I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 771 Getting Better

"That's how it happened." Yu Jingting told Yu Shuisheng the whole story of Suizi's amnesia.

When Yu Shuisheng came back, he had only been in contact with Suizi for a few minutes before he saw that something was wrong with her, so he asked Yu Jingting to ask, and after listening to the whole process, Yu Shuisheng frowned.

"So, your daughter-in-law lost her memory, and you just did something meaningless?"

"I'll try my best to help her, too."

Yu Shuisheng looked at the slap marks on his son's face and figured it out with his toes. This kid is taking advantage of his indebtedness and there is nothing wrong with him. He must have committed another crime.

"Behaviors that do not promote the results are all called meaningless. Have you never thought about taking advantage of this opportunity to do something meaningful?"


"Why are you so stupid? Are you my son? Your IQ is growing on that thing down there? Take her on a date!"

Yu Shuisheng asked his son three questions about his life, which directly confused Yu Jingting.

"Dating? Can she go out with me? Seeing me now is like a mouse seeing a cat."

It's not like he didn't think about taking his wife out for a walk, but Suizi can do it in this state?

"If Jiaojiao and the children hadn't been led, she wouldn't have had such a strong sense of defense and could have fun playing with so many people—old man, what's your expression?"

Yu Shuisheng's dislike for his son was written all over his face.

The father and son married two generations of village women, Wang Jiawei's son, respectively, but Yu Shuisheng felt that he had chased Hua'er by virtue of his strength, and his son, probably because of the smoke from his ancestral grave, was purely lucky.

"It's really hard to live with you when Suizi didn't lose her memory. You've read all the books in your dog's stomach? Do you understand romance? Romantic, understand?"

"." Can that thing be eaten? Or can you play a few big gold tricks for your daughter-in-law?

Yu Jingting scoffed at his father's gaudy remarks, but suddenly, he remembered something.

Before Chen Lijun got married, Suizi was busy making preparations, setting off fireworks and making balloons.

Although the final result was unsatisfactory, Suizi kept chanting the word "romantic".

Is it possible that she actually cares about this very much in her heart?

It's just that after becoming a mother, it's all hidden

This thought changed Yu Jingting's expression from casual to serious.

"Father, let's talk about it, how is this romantic?"

"Hey, call me dad if you have something to do, call me an old man if you have nothing to do? Forget it, you rebellious son. For my daughter-in-law's sake, I will give you a few words."

When Yu Shuisheng said such and such, Yu Jingting's brows became tighter and tighter.

"It sounds so stupid, but it's really useful? My daughter-in-law just has amnesia, she's not demented, she's smart."

Yu Jingting looked into the room, Suizi would be settling accounts again.

From the beginning when I got the ledger and cried that she couldn't do it, she has gradually adapted to it faster and faster, which is enough to prove that her IQ has not decreased at all. Even if a smart woman returns to 17 years old, her IQ will not decrease. changed.

"If it works, you'll know if you try it? If it doesn't work, it won't make you both slapped - tsk tsk, I should take a picture of it with a camera and show it to my grandson when he grows up. Don't be like his father." This is such a stupid look."

The father and son were chatting and kowtowing, a car came outside the door, several people got out of the car, entered the courtyard and rushed to Yu Jingting.

"Jing Ting! You must help us with this matter!" Before the person entered the courtyard, someone stood at the door and yelled.

Yu Shuisheng saw that they were all unfamiliar faces, and turned his head to ask Yu Jingting.


"My father-in-law's mother's natal family was almost hanged by my daughter-in-law, so they came here to beg for mercy."

These are Fan's mother's natal family.

Seeing that Yu Jingting made a lot of money from running the roller skating rink, he also wanted to take the opportunity to make a fortune.

Suizi designed Chen He to pretend to be a partner to lure these people into the bait.

Sure enough, these people paid for it. After seeing the profit in the first week, they were dissatisfied with the profit of Chen He, the major shareholder, so they made a fuss about breaking up the family.

They didn't know that Chen He, the major shareholder, was just a display, and the real investors were Yu Jingting and his wife.

Suizi just wanted to go fishing, and when they forced Chen He to withdraw his shares, they began to cooperate with various departments to investigate the roller skating rink.

The roller skating rink opened by Suizi's family turns into a roller skating rink during the day, and turns into a dance hall at night. Watching the singing and dancing make a fortune every day, Suizi wins every step of the way behind him.

In order to open this roller skating rink, Suizi did enough legal homework, and got all the licenses that could be obtained.

Even the snacks made by her small stall have gone through the formalities with the food-related departments, and the king of heaven and my father can't find any problems when they come.

Even the competent department that issued the certificate for her family was amazed. I have never seen such a proactive and active certificate application. Many stalls open without complete procedures.

Suizi consulted Fan Huang for these procedures, and was instructed by an expert to ensure that no matter how many rounds of investigations, her family's place can continue to open.

But the one opened by Chen He and Fan's mother's natal family is not so comprehensive.

They didn't apply for any permits, and the Mei family didn't realize it. They thought that as long as they had a space, equipment and publicity, they could make money by opening a roller skating rink.

As a result, Chen He began to report from various departments, one by one, and each unit took turns to investigate. It has been closed until now.

The guests all ran away, knowing that there were always people checking this place but no one came to play. The roller skating rink was losing money every day, so it couldn't continue.

The biggest backer of the Mei family is Fan Huang's own mother, but Fan's mother is still on the run by Suizi's design, so she can't be contacted at all.

Seeing that the investment of the big guys is in vain, and they can only wait to lose money if they continue to work, these people can't sit still.

I ran over to find Chen He, and wanted to beg him to take back the shares again. Everyone continued to work together, knowing that Chen He had a wide network of contacts.

According to Suizi's deployment at the time, Chen He directly dumped the person to Yu Jingting's house, letting the Mei family know who they had offended.

This step was all in Suizi's calculations, but it didn't count. The collapse of the Mei family just happened to catch up with Suizi's amnesia.

According to the original plan, Yu Jingting should beat them a few times to stir up the resentment between them and Fan's mother, and when Fan's mother came back, Fan's mother and her natal family should be completely broken.

Only in this way can Fan's mother's back roads be cut off once and for all, and the old lady will be saved from being a monster every now and then.

But this time, Suizi lost his memory, and Yu Jingting didn't care about taking care of the Mei family, so he said something casually, and sent them away, guessing that these people would come back in a few days, when he was in a better mood, he pressed the button again. plan to engage them.

Suizi's accounting was getting better and better, and she found the fun immersed in it, and was having fun doing it. She put a big hand on the ledger, click, and closed it.

"What are you doing?" Suizi asked a little aggrieved.

"It will be enough to find some feeling after a while. My brain hasn't recovered yet. It's always a headache to see this."

"But if you promise to others, you must do it." Suizi insisted.

"I'll watch it later, let's go, I'll take you out."

"where to?"

"We've got to date," he said rather triumphantly.

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