I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 188 Good Boys Don't Imitate (Monthly Pass + Updates)

That night.

At the buffalo house.

"Why does this owl keep hooting near our house? It's weird, second daughter-in-law, why don't you go outside and see what's going on?"

Old lady Yu said to her second daughter-in-law.

The second aunt kowtowed the melon seeds, without raising her eyelids, she said calmly:

"Owls come into the village and come for nothing. There is an old mourner in the family. Isn't it just recruiting these unlucky things?"

Owls are a symbol of bad luck in the countryside.

The old lady Yu scolded angrily:

"Who do you say is the old mourner?!"

On weekdays, the old lady Yu is considered a bit of a mother-in-law at home. The second aunt had a lot of disagreements with her, but she didn't dare to talk back to her in front of her like she is doing now.

These days, the Second Uncle's house is like a mess.

From the moment they were assigned to the tattered land, the whole family was unhappy.

One after another unlucky things happened, and Yu Jingting's family took advantage of it again. They didn't dare to make troubles, so they could only start internal strife.

The second aunt stood up, pointed at the old lady and said angrily:

"I'm talking about you, old man! If you didn't eat and drink for nothing in our house, and brought so many bad things to our family, why should my family only be allocated sandy land?"

It will be spring plowing in more than a month. Looking at other people's first-class land, and then looking at my own sandy land, I feel so aggrieved.

The second aunt had to quarrel with her mother-in-law whenever she got the chance these two days, and today is no exception.

"Second child! You don't care? The daughter-in-law dares to scold her mother-in-law!" Granny Yu howled, patting her thighs at the top of her voice.

Yu Lao Er got drunk and lay on the kang, eyes half closed, using alcohol to numb the sadness in his heart, and he didn't want to get involved in the scolding between women.

"I'll tell you the old stuff! If you don't want me to exchange the first-class land from Wang Cuihua's house before the end of the month, you can go live with your eldest son's house, and don't just live in my house for free!"

The house was turned upside down, and the chickens were flying.

Outside, two figures approached quietly.

The dog in the second uncle's courtyard barked wildly, and several people in the room were busy fighting, and no one came out to watch.

Suizi was standing in front of the street of the second uncle's house, and when she heard the yelling and cursing in the house, her little face was tense.

She went back to see her mother-in-law.

The mother-in-law, who used to be alive and kicking, was lying pitifully on the kang. The kang was still cold, but the fire that had been pressed down by the tassels had started again.

After listening to the noise from the second uncle's house for a while, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law both had quite loud voices. With just a few words, Suizi understood why the old lady Yu attacked her mother-in-law.

It's all about money.

The second uncle's family didn't dare to find their mother-in-law, so they sent the old lady Yu to make trouble.

If Wang Cuihua fights hard with the old lady, she will have to bear the reputation of contradicting her elders.

Seeing her murderous look on her dark face, Yu Jingting couldn't help complaining.

"After I found out that you were pregnant, why did you get so angry?"

Who would have thought that when she first got married, the little girl who spoke loudly enough to scare her into tears would now become a Northeast "tiger" girl who dared to come to fight?

"You, Hubi, are infected. The principal said, you are just a Hubi. I'll be with you every day. It won't get better."

"I think the glass in his house is going to be reinstalled again." Yu Jingting didn't remember anything else, except that the principal scolded him.

Suizi took out the get out of class bell and Yu Jingting rang it.

In the silent night, the ringing of the bell echoed over the courtyard.

The second eldest's family lives on the edge of the village, holding the edge.

After ringing the bell, go around to the back of the yard.

Two minutes later, the second uncle came out of the room cursing, scanning back and forth with a flashlight.

"In the middle of the night, who made this thing up?!"

It was pitch black, and nothing could be seen.

On the branch of the tree, the owl who had witnessed everything made a cooing sound.

The cold wind blew, and the second uncle was completely awake from the wine.

"He, his father, why do I think it's so scary?" The second aunt came out and saw no one, she was covered in white sweat from fright.

It sounds like the bell is coming from the door, but is there anyone at the door?

"Maybe someone's dead child is playing, it's okay, let's go into the house." The second uncle suppressed his fear.

After the two entered the house, Suizi walked around to the back door of the second uncle's house, followed the same pattern, and rang the bell again.

In order to keep warm in the north in winter, everyone's back door is sealed. If you want to see the situation at the back door, you have to go around from the front.

When the second uncle walked around to look, Suizi ran to his house again.

Yu Jingting was very happy to see her act like a moth.

"I found that you are much worse than me."

On weekdays, he just hits the glass with a slingshot and blows up the toilet with his kicks.

She has been tinkering with this thing in the middle of the night, and she will be scared to death if she is timid.

"Human beings' fears all come from the unknown. Things like Ertijiao may sound scary at first, but once you understand what it is, you don't feel afraid anymore."

"I x your ancestor! Who stays up in the middle of the night pretending to be a ghost? Come out!" The second uncle stood in the backyard and cursed.

Suozi ran to the front yard to ring the bell again.

The second uncle ran over huffing and kicking, exhausted like a silly roe deer.

Fearful and disturbed, I stood at the front door and cursed.

"His father, it won't work if this continues. How about we block each other in front of each other?" Second Aunt suggested.

The second uncle thought it was a good idea, and they worked together separately.

One after the other, they searched for the piercing midnight bell.

There was no movement in front, nor behind.

Suddenly, the familiar bell sounded from the side of the yard.

The couple ran towards the sound, but the sound seemed to be there, sometimes it sounded, and sometimes it didn't move.

I ran to the place and saw that the huge school bell was suddenly tied to the big tree beside the yard.

When the wind blows, the bell will ring.

The surrounding area was silent, and there was no one in sight.

"Oh my god! It's haunted!" The second aunt rolled her eyes and fainted from fright.

The second uncle's calves were also trembling, and he supported the second aunt who had fainted, and used cursing to cover up the fear in his heart:

"Who is so wicked and smokes, let me find it, and see if I don't cramp and break his leg."

"Whose leg are you going to break?"

An abrupt voice came from behind the second uncle. When the second uncle turned around, he saw a huge dead pig's head.

"Oh my god!" The second uncle dropped his flashlight on the ground and sat down on the ground and shouted, "The dead pig has become a spirit!"

Without the flashlight, I saw a shadow with a pig's head and a human body, and the second uncle also passed out.

Yu Jingting moved the pig's head aside. It was the pig's head frozen in the yard of the second uncle's house, so he took it over.

"Did you really faint? You are too timid." Yu Jingting kicked the second uncle with his shoes, he was still angry and alive.

"Tie Gen, why are you two here?"

Neighbors who lived nearby rushed over when they heard the sound, and were startled when they saw Yu Buffalo and his wife lying on the ground.

"What's wrong with your second uncle?"

Yu Buffalo is a very doggy person, and his reputation in their village is not good at all, and he can't get along with the neighbors around him. Otherwise, Suizi and his wife have been messing around his house for a long time, so why did someone come out to look at it.

"Probably because I have done too many bad things, and I have been punished." Suizi settled the second uncle and his wife, and turned his attention to the main house.

Next, it's Granny Yu's turn!

She brought quick-acting heart-rescuing pills, so she wasn't afraid of anything! Feed whoever gets dizzy!

As in the title, the plot of this article is purely fictitious and should not be imitated.

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