I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 768 It's not Suizi who is thin-skinned (thanks to Shu Yue'er + more)

Yu Jingting came in after chatting with his father-in-law, and saw Suizi sitting on the bed with an expression of being overwhelmed.

"Are you awake? Do you want a drink?"

"I want to talk to you." Suizi mustered up her courage, but she still didn't dare to look him in the eye.

As soon as I saw him, it was the picture of him bowing his head and kissing himself.

"Don't say those strange things to me, and don't do strange things. If you continue to do that, I will go to my mother."

"What is strange?"

"That's it, that's it, and that." Suozi's face began to turn red again.

For Jing Ting, his flirtatious remarks are daily life, for her it is an earthquake of magnitude 8, the little girl has never held hands with anyone - that's what she thought, and she was gnawed by others all of a sudden, too Stimulate.

"Sure, I'm not like that." Yu Jingting readily agreed, and added in his heart that he could make soy sauce.

This little girl didn't dare to say innocent words, which gave the old and cunning man unlimited room to manipulate.

Suizi breathed a sigh of relief, looked at him cautiously, and found that he was not angry, but still had a pleasant face, and continued to boldly make demands.

"You can't beat me, you can't scold me!"

".Ancestor, don't say after marriage, did I beat you before marriage, did I scold you?"

Suizi thought for a while, hey, it seems that there really isn't one.

Although she saw him ten times, he was fighting eight times, but thinking about it carefully, he really didn't touch her, at most he pulled her hair.

"But you even hit women, I've seen you kick Yang Fengzhi!"

"Who is Yang Fengzhi—oh, that bad girl, she kicked her, who told her to spread rumors about you?"

Yu Jingting recalled a little bit, the time is a bit long.

Yang Fengzhi is from the same village, and her studies are not very good. She is jealous that Suizi is admitted to the technical secondary school, and Suizi goes to school outside, so she spreads Suizi and messes with people in the village.

Suizi didn't know this at all. She didn't live in the village. After Yu Jingting heard about it, he followed the clues to find the spreader. When he found it, he picked it up. It didn't matter whether he was a man or a woman. Because of Suizi, he beat many people.

Coincidentally, Suizi came back that day and saw a scumbag who beat women, so he was given this label.

"Is there such a thing?!" Suizi felt that her cognition had been refreshed.

"Our mother also knows, or if you ask her, she is also involved in this matter."


"She let her out, and I'll do it—our mother really doesn't have the ability to do it, let her let her in, and let you in." Yu Jingting complained, his image in his wife's heart was ruined little by little.

"Why do you want to stand up for me?" Suizi lowered her head, and started bumping around like a deer again.

Yu Jingting didn't think about it, and without even thinking about it, he opened his mouth and said: "A man is nice to a woman, isn't there only one purpose?"

Suizi was nervous, what would she do if he said he liked it?

Would it be too exaggerated to run out with your face covered, but it would be a bit inappropriate to bury your head in the pillow.

"Think about grass."


The crisp applause echoed in the room accompanied by Suizi's "smelly hooligan".

Outside the door, Fan Huang and Chen Lijun looked at each other.

"It seems that we don't need to worry about getting along with each other. Suizi's ruthless attack doesn't seem to be afraid of Jingting at all."

A minute later, Yu Jingting came out of the house bearing the slap marks on his face, facing the contemptuous eyes of his mother-in-law and the sympathetic smile of his father-in-law, Yu Jingting didn't care.

"My wife has a thin skin."

"Is this a matter of Suizi's thin skin? It's obvious that you are too thick-skinned—how on earth did you marry my daughter? Is it because of your thick skin that bullets can't get through?"

Yu Jingting shrugged, "If you get married, you get married. Why, is it important?"

He also wants to show his unparalleled waist strength and excellent technical level to his wife, maybe she will fall in love with him after trying it.

This dirty idea was shattered at night.

Suizi kicked him out, not only kicked out Yu Jingting, but also called Jiao Jiao into the room, and when the door was closed, the two of them muttered about something.

Suizi could see that Jiaojiao was as tall as her own, and the passage of time was most obvious in the child. In her impression, Jiaojiao was still a primary school student with two small horns.

"Sister-in-law, what did you call me?"

"Can you stop calling me sister-in-law? Call me sister Suizi?"

"My brother will take my skin off." Jiao Jiao spread her hands, and she could agree to anything else, but this is not possible, "My brother racked his brains and brainstormed to jump up and down like a monkey to marry you back. If you want to call your sister, my brother can twist my head off and kick it like a ball."

Yu Jingting, who was shamelessly eavesdropping under the window, was cursing in his heart, Yu Jiaojiao, a little girl, was so unreliable in her movies.

Deduct her monthly pocket money!

Knowing that Suizi is most afraid of him, the little girl still calls herself so violent! Wouldn't it beautify him?

On the basis of facts, a little bit of exaggeration, won't it?

"Well, you can call it whatever you want. Let me ask you a few things."

"Ask, and I'll tell you everything I know."

"When did I marry, marry your brother? Do we have a good relationship?"

"You two got married when I was in the second semester of the third grade, and you had a little radish in the second month of marriage. The relationship between you two can no longer be said to be good."

Jiaojiao thought about her existing vocabulary, and not only was Suizi very nervous during the past few seconds, but Yu Jingting, who was eavesdropping on the corner, was even more nervous.

He made up his mind that if the little girl Jiaojiao lost her temper at a critical moment, he would sever her brother-sister relationship for five minutes.

"It's impossible to describe the two of you with regular adjectives like gluey, heart-to-heart. The two of you give me the feeling that it's like syrup. Sister, have you ever eaten syrup? Stir together, one dime a ball, one ball can last for a long time."

Immediately, the picture of sugar syrup appeared in Suizi's mind, has the price increased to the point of a ball?

She remembered that it only cost three cents when she went to the market.

"It sounds disgusting. It's very unhygienic. It's dusty when the wind blows. I don't know if the peddler who makes these goes to the toilet to wash his hands. If he has hepatitis C—what are you laughing at?"

"Sister-in-law, do you really lose your memory? What you said is the same as before."

Suizi's face turned hot, signaling Jiaojiao to continue.

"When I say you two are like syrup, I mean that you two are always tired of being together. I have never seen a couple who are as sticky as you. Oh, my parents don't count."

"Father? Fourth aunt remarried?"

"Uh, it's more complicated to explain, and I'll tell you later, when my mother heard you tell her fourth aunt to stick it out, she must have whipped my brother with the sole of her shoe."


"Using Aunt Jun's words, you and my brother are working together. The husband and wife are of the same mind, and they do bad things together, but my mother doesn't think so. My mother thinks that you two are due to your good deeds together, and you are responsible for doing bad things." It was instigated by my brother, she must think that my brother did not take good care of you, let you lose your memory and call her fourth aunt, conservatively estimated, it can cut my brother's head twice."

Thanks to Shu Yue'er for the reward of 10,000 coins, titled and updated, and there is another update.

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