I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 761 Don't See You

Fan Lili was caught off guard and attacked Suizi.

At that time, Yu Jingting was talking to the police about five meters away from Suizi.

By the time he found Fan Lili rushing over to stop her, it was already too late.

Fan Lili pushed the tassel hard.

Suizi was unsteady on her feet, staggered, and hit her head against the wall with a muffled sound.

Yu Jingting rushed over and kicked Fan Lili away.

After picking up the tassel, he turned back and kicked Fan Lili in a row.

If the police hadn't stopped her, he would have beaten Fan Lili until she vomited blood.

"Daughter-in-law!" Yu Jingting supported Suizi, Suizi looked at the front without focus, and slowly closed her eyes.

"Fan Lili, I x your mother!" Yu Jingting's eyes were red after shouting, and he rushed over and stretched out his hand to grab Fan Lili's neck.

The three policemen grabbed his arms and separated him from Fan Lili with great difficulty.

"It's better to take your daughter-in-law to the hospital quickly, and don't get a concussion if you bump your head."

This sentence successfully stopped Yu Jingting, he immediately picked up the tassel and drove directly to the hospital.

Suizi woke up once during this period. She hit the back of her head against a wall and got a huge lump, but she didn't bleed.

Suizi's state after waking up made Yu Jingting very worried, and she kept asking how she was injured.

Repeating just this sentence, it seems to be insane.

When I arrived at the hospital, I checked it carefully. The doctor saw that Suizi's condition looked like a concussion, so he added another CT.

"Why hasn't she woke up yet?" Yu Jingting asked the doctor anxiously.

"The patient's brain was hit, and we are waiting for the film to come out. If it is a primary brain injury, she will wake up in about half an hour. If she has been in a coma for a long time, it is not ruled out that it will take several hours or even a day or two to wake up. "

"Aren't you fucking talking nonsense? You guys are diagnosing whether her injuries are serious, and when she wakes up?" Yu Jingting cursed.

"Jing Ting, calm down." Fan Huang brought Chen Lijun and the children in.

When he entered the door, he saw Yu Jingting yelling at the doctor, which meant that he would have to get started later.

They came as soon as they received the news.

The doctor who survived the catastrophe let out a long sigh of relief, it can be regarded as a few people who looked reasonable came.

"Doctor, let's go out to talk, Jing Ting, calm down first, I have already transferred the best experts." Fan Huang arranged in an orderly manner.

Several children gathered around Suizi's bed, their faces were worried, but they were very sensible and didn't ask any questions.

Chen Lijun looked at her unconscious daughter, and her heart was full of anxiety. She knew a little medical knowledge, and the doctor said that she felt a little bad when she hit the back of her head.

But seeing that Yu Jingting has become an ant on the hot pot, she can only persuade:

"The serial murderer and the lunatic can't do anything to you. You have escaped the strong wind and waves, and you can still be killed by this drizzle? Suizi wakes up after a short sleep, and nothing will happen."

It is rare for Chen Lijun to see Yu Jingting really lose control of his emotions. This kid won't even blink when the sky falls. His psychological quality is really strong, and he looks really anxious.

"How long has it been, why are you still awake?" Yu Jingting rushed to talk to anyone now.

"Mom is awake!" Luoluo said.

Everyone hurriedly looked over, Suizi's eyes were still closed, and Yu Jingting turned from anticipation to disappointment.

Fan Huang came in with the doctor, and Yu Jingting rushed over, grabbed the doctor by the collar and asked:

"Why haven't you woken up yet?!"

The doctor was taken aback by this ferocious tone, he froze for a while, and stuttered.

"This family member, calm down—"

"I'm cold, your mother is quiet, my daughter-in-law hasn't woken up yet, how long has it been?!" Yu Jingting's roar almost lifted the roof off.

Suizi opened her eyes and saw this scene, her face turned pale with fright.

"You're awake!" Seeing her open her eyes, Yu Jingting stepped forward excitedly, wanting to hold her hand.

Suizi crawled into the quilt and covered her head.

".???" Yu Jingting was stimulated by her reaction, what happened to his wife?

The scene fell into silence, and after a few seconds, the bulge on the bed moved, Suizi cautiously showed her head, and when she saw Yu Jingting, she shrank back.

"How can a person become a snail after bumping his head?!" Yu Jingting was greatly shocked. The look she gave him was full of fear, which severely stimulated Yu Jingting.

"Uh, the patient doesn't seem to be emotionally stable. How about you all go out and leave only her closest relatives?" the doctor suggested.

Everyone went out one after another, Yu Jingting claimed to be her closest person, went to the bedside and patted her gently.

"It's okay, I'll stay with you."

"Go, I don't want to see you!!!"


Everyone saw that Yu Jingting's expression cracked, this blow was not ordinary.

"Suizi, what's wrong with you?" Chen Lijun felt that her daughter's reaction was too strange, as if she was a different person.

The little snail in the quilt poked its head carefully, and when it saw that it was Chen Lijun, its expression instantly turned into an aggrieved look.


"It's okay, I know people, I'm not stupid." Chen Lijun said to everyone.

"I don't want to see Yu Tiegen." Suizi tugged at Chen Lijun's sleeve, "He tugged at my braid, and he was very fierce."

".???" Chen Lijun was also dumbfounded.

Is this stupid or not?

"When did I pull your braids?! It was Fan Lili who pushed you!" Yu Jingting felt wronged, and felt that something was wrong.

Suizi would never call him Yu Tiegen in front of others, it was only when the two of them were in private.

"I don't know Fan Lili." Suizi hid behind Chen Lijun, carefully looking at the people in the room.

"Is she concussed?" Fan Huang asked the doctor.

Hearing the strange man's voice, Suizi pulled Chen Lijun's sleeves even tighter.

Seeing that Fan Huang was still approaching him, Suizi shrank back into the quilt again in fright.

"." Fan Huang felt the aggrieved mood of his son-in-law.

"Girl, you don't know your father?" Fan Huang asked.

"Father?" Suizi poked her head again, looking at him and then at Chen Lijun, shaking her head.

"Sister-in-law, what's the matter with you? You don't even know me, do you?" Jiao Jiao asked.

Suizi looked at her, hesitating for a while.

"It looks familiar—are you Yu Jiaojiao? How did you grow so tall?"

"Crap!!!!" Yu Jingting dragged the doctor and asked, "What happened to her?!"

"Family, please calm down, you will make the patient panic, I will ask her."

The doctor thought that not only the patient was afraid, but he was also quite afraid.

"Do you remember your name?"

"Chen Hansui."

"how old?"


"What year is this year?"

Suizi said the year, and everyone was astonished.

"The patient hit the hippocampus and her memory was disturbed. We will give her some mental nutrition to help her recover quickly."

"When will she remember?" Yu Jingting couldn't accept it, so his wife knocked him down and knocked him away!

"If it was caused by a simple concussion, she would be able to remember it gradually as she recovers from the concussion. But if the cerebral hemorrhage happens to press this position, the recovery will be slower."

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