When Suizi saw the children digging out a box, her first reaction was that it was also a cat and dog buried by someone else.

"Put it back quickly!" Suizi grabbed the box and put it on the ground without thinking.

In the summer, I don't know how long this thing has been buried. What if it is opened and covered with maggots, leaving a psychological shadow on the child.

"I don't look like an animal. Take the child away." Yu Jingting asked his wife and children to back up, picked up a small tree branch from the ground, and pulled the cover off.

Suizi grabbed a curious baby with one hand, she closed her eyes and dared not look at it, but couldn't bear the curiosity, so she secretly opened one eye to take a look.

No weird smell, just a dark thing.

"Toy gun!" Luoluo saw what was in the box and was about to take it, but was held down by Yu Jingting.

"Don't move, it's not a toy."

Suizi was shocked, it wasn't a toy, could it be a real gun?

At this time, the ban on guns for all citizens has not yet been implemented, and cadres are still equipped with guns, and Fan Huang has one.

Some hunters also have shotguns at home, but the number has been gradually reduced in the past two years, because accidents occasionally happen due to poor storage of cadres' equipped guns.

"This is a 64 pistol, which is issued to cadres. There is a high probability that someone stole it or robbed it, and buried it here." Yu Jingting raised his head and scanned around, admiring the "Jianbaoyi" of his two human figures.

"You two really know how to choose a place."

The forest is so big and there are so many places to choose from, the two children had to choose this place.

"What should we do now, should we call the police?" Suizi looked around nervously, afraid of being seen.

"The police must be reported. In case the other party comes to dig the gun while we are calling the police, call Xiaopang over."

Yu Jingting made a decisive decision and asked Xiaopang to go home to get the imitation gun in his drawer.

Yu Jingting happened to have a lighter that was given to him by someone else. It looks very similar to the one in the box, but there is a slight difference in weight, but you can't feel it if you are not a professional.

"If you're so foolish, won't you be discovered?" Suizi asked.

"It's definitely not enough to fool our uncles who touch guns every day, and it's enough to fool ordinary people."

Fatty followed Yu Jingting's instructions and went back to get the lighter. Yu Jingting's side was cheating, and Suizi on the other side didn't forget to lead the children to organize the funeral of Chang Chongchong.

It was buried under the tree opposite to where the gun was buried. At this time, Suizi still didn't know how many people's fates could be changed by her family's unintentional actions, and she never imagined that one day she would lead the children to make great contributions to this unintentional. Chang Chongchong "sweeps the grave" flowers to commemorate this strange fate.

Hand over the collected guns to the police station, all the policemen around here know them.

"You young couple are really good. You have made meritorious deeds many times. This is the second case you assisted the police in, right? We can apply for an outstanding citizen award for you. You know, the outstanding citizens in our area are very competitive. Very intense."

"Uh, please give this honor to those hot-eyed uncles and aunts." Suizi smiled awkwardly and politely.

Frankly speaking, their family doesn't really want this kind of physique to solve crimes that attracts suspects, thank you.

Back from the police station, Suozi saw a box in the yard.

It was tightly wrapped, but there was no post office slip on it.

"Where did it come from?"

The nanny at home was on vacation. Before she went out, she specifically asked her parents to remember to lock the yard when she returned.

The lock on the gate is still there, did someone climb over the wall and come in?

Suizi looked at Yu Jingting, his thick eyebrows frowned, as if he had a bad premonition, he asked Suizi to lead the children into the house, and opened the box. As expected, there was a dead chicken without a head.

Yu Jingting took the box out and threw it away. This thing should not be seen by his wife or children.

After all, a funeral for the stuffed snake had just been held, and if Luoluo saw it, she would definitely score twice and give the chicken another funeral.

Yu Jingting felt that this was not a prank, so he wanted to ask the old men at the entrance of the alley if anyone saw it. He didn't go home directly after throwing the chicken, so he went to inquire one by one.

Suizi saw that Yu Jingting hadn't come back at home, guessed that there must be something bad in the box, and felt inexplicably nervous.

Could it be that they dropped the gun and let the person who buried the gun see it, so that person lurked in and took the opportunity to retaliate?

Yu Jingting came back after a while.

"Daughter-in-law, there is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear?"

"The one you said first." Suizi was about to be frightened to death by her own imagination, and now she needs to hear the good news to cheer her up.

"Someone saw someone climbing over the wall of our house. It shouldn't be someone hiding a gun who came to take revenge."

"How do you know it's not the one hiding the gun?" Suizi asked.

"Because we all know the person who came in."


"Fan Lili, she may have escaped from the mental hospital."

Fan Lili is Liu Qian's daughter. She liked Yu Jingting before and did a lot of extreme things. In the end, she was found to be mentally ill, and Suizi and his wife were sent to a mental hospital in other places to be locked up.

After being away for several years, Suizi almost forgot that there was such a famous person, and unexpectedly she came back again.

"Are you sure it's her?"

"Yes, the uncle saw her climb over the wall of our house, and even chatted with her a few times. Knowing that our two families are relatives, he didn't think much about it."

"??? Regardless of whether they are relatives or not, don't you think it's strange to climb over other people's courtyard walls? Whose serious relatives don't go through the wall?"

"I'll go back and tell our dad that you should also call Liu Qian, let each other know, and catch her quickly, that crazy woman has a brain problem, I'm afraid she will be bad for you and the child."

Liu Qian didn't know that Fan Lili had escaped until she received a call from Suizi. She called the mental hospital and said that she had disappeared the day before yesterday. She was afraid of being responsible, so she never dared to notify her family and sent people to look for her. Unexpectedly, Fan Lili Came back by train.

Fan Huang immediately sent someone to look for it, but Fan Lili seemed to have evaporated, and he couldn't find any places he could go.

That night, Suizi and Yu Jingting had already fallen asleep when the phone rang at home.

Suizi became dazed, seeing that it was already early in the morning, and answered it with a yawn.

"Hello, who is it?"

"Chen Hansui, I want you to die."

"Fan Lili?!" Suizi became energetic in an instant, "Where are you?"

"You hurt me so much, I won't let you go."

The phone hung up.

Suizi was frightened by the gloomy tone and broke out in a cold sweat, completely drowsy.

Busy shaking Yu Jingting awake, Yu Jingting heard that it was Fan Lili calling, and immediately asked someone to check the number.

The call was from a landline of a family not far from Suizi's house. The owner of the house was out on a trip and there was no one at home.

When Yu Jingting brought the police to look for her, Fan Lili had already run away, and the house was full of tassel names written in chicken blood, which was shocking.

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