I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 742 She is too kind.

"Huang, Brother Huang?!" Mei Rui was in a mess when she saw Fan Huang.

Brother Huang didn't see her tearful performance.

She yelled at Chen Lijun and scolded her so many ugly words, but Brother Huang heard it.

What broke Mei Rui even more was that she never touched Chen Lijun!

Not a single finger touched it!

"It's inappropriate to bring personal emotions into working hours, how dare you do it?!" Fan Huang rarely spoke such a long series of words to outsiders.

Suizi praised her mother's amazing acting skills in her heart, and at the same time, she didn't forget to give Mei Rui some wax.

"I didn't touch her, she fell down by herself, they both saw it!"

Seeing that Fan Huang was angry, Mei Rui also started to panic.

As soon as he panicked, he lost his sense of speech, and even asked Suizi and his wife for help.

"She hit my mother!"

"She hit my mother!"

Suizi has a perfect understanding with Yu Jingting.

Fan Huang was completely angry.

"Pack up your things and get out! Don't let me see you in the capital again!"

This sentence is equivalent to the death penalty for Mei Rui.

This means that no unit in the city would dare to accept Mei Rui, offend Fan Huang, and it would not be easy to move out Fan's mother.

Suizi took out the handkerchief from his pocket, and waved it silently at Meirui.

Yu Jingting turned on the horn and sang vigorously:

"Goodbye, friend~ Goodbye, friend~ Goodbye, friend, goodbye~"

The singing is extremely beautiful, but I don't know what mood the listener is in.

Mei Rui originally wanted to use the plot to frame Chen Lijun, but Chen Lijun rebounded and sent a wave of negative comments in Fan Huang's heart.

Suizi admired Chen Lijun's operation.

Her mother's Gongdou skills are full.

Probably from the moment Fan's mother wanted to get Mei Rui to Fan Huang's side, her mother had a whole set of plans in her mind.

It has been forbeared until now that it only flares up, just wanting to kill the enemy with one blow.

Mei Rui's cautiousness was not worth mentioning in front of Chen Lijun, she ran out crying, accompanied by Yu Jingting's singing all the way.

"Stop singing, she started, why didn't you two stop her?!" Fan Huang felt sorry for Chen Lijun, and began to question Suizi and his wife.

"I can't stop it." Suizi felt aggrieved.

With her mother's rapid lying down speed, Pengci's level has reached the peak, she wants to stop her mother, can she stop it?

The girl's aggrieved expression, combined with Chen Lijun's "tragic state" of supporting the weak Liu Fufeng on her forehead, made Fan Huang think that it was Mei Rui who had slapped his woman hard.

He hated Mei Rui more and more in his heart, and even brought his mother along with him.

If it weren't for the old lady's interference, how could his pregnant wife have suffered such a great grievance!

Suizi read Meirui's miserable future from her father's gloomy expression, and gestured with her father's hand with her back turned.

Chen Lijun narrowed her eyes when she saw her gesture.

What a little girl, taking advantage of the fire to rob her?

This is because she wants a hush money, otherwise she will inform her!

"It just so happens that Jing Ting is here, let Jing Ting deliver the supplements and gifts you bought for the old lady earlier."

Chen Lijun said deliberately.

Fan Huang was in a fit of anger, not to mention giving supplements to the old lady, if he didn't come to settle accounts with the old lady, it would be considered good for his self-cultivation.

Of course, the account has to be settled, but right now I still have to comfort my wife.

"What to give? I think she's very energetic and doesn't need supplements at all, so I'll leave those for Suizi to eat."

"My old father, my dearest person~" Yu Jingting sang again with the trumpet.

There are two little ones on the side singing in harmony.

Chen Lijun was amused. When she laughed, Fan Huang felt a little better.

Suizi stroked her chin and thought to herself.

A few days ago, I heard my mother desperately blowing the pillow with my father, saying that it is not good to have a bad relationship with the old lady, so I suggested to Fan Huang that I should spend a sum of money to buy some gifts for the old lady.

I picked out a bunch of supplements and a gold pearl necklace.

Suizi was very impressed. The necklace was chosen by her mother. Suizi felt that the style was too young for the old lady to wear.

Chen Lijun smiled mysteriously, and just said it was just right, let her try it on.

Suizi didn't understand why her mother suddenly became virtuous.

Now that I think about it, she is not virtuous, it will be settled in the morning, and the gifts are all for Suizi!

Chen Lijun can still get a good reputation for being virtuous, after all, it was the old lady who died first, and she was not given a chance to be "filial".

After Suizi figured this out, she looked at her mother's face. Chen Lijun was staring at Suizi, as if she was dissatisfied with Suizi just taking advantage of the fire.

Suizi immediately overtook the trumpet in Jingting's hand, pressed it, and sang emotionally: "Only mother is good in the world~"

The two carrots are more familiar with this tune, and it is in harmony again.

Fan Huang had black lines on his forehead.

"Why does Suizi look more and more like Jingting!"

"That's not true! I'm much thinner than him, and I sang after turning off the trumpet!"

Suizi is upright and confident, she is a person who wants face!

"Mom's singing is out of tune." Luoluo told the truth.

"Smile, ten years old, be happy, it's good for my mother, I decided to stay with my mother often in the future, so that my mother won't be depressed when she sees too many annoying people during pregnancy."

Suizi's ability to imitate is very strong. Seeing her mother put back the green tea, she imitated immediately, and there was a crazy connotation of Fan's mother in her words.

Fan Huang's eyes darkened, Suizi's hatred was well done, and his dissatisfaction with Fan's mother grew stronger.

Suizi's family had lunch with Chen Lijun, and Fan Huang had no intention of leaving after lunch.

Suizi saw that her father wanted to comfort her mother alone, so she led the family away tactfully, and took away Fan Huang's gift in the car thoughtfully.

These gifts were originally intended for the old lady, but they were disturbed by Mei Rui's pig teammates, and the fisherman Suizi benefited.

"Actually, I don't like golden pearls that much. Look, don't you look a bit upstart when you wear them?" Suizi gestured to her neck.

"Close the corners of your mouth first, and then pretend to be hypocritical." Yu Jingting felt that his wife almost laughed out loud.

"I'm not entirely happy because I cut old lady Hu's things, I just think Meirui is so stupid."

Suizi still couldn't help laughing when she thought of her mother's performance in Pengci just now.

My mother eats my father to death, and it depends on the rival in love. I really don't know where Fan's mother has her eyes on Mei Rui.

"The old lady doesn't know that our mother is pregnant until now. I really look forward to her expression after knowing that our mother is pregnant."

Fan's mother is still dreaming about the big head of spring and autumn, and feels that she has already grasped Chen Lijun and asked her to raise the children of her relatives.

"We'll borrow another camera then."

"Don't we have it at home, and borrow it?"

"I plan to get a few more camera positions to take pictures of the old lady's expressions in all directions without dead ends, and then edit them into photos and give them to my mother as a nine-square grid.

If a pregnant woman is in a bad mood, she will just look at her, and she will always smile, and she will give birth to a cheerful and lively younger brother and sister.

"Mom, you are really a kind person." Although Luoluo didn't quite understand, she still felt that it was a very filial act for her mother to give something to her grandma.

Suizi smiled, yes, she was too kind.

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