annual income of farmers can be 70 or 80 yuan, which is not bad.

Suizi bought a tractor as soon as she opened her mouth, which shocked Wang Cuihua.

"The money in the hands of Jing Ting and me is close to 2,000."

She just set the abacus, and this is what she calculated.

Yu Jingting doesn't save money, and before Suizi gets married, he can get money, but it's all used to eat and drink to marry a wife.

The money from the dowry was in her hands, and she resold Dongqing before Jingting, adding up to 2,000.

"This is too far away, do you want to cause a famine? (Note 1)"

"I thought about it, the cattle can be mortgaged to the brigade, and you can charge a few hundred more."

That's half the money.

"Suizi, it's not your mother who told you. Why do you need a tractor? There is no tractor. Our family has a cow. You and Tie Gen will go to the city soon to get wages. I have land in my hometown. Our family is not living well. Good?"

Wang Cuihua just wanted to find comfort.

It is no exaggeration to say that Lao Yu's family is one of the richest households in the entire Wang family circle these days.

The son can make money, the daughter-in-law has a degree, and the old woman can tell fortunes to earn some living expenses.

Suizi's proposal now is tantamount to putting together all the wealth of the family and betting on an unknown future.

Break the comfort and jump out of the comfort zone.

"Mother, I'll settle an account for you." Suizi pulled out the abacus from behind, and settled the account for her while making the calculation.

"A walk-behind tractor can plow the land when the farming is busy, and it can pull goods for transportation when it is idle."

These are all money.

The tractors are only used by the production team when they are busy farming, but Suizi has already seen the business opportunity of transportation.

"But we have such a big place, who can always transport things?"

Wang Cuihua understands that this is a good thing, but it is not very practical. After buying such an expensive thing, how many years will it take to pay back the cost?

She's not the only one who thinks so.

Others in the village also think so.

"We definitely don't have it in our village, but Jingting and I are not in our village. I just forgot. After buying this tractor, according to my stupid head, it will pay back in less than a year, but if it is Jingting -"

Suizi looked up at Yu Jingting, thinking of his future business acumen, her eyes were full of admiration.

"He's got five years?" Wang Cuihua is not very optimistic about her son who is a street guy.

"If he has other ideas, he may pay back his capital in less than a year."

Suizi's algorithms are all based on transportation and farming income.

If he really went to the city, Yu Jingting's quick head must have other uses, and he would be back in a year at the latest.

"But how do you know that there are places in the city that need to be transported?" Wang Cuihua asked.

"Mom, look at this."

Suizi took out another topographic map she had drawn from behind her.

If you are not well prepared, how can you convince your mother-in-law?

"Here is the night school that Jingting and I are going to. The location is just at the junction of the city and the village. The bridge is being built here. The bridge needs transportation, right?"

Suizi clicked on the map, and easily drew out the information she saw when she entered the city last time.

"Why do we need to build a bridge? On the side of the bridge, we need to build a factory." Suizi continued to draw.

The north is a large industrial city, and the 1980s was the most glorious moment in the north.

"And here, here, here." Suizi's pen twirled round and round.

Wang Cuihua was dazzled, and the symbol of money gradually appeared in her eyes.

She swallowed, her heart beating faster.

For a farmer who has never been out of the village, the information Suizi gave is a bit too big.

But Wang Cuihua has been a great god for so many years, so she still has some knowledge.

"You two got it together?"

"Yeah." Suizi nodded, then quickly shook her head, "We still have to wait for Mother to make a decision. If you don't agree, we will give up."

Although the mother-in-law praised her and let her take care of Yu Jingting's accounts, there must still be a boundary between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

When it comes to major matters, giving the elders the respect they deserve will save the mother-in-law from leaving a thorn in her heart and making her feel uncomfortable when she thinks about it.

Suizi didn't know if her mother-in-law would agree.

This matter is easy to say, but it involves all the assets of the whole family.

If the mother-in-law disagrees, she can only give up this plan and think of other ways to start a business in the future.

Wang Cuihua was silent, grabbed the basket on the top of the kang, rolled a dry cigarette for herself, held it in her mouth and smoked it outside the door.

Yu Jingting gave Suizi a reassuring look, and followed him out.

Suizi's heart warmed.

When the couple went out to smoke, they didn't have something to say behind her back, they were afraid that the smell of the smoke would affect her.

Rural families rarely care about this detail. Pregnant women never shy away from staying with family members who smoke.

She gave Yu Jingting a popular science on the impact of second-hand smoke on the fetus, and he convinced the mother-in-law that the mother-in-law never smoked in front of her.

It is really not easy to be able to do this.

The daughter-in-law has no blood relationship with her husband's family, but after all, she has to live under the same roof, with mutual understanding, mutual tolerance, and careful maintenance of the relationship.

From the most familiar strangers who have no blood relationship to a real family, this requires adjustment and fate.

Suizi is very fortunate that she has the experience of rebirth, and it is easier to understand her mother-in-law when she looks at the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law at her psychological age.

These girls have been smoking for a long time.

Suizi cleaned up the house, Wang Cuihua finished smoking two cigarettes, went into the house without looking for Suizi, rummaged through the box for a while, and after driving Yu Jingting out, she took out a handkerchief from her pocket.

The handkerchief was opened layer by layer, and inside was a stack of money.

"Here is my family property. There are three hundred. I don't even know about Tiegen. Take it."

Suizi knew at a glance that this was saved by her mother-in-law's fortune-telling.

He hurriedly pushed away with his hands.

"Mother, no need! I can figure out a way to save the remaining money, you can keep it for yourself."

"Don't tear it up with me, what if you hurt the child?" Wang Cuihua pushed hard, and the money was stuffed into Suizi's hands.

This really put the whole family's wealth under pressure.

Suizi has been a human being for two lifetimes, and she has too much money in her hands.

Only this small handkerchief bag is heavy.

His nose was sore and his eye circles were red.


"The rest of the iron root said that you two have a solution, so I don't care about it. But there is something I have to tell you first."

Suizi wiped away her tears and looked at her mother-in-law.

"You two take the baby in your belly, three of you go out, and three of you come back, you can't lead more people, and you can't take fewer people."

Spike nodded.

"Mother, don't worry, Tie Gen and I live a solid life, I absolutely can't let him go."

She thought her mother-in-law was worried that she would change her mind outside and that she would run away with others.

"Who said you? You and I are at ease. I told you to keep an eye on the iron root. The outside world is too fancy. If this kid dares to look at other women, you can take this."

Wang Cuihua picked up a feather duster from the top of the kang and solemnly handed it to Suizi.

"Until his mind clears."

Note 1: To pull famine means to be in debt. Because some dialects are involved in this book, they will be marked.

By the way, I would like to apologize to everyone, because the author's home is in Zhuanghe, Dalian, and the district where I live is blocked, and I am required to do nucleic acid for 14 consecutive days, so I have to queue up for nucleic acid every day, and today's update is a bit late. But please rest assured, as long as the author does not get caught, the updates will not be interrupted, and don’t worry about me. Our district has enough food and everything, and everything will be fine.

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