Yu Jingting went out with a dark face, not even reading the financial statements.

Liu Yanan couldn't figure out what was going on with the couple. Although Suizi and his wife in her eyes were still loving and sweet, Yu Jingting claimed that they were in a cold war.

After Jingting went out, she asked Suizi in a low voice:

"Suizi, did my arrival cause conflicts between your husband and wife?"

Liu Yanan thought that she would move to the hospital to play the floor tomorrow, so as not to cause conflicts for her classmates.

"It's not because of you. The biggest advantage of my family is that they don't care about material things. He is not a person who hides and hides. If he keeps you, it means that he welcomes you very much. I usually have many friends." There are few, but there are not many who can talk."

In the past few years of university, Suizi's social circle has been expanding. Some of them are made by herself in school, and some are peers with similar backgrounds introduced by her family.

But these are contacts, not real friends, and there are not many people who can talk to them when they really encounter problems.

"When I was in school, I always wanted to make more friends, and I also envied you for your cheerful personality and being able to make friends. If I can't make friends, it's my own personality."

Liu Yanan was a little surprised by Suizi's words. In her heart, Suizi had always been a very classy female schoolmaster when she was in school. She was knowledgeable and talented, like a walking encyclopedia.

"Why do you envy me? I envy you."

Suizi smiled, this is the pain of growing up, everyone hides the desire in their hearts, and envies the brilliance of others.

"So I am very happy that you can come to accompany me. The friendship in the student days is the most rare and precious."

In middle age, there are not many opportunities to speak the truth.

Suizi thought of her family background. In the situation of her and Yu Jingting, she had to learn to be cautious when she was still young, and she lost the freedom to speak the truth anytime and anywhere.

Thinking of how outspoken Yu Jingting was when he was in the village, he would explode as much as he wanted. Now that he has a senior official and old man, he behaves very differently. Only when you are with your family can you relax.

But there are some things that he would never tell anyone other than Suizi. The relationship between husband and wife has gone beyond the relationship between men and women. They are close comrades-in-arms.

So today she ran to talk to Yu, who was still the opposite of the family, what was the difference between backstabbing teammates, not to mention the cold war, even if he really lost his temper, it was her own fault.

Thinking of this, Suizi felt more and more guilty. He was always adjusting his pace for her. What she did was really unkind.

"Although I don't know why you two are unhappy, but where did the overnight feud between husband and wife come from? If you have something to say, you should talk it out. If you are embarrassed, I will speak for you." Liu Yanan tried his best.

"I'll do it myself. I caused the disaster myself, and I should bear it myself."

Yu Jingting kept his ears up all the time, when he heard footsteps outside the door, he immediately grabbed the extension phone in the bedroom, raised his voice and started calling.

"Second Yang, what's the matter? Oh, go out to drink? What! And young girls to accompany you?!"

Suizi rested her hand on the doorknob, and stopped when she heard the word "sister".

"A married man like me, how can I make that kind of mistake? Oh, a simple confidante who just hugs and drinks without holding hands or kissing?"

Yu Jingting originally wanted to be angry with Suizi, but when he thought of that scene, he couldn't help but think of "a letter every week of poetry, poetry and poetry", and he wanted to get angry, and his voice already had the smell of gunpowder.

Suizi pushed the door and entered, Yu Jingting looked at her sharply, and continued provocatively:

"Will my daughter-in-law be angry if I hug other women? How is it possible? She is so generous. She doesn't care about simply developing some friendship!"

"I care." Suizi walked over, reached out to press the speakerphone, and Yu Jingting searched the ground to unplug the phone line. In order to destroy the evidence, he removed the battery of the main phone.

If Suizi wanted to call back and found out that he had dialed an empty number and performed stand-up comedy in the air, he would be ashamed.

"I'm talking on the phone, why did you come in suddenly?" Yu Jingting asked to hide his guilt.

With his wife's intelligence, it's not too difficult to expose his little trick.

"This is my home, where would I go if I don't come in?"

Yu Jingting couldn't answer the words, and wanted to wait for her to start talking about "what I care about".

In the end, Suozi didn't say anything, and left with the towel.


Yu Jingting sat on the bed messy.

What does she mean?

Do you want to continue this cold war? Or wait for her to come back from the shower, just push her down and give her a meal?

But this doesn't seem to solve the fundamental contradiction, so he still wants to talk to her thoroughly.

Suizi walked a few steps, then turned back, leaned against the door, blinked her eyes wide and said in a pure and innocent voice:

"Do you want to help me rub my back? After rubbing, you can continue to fight with me."


After rubbing their backs, who can stand on a horse and start a cold war? Wouldn't it be like falling into a crater, so hot that it would die?

"I'm like the kind of man who gives up his principles once he's hooked up?"

rushing water

thin fog

The water mist evaporated, and finger marks were drawn across the wall.

At this moment, Yu Jingting has changed several styles in his mind.

"I know you have principles, I just want you to wipe my back for me."

Let her keep those last two words in her mouth, and she can say them a thousand times, with infinite possibilities.

"Go!" Yu Jingting jumped up.

In order to show his ferocity, he decided to put her in the bathroom in a short while, and he would not agree to any of her proposals about wild men after finishing, making her beauty trick meaningless.

This is called eating without vomiting, and carrying out the principle to the end.

When she got to the bathroom, Yu Jingting originally wanted to use the trick of a hungry wolf to pounce on a sheep, to let her see the danger of the dark men in the society, so she locked the door and directly showed her anti-killing temperament.

Two people squeezed into the small bathroom, and the space suddenly became cramped.

"Let's talk, stop the cold war." Suizi took off her long skirt.

Yu Jingting landed on her straight legs and slender waist, his mouth still unrelenting.

"You don't need to talk about it until you figure it out."

"Then what are your hands doing?"

"The two countries are not at war with each other. Is this a hand? This is a messenger."

It is Yu Tiegen who speaks of taking advantage so freshly and refinedly.

Suizi grabbed his hand and put it on her heart.

"Messenger, messenger, tell him that I want to make peace with him, and let him stop the cold war with me, okay? Let's take a step back, I am sincere."

Yu Jingting's Adam's apple slid up and down, and the disobedient "messenger" acted without authorization and ran to confirm his sincerity. This sincerity is indeed a bit soft.

"Take a step back, what is the way to retreat? One step back, you can take a hundred steps back, Chen Hansui, why do you think I can be persuaded by you? Regarding you, I won't give up a single step."

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