I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 180 Bad things turned into good things

"Ah!" Suizi yelled while clutching her stomach.

This sound is more powerful than anything else.

Yu Jingting stopped, rushed to her side and asked nervously:

"What's wrong?"

"Maybe it's fetal gas, I'm going to the Maternity and Children's Hospital for an examination!" Suizi said, clutching her stomach.

Actually nothing happened.

But if she didn't say that, Yu Jingting would have to beat these people to the hospital.

It cannot be said that there is no responsibility for the accident caused by the workers, but it is a bit too much to send someone to the hospital.

Besides, she and Yu Jingting were rational now, and when they hurt someone, they became unreasonable.

Why not take this opportunity and go to the hospital for a prenatal checkup.

Suizi has long wanted to go to the obstetric examination and check the fetal heart rate.

The obstetric examination in this era is much simpler than in later generations. The fetal heart rate check is only done in four months, and Suizi is only three months old, and she is not yet alive.

Suizi was originally a timid girl who thought too much. She didn't keep the child in her womb in her previous life, so she was a little suspicious in this life.

I am always afraid that the child will not develop well, so going to check this time will serve multiple purposes.

When Yu Jingting heard her tire gas, he couldn't care about anything else in the fight, and walked out with her in his arms.

The person in charge of the shopping mall also followed. It is a big deal to hurt a pregnant woman.

The Women's and Children's Hospital was nearby, and people from the shopping mall registered and apologized along with Suizi and Yu Jingting.

Suizi is really going to have a miscarriage because of this, and the mall can't bear the responsibility.

Seeing Yu Jingting's formidable appearance, the person in charge almost thought of the picture of him burning the mall with a bucket of gasoline.

Who wouldn't be afraid to meet such a desperate and ruthless person!

Suizi was lying on the treatment bed, seeing Yu Jingting's nervous eyebrows furrowed together, but Suizi's heart ached.

She wanted to find an opportunity to tell him that she was faking it, but the people in the mall followed closely and couldn't find a chance.

There will be no equipment for listening to fetal heartbeat in future generations. The hospital uses a wooden fetal heartbeat receiver, and the young doctor sweeps Suizi's belly back and forth.

While listening, he made a "huh" sound.

Suizi wasn't nervous at first, but seeing the little doctor like this made her heart lift.

"Doctor, what's wrong with my wife?!" Yu Jingting was more anxious than Suizi.

"I don't hear well."

"Grass! What do you mean!" Yu Jingting was about to explode.

Suizi's eyes went dark, and her hands trembled with fright.

Could it be that the child has no fetal heart? !

Miscarriage, miscarriage.

This terrible thought almost made Suizi forget to breathe.

"Don't worry, I'll call the director over. I just graduated and don't have much experience."

"A doctor who is not experienced enough to be your uncle?!" Yu Jingting scolded directly, if Suizi hadn't pulled him in time, he would have rushed to grab the doctor's collar.

The young doctor ran away in fright, not daring to delay for a second.

The person in charge of the shopping mall, who was in his forties, was so frightened that he retreated back and forth, and retreated to the window, shivering.

Yu Jingting's arrogance scared everyone into stupidity.

Except tassels.

Suizi is also terribly scared now, shaking like chaff, not because of Yu Jingting's anger, but because she is worried about the child in her stomach.

"Jingting, I'm afraid." Suizi said while crying.

"Don't be afraid! I'm here!" Yu Jingting put his arms around her, and he didn't know what to say, but there was only one thought in his mind.

If something happened to his wife, he would set fire to the shopping mall first, and then throw all the things that scared his wife into the river to feed the fish.

The little doctor quickly found the director. The experienced director was holding a goose-type fetal heart receiver, which was clearer than the wooden horn just now.

Yu Jingting and Suizi survived for two long minutes.

The director wears a stethoscope and listens carefully with a receiver in his hand.

Yu Jingting held Suizi's hand, the skin was wet with sweat, and he couldn't tell whose it was.

"Go for a B-ultrasound." The director took off the stethoscope and said to Suizi.

"Yes, yes, is there a fetal heartbeat?" Suizi stuttered in fright.

"Don't be nervous, the fetus is fine."

"Why do you need a B-ultrasound if you have nothing to do?" Yu Jingting asked, the fierce and cannibal eyes made the little doctor take two steps back in fright.

The director is indeed experienced and well-informed. When encountering such a murderous family member, he also maintained an authoritative calm.

"Do a B-ultrasound to confirm whether my speculation is correct, this family member, please calm down."

All Yu Jingting was thinking about was Sui Zi, and he would do whatever the doctor asked him to do. He picked up Sui Zi and carried her all the way to the B-ultrasound room, ignoring everyone's attention.

When people asked him to go out, he didn't move his place, and just stared at him when he was pushed out.

The laboratory technician doesn't dare to offend such a person, so he can stay if he wants to.

It was the first time for Yu Jingting to see a B-ultrasound, and he didn't know what it could see. After the investigation was over, he couldn't wait to ask.

"how was it?"

"I'm still young, so I can't tell the difference between male and female."

"Who the hell asked you about your gender? I'm asking about my wife, what happened to the baby in her belly?!"

"What are you yelling about?" The director opened the door and came in, walking up to the scared laboratory technician.

"Is it twins?"

The laboratory technician tremblingly handed over the handwritten test form, unable to speak, only nodding.

Director is satisfied.

"It seems that what I heard is right, it is the heartbeat of the two fetuses."

"What do you mean? My child has two hearts?" Yu Jingting didn't understand, but he felt that the director's expression at the moment did not seem to be a bad thing.

"This family member, your wife is pregnant with twins, congratulations."

"Huh?" Suizi's tears disappeared in an instant, and she sat up abruptly.

They looked at each other with Yu Jingting, their silly expressions were exactly the same.

After experiencing the fear just now, hearing the doctor speak now is like a dream.

Yu Jingting was stunned by his quick reaction.

Suizi's reaction was a bit slow, and she immediately petrified.

"The fetal heartbeat of twins is sometimes difficult to distinguish. Inexperienced doctors can't find it. I thought it was twins as soon as I heard it."

"Then why didn't you tell him just now?" The analyst was so wronged, she almost thought that the male family member was going to kill her!

The director gave her an unfathomable look, but what he thought in his heart was: You are afraid, but I am not afraid? !

What kind of fierce man is this man? Tell him that if the twins weren't there, he wouldn't be able to smash the hospital?

"Is my baby okay?" Suizi asked cautiously, taking a breath.

"It's okay, it's okay. I'll take your blood pressure in a while, and if there's no problem, go back to raise it—young man, don't be so excited to accompany your lover to the birth checkup next time."

"Yes, yes, you have worked hard." Yu Jingting replied mechanically, his hands and feet were uncoordinated and extremely stiff.

Suizi heard such good news after experiencing great grief, and her mood soared from the bottom of the valley.


It's incredible that there are two children living here.

Just after being happy for a while, Suizi became nervous again when Yu Jingting looked like a wooden man.

When did he walk with the same hands and feet? Shunpao? !

Is this happy or not happy?

Do you feel that raising two children at the same time is a lot of pressure?

Suizi was thinking wildly.

Then, she saw him smiling, very brilliantly.

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