I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 803 Little Suozi Who Struggles With Fire

Fan's mother used the gimmick of Fan Huang's lack of a son to force Chen Lijun to apply for a birth certificate, and when the time came, she brought her relative's child over.

To the outside world, it was said that Chen Lijun was born, and the household registration was in Fan Huang's place. From a legal point of view, that child would become Fan Huang's legitimate child, and the law recognized it.

When Suizi mentioned the birth certificate at this juncture, Fan's mother suddenly remembered that, by the way, she could also use the birth certificate to disgust Chen Lijun.

Mother Fan has already seen from the moment her son started to yell at her that she has no bargaining chips in her hand now.

Fan Huang's heart was completely on Suizi's mother and daughter. At this time, Fan's mother was somewhat anxious to jump the wall. She was not happy, so she wanted to disgust Chen Lijun severely.

"Have you completed your birth certificate?" Fan's mother squinted at Chen Lijun.

Chen Lijun nodded, it's done.

As smart as Chen Lijun, she already guessed that her daughter was digging a hole, and she was happy to cooperate with her daughter.

"Very good. Now that you have obtained the birth certificate, you must be mentally prepared to be a stepmother."

"Grandma, let me correct you. My mother is my father's legal spouse. You say she is a stepmother. Where did this come from? Her and my father's child is also legally recognized. How can you kiss your mother on your mouth? Here is the stepmother?" Suizi let go of Fan's mother's hand.

Glancing at the silk scarf, she was satisfied.

The chicken manure was all rubbed up, and there were only shallow traces on the silk scarf, so nothing wasted.

"It's meaningless to talk about words. When I say stepmother, I mean that the child was not born by her, but she needs to raise it. Chen Lijun, our Mei family sent you a child for nothing, why don't you thank me?"

"So thick-skinned." Suizi complained in a low voice, this old lady is really shameless.

Delusion to let her mother raise other people's children, isn't this an act of dove occupying a magpie's nest?

Ask her parents to spend money and efforts to raise other people's children, and then wait for this cub to grow up, and then rob Fan Huang's own children's property. Thanks?

Chen Lijun glanced at Suizi, her ears were sharp, she heard everything, she was extremely satisfied, she deserved to be her own daughter, a caring little padded jacket.

"Just tell me what you want to do." Chen Lijun said to Fan's mother.

"Our Mei family is willing to give you a child. In return, you have to show sincerity and friendship to my natal family. Let Yu Jingting take over the Mei family's roller skating rink immediately. Let him handle all the problems. The roller skating rink he built for the Fan family can make a profit, so it can be for the Mei family as well."

"Uh, it will cost a lot of money to tidy up the mess, right?" Suizi interjected.

Mother Fan looked at her arrogantly, raised her noble old head and said, "Of course you and Yu Jingting will give out the money."

"Why?" Could it be that she and her husband look more like being taken advantage of?

"Because your mother owes our family!" Fan's mother was very angry.

Fan Huang's eyes became colder, but there was still a smile on the corner of his mouth, but Suizi saw that smile, which was already somewhat murderous.

Not to mention, if this old man becomes more powerful, he will still have a good style - Suizi couldn't help but imagine that when her man is her father's age, he must have the same aura as his father, right? No, he must be better than Dad, he must be a handsome uncle.

"Besides letting Jingting take over the roller skating rink, do you have any other demands?" Chen Lijun was curious, she wanted to see how far her mother-in-law could go.

"The daughter-in-law of my second brother's family was fired by the unit, and Fan Huang immediately asked her to get her back."

"Didn't the eldest brother's son just drink some wine and beat someone, but he didn't beat him to death? As for going in? I don't know which bastard reported it."

"...how can you say he's an asshole?" Sui Zixin said, he was obviously a handsome guy with a handsome face—it was Yu Jingting.

Yu Jingting took the notebook given by his father-in-law and took revenge one by one, reporting those who could report, and writing anonymous letters anonymously.

"I've already been arrested, what do you ask Lao Fan to do? He doesn't care about this."

"Isn't cross-department just a matter of one sentence? If it's not possible, just find someone to replace my nephew to go to jail. He will retire soon. How will he live after he enters? I think Yu Jingting is quite suitable."

"You let my husband go to jail for someone else?!" Suizi couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear.

"You're talking nonsense before it's dark?" Yu Shuisheng sneered.

Originally, he just wanted to watch the monkey show quietly. After all, his daughter-in-law's fake acting skills are more interesting than watching sketches.

But watching the fun and seeing his own son, the old man had to say a few words.

"My son graduated from a prestigious university anyway. He is in a great situation. How much do you have animosity against him to let him go to jail for your nephew?" .

"So what about graduating from college? Isn't he still a self-employed person without a job, a vagrant? My natal nephew has a formal job. If this happens, he will lose his job. What will happen when he retires? Your son is a vagrant, yes It doesn't matter to him, that is, he came out after half a year in prison, young man, can this be a bit of a hardship?"

"Then you should come forward about this matter. You are old and don't need to go to jail. I think you can say this, which means you are shameless. You certainly don't care about going to jail, right?" Standing by the side, or else swear words would have been flying all over the sky.

Fan Huang turned around and apologized to Yu Shuisheng, "She's a bit demented, you made me laugh."

"Hey, it's okay, buddy, you are so pitiful, let's have a drink tonight." Yu Shuisheng patted Fan Huang sympathetically.

Such a powerful big brother, how could he have such a sick mother?

"What are you talking about?! Why do I have dementia?!" Mother Fan ignored Fan Huang's increasingly ugly expression, and simply snapped her fingers, and the lion opened her mouth.

"You handled the special permit for the boss's granddaughter-in-law. His wife and nephew made false accounts and asked to investigate. You should also find someone to settle it quickly."

Every time Fan's mother said something, Fan Huang's expression turned ugly.

The tassel that provoked everything stood by the side, and began to light the wax for the old lady in her heart.

Chen Lijun listened to her mother-in-law's understatement of these heaven-defying demands, her heart was not disturbed, and she even wanted to praise her good daughter and son-in-law.

These days, Chen Lijun is raising her baby comfortably, being her elder princess with peace of mind, being pampered by the whole family, Suizi doesn't tell her about these bad things.

But when Chen Lijun heard Fan's mother talk about the tragedy of her natal family, she felt as happy as eating ten boxes of pure cream sorbet.

She just likes the way her son-in-law is ruthless and relentless, and the indiscriminate retaliation is too much for Chen Lijun, who is originally from the dark department.

Chen Lijun decided that when Jingting came back at night, she would have a drink with her good son-in-law with milk instead of wine.

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