"Master Chen, come here, smell it, what does it smell like?" Yu Jingting put his arm in front of her nose.

Suizi really smelled it.

"The smell of green tea soap."

Yu Tiegen told her that she makes all the soaps at home by herself, using green tea in summer and magnolia flowers in spring, which is natural, pollution-free and smells good.

"No, this is the smell of literati and poets." Yu Jingting said sourly.

When she chatted with Liu Yanan, he "accidentally" overheard her.

This little girl actually likes literati, haha.

It is also suspected that she had an affair with Shen Jun, ha ha.

This jar of vinegar, which has nowhere to put it, made Yu Jingting sour, and even suspected that the mysterious love letter that Suizi received was written by Shen Jun.

It wasn't until he fooled Shen Jun into writing a few words and found that the handwriting was completely different that he gave up the idea of ​​beating Shen Jun with a sack.

".Literati and poet, you only occupy the third word."

Suizi didn't know how she chose a mate.

The type I didn't like the most when I was in school was Yu Jingting, and even the criteria for choosing a spouse were formulated according to Yu Jingting's opposite standards.

As a result, when he grew up, he went around and went around, and married him.

It's obvious that he doesn't match the prince charming in her heart, but life happens to be enjoyable.

Before Liu Yanan and his wife came, Suizi didn't think so, but after seeing Liu Yanan's unhappy but representative marriage, she began to reflect.

If she had an affair with Yanan, would she live better than Yanan now?

The answer is no, she is not as cheerful as a man. If she meets a selfish man like Shen Jun who is out of control and only cares about his own feelings, she will probably get sulky.

Maybe I'm going to get sick from anger, breast hyperplasia or something.

On the other hand, a straight-forward man like Yu Tiegen, who owes everything to his mouth, has a lot of work to do, and knows how to love others. Most importantly, when eating braised pork, he will not choose lean meat. eat.

Suizi thought about it, and felt that it was not a fault of Yu Jingting's lack of charm.

The more Yu Jingting thought about it, the more unbalanced he became.

A man like him who is full of masculinity is not the first criterion for a daughter-in-law in choosing a mate.

He claims that there is no room for improvement, after all he is so perfect - this is all Yu Tiegen's own thinking.

Since he has no room for improvement, let Suizi see the lower limit of a literati.

When it comes to literati and poets, the old Chen family has a typical example.

Isn't it Father Chen?

"Daughter-in-law, it suddenly occurred to me that after you woke up, we haven't visited grandpa's house yet. Shall I take you there today?"

"Grandpa?" Suizi thought for a while, but she didn't have any memory about this character in her mind, but when he mentioned these two words, she instinctively rejected them.

"He's not a nice person, is he?" This disgusting feeling was the first time she had it after losing her memory.

"Whether it's good or bad, you have to taste it yourself—Mom, where did you put our few boxes of pastries that are about to expire? There are also broken cans that the children don't like, prepare them for me!"

Hearing the gifts he had prepared, Suizi was prepared in her heart, she really wasn't optimistic about people!

Father Chen has been recuperating behind closed doors these days.

After being drugged last time, he completely stopped.

I am ashamed of myself, and I will not go to school.

I just wait for my body to take care of me and go to my elder son to take care of me.

Yu Jingting made up his mind, let Suizi see the pedantic and shabby literati, and planned to use Chen's father as a negative example.

He took Suizi to Chen's house, and at the entrance of the alley, Yu Jingting asked Suizi.

"How do you feel when you come here? Can you think of some fragments?"

Suizi shook her head.

Only when she came into contact with something that impressed her deeply, would there be fragments. She didn't have any fluctuations in her grandfather's house.

But when he saw Father Chen's yard, Suizi immediately had a picture in his mind.

"This yard is nice, the ground is good, and the decoration is elegant enough. I like it very much."

"Tch." Yu Jingting laughed.

After entering the yard, many fragments immediately appeared in Suizi's mind.

"I thought of several pictures of the decoration plan - this yard is not ours, why would I think so?"

Yu Jingting laughed outright.

She has lost her memory, and she is still thinking about this yard.

Chen Lijun said before that she would buy this place and give it to Suizi.

Even if Chen Lijun didn't say anything, Yu Jingting would still try to buy it, because Suizi had expressed his love for this yard more than once.

When she was asked, she still refused to admit it, but lost her memory, and the little wild boar's tail leaked out.

Suizi doesn't have the slightest impression of her grandfather, but she has no memory of her grandfather's yard, and she still misses it.

"What are you laughing at?" Suizi was baffled by his smile.

"Laugh at you little money fan."

Yu Jingting parked a Santana in front of the yard. This car was just bought in the past two years. The price is very high.

According to the license plate, it is a public car. The alley is very narrow. A car barely stops against the wall. The driver is very skilled, and he almost parks the car against the wall.

When Chen's mother heard someone talking outside the courtyard, she came out to check, and when she saw that it was Suizi and his wife, her expression immediately became unnatural.

"Why are you here?" Chen's mother expressed her disapproval of Suizi and his wife from her tone to her expression.

Yu Jingting's thick skin has long been able to defend against all malice, and he doesn't pay attention to Chen's mother's level of unwelcome.

"My daughter-in-law said that she misses you two elders. Come and have a look. This is a gift for you. I hope you two elders will live a long and harmonious life."

When these words came out of his mouth, the feeling of yin and yang was pulled to the full level.

Mother Chen's complexion became more and more ugly, and it was almost difficult to maintain her dignity.

"Where did the driver come to see the old man?" Yu Jingting patted Santana and asked Chen's mother.

"He was a former student of Professor Chen. He just came back from studying abroad and specially visited his teacher." Mother Chen called her wife Professor Chen, which made Suizi feel a little strange.

Ask Yu Jingting with his eyes, Yu Jingting shrugs his shoulders, people without feelings can't even call out a dead ghost, they can only use titles to remind each other that this marriage cannot be divorced.

"Professor Chen is meeting guests, why don't you two—" Chen's mother was afraid that Yu Jingting's mouth would be unrestrained, so she said something that would affect the image of the family in front of the guests.

The implication is, please come back.

"Guests who came back from studying abroad? Then the two of us have to get to know each other. Hey, we are both children from the village. We have never seen what a person drinking foreign ink looks like. We have to discuss it, right, daughter-in-law?"

"Uh, you're right." Seeing that Mother Chen's expression had completely collapsed, Suizi silently felt sorry for the old lady.

From Yu Tiegen's attitude towards her, it is not difficult to guess that grandma and grandfather must have offended Tiegen too much, otherwise Yu Tiegen would not be prickly everywhere.

These two old people, what are you doing to provoke Yu Tiegen? Isn't this adding to the beautiful days?

Suizi originally wanted to follow Yu Tiegen in and be a quiet melon eater, but she didn't expect that the melon would soon be eaten by herself.

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