Uncle Wang and Yu Jingting exchanged business compliments, and they didn't forget to take care of Fan's mother who had been stunned.

"Old sister-in-law, are you very happy now?"

"Ah!" Mother Fan couldn't close her mouth, her brain froze.

"Otherwise, why would my grandma come here in person, she is very fond of my mother's baby, isn't she, grandma?" Suizi smiled but wasn't smiling.

Mrs. Wang who brought the fruit moved her ears, oh well~

It turns out that the fact that Fan's mother and Li Jun didn't get along was all rumors. For the sake of her daughter-in-law's pregnancy, she personally went to the door to help her daughter-in-law ask for leave, tsk tsk tsk.

Mrs. Wang is recognized as a big speaker in the circle.

The news will go viral tomorrow in circles.

It doesn't even need to be tomorrow, Suizi guesses that when they go ahead, Mrs. Wang will call on the back foot.

When the time comes, everyone will know how valuable her mother's "dragon fetus" is.

Mother Fan was overwhelmed, and she couldn't say anything, so she could only bite the bullet and accept the "good mother-in-law" persona thrown over by the tassels.

Whether she likes it or not, she has to stand on Suizi's boat, because after tonight, the Mei family will completely hate Fan's mother, and Fan's mother has no one to rely on.

All of this was in Suizi's calculations, and after such a big detour, she finally came to this point and solved the old lady once and for all.

However, Fan's mother's IQ is still beyond this level, and she is still digesting the news of Chen Lijun's pregnancy.

"Seeing how happy my grandma is, she can't even talk anymore." Yu Jingting said to the old lady again.

Fan's mother looked at Yu Jingting blankly, she was terrified instead of happy.

Uncle Wang and his wife only thought that the old lady was old enough to make Sun happy, and they didn't see that the family got along a little strangely.

Dr. Xue has a God's perspective. She knows Fan's mother's intentions and Suizi's family's plan. As a doctor who takes care of Chen Lijun's fetus throughout the whole process, she has long seen this battle between the rich and powerful.

Doctor Xue looked at Fan's mother with sympathy.

The old lady didn't know how powerful the young couple in front of her was. If it was her, she would definitely not want to have an enmity with Suizi and his wife.

She has been in contact with the second generation in the Beijing circle a lot, but she has never been so serious and single-minded as Suizi and his wife.

Coming out of Wang's house, Mother Fan didn't even know how her legs moved, she stretched out her hand to touch her legs as if she had lost consciousness from the waist down, it was cold.

Suizi personally sent Dr. Xue to the car with a pleasant smile.

"I'll trouble you to take a trip, it's really hard work."

Dr. Xue knew in his heart that this was telling her not to talk nonsense when going out, after all, this was someone else's housework.

"We're all from our own family, so it's hard work. Even I'm a bit old, and my memory is not very good. I'm causing you trouble."

Suizi smiled more sincerely, the doctor her father picked was really thorough, no wonder he was so famous in the circle.

"Aunt Xue, I'm actually a little confused. My husband and I are thinking about giving our baby some gifts these days. It's a joke to say it's a reference book. It's just the color of the furniture. Do you think blue or pink is suitable? Goose yellow also."

Dr. Xue understood, he was asking about her child's boy or girl.

"It's hot, choose a cooler color."

Suizi's eyebrows relaxed, this time it was really comfortable.

It seems that the probability of being the younger brother is high.

She knows that these old Chinese doctors have deep roots in their hearts, and they have a certain accuracy in judging men and women, but this kind of people usually don't speak very full, and they are more measured.

"It's really hard work for you, and my mother's health will trouble you in the future." Suizi sent the doctor to the car in person, and she was overjoyed when she returned to her car.

"Hehe, you got your wish?" Yu Jingting guessed it just by looking at her expression.

"Yeah, what a good day. I can finally relax a lot in the future."

Suizi is not patriarchal, but she expects her mother to have a son more than anyone else.

The big family must put pressure on her mother for the matter of being the firstborn without a child, so Suizi would rather be selfish and hope that her mother can walk more comfortably in the future.

"Is your mother really pregnant?" Fan's mother couldn't understand the riddles of the young couple, and asked in the back seat with a trembling voice.

"Didn't you already hear it?" Suizi confirmed Fan's mother's conjecture.

"She's pregnant, how could she be pregnant? So when the birth certificate was issued—"

"That's right, when you asked my mother to apply for the birth certificate, she just found out that she was pregnant." Seeing the old lady's out of breath, Suizi felt very comfortable.

This old lady has been jumping up and down as a monster for so long, it can be regarded as her retribution.

"How can you team up and lie to me?! Nonsense! Don't tell me if you're pregnant! The baby over there is about to be born, and she's pregnant! Then what about our baby? That baby doesn't even have a birth certificate!"

Fan's mother originally found a pregnant woman from her natal family, and planned to have the baby there and then give it to Fan Huang.

Because from the very beginning it was planned to "exchange the civet cat for the prince", and because there was a superborn there, there was no formality at all.

In order to avoid sight, the pregnant women moved to the countryside to raise them, and they waited for the baby to land on the ground and give it to Chen Lijun.

As a result, now, Chen Lijun has her own.

Mother Fan's first reaction was, what should she do when her child is born? I can't get an account!

That's a child, not a cat or a dog. Those people from her natal family must not eat her?

Suizi sneered.

"Other people's children, what does it matter to us? They are not my father's seed, why should we be responsible?"

"You guys did it on purpose to hide it from me, just to make it difficult for me to end?" Mother Fan finally figured it out.

She is like a jumping clown, being toyed with by these people!

"We want to share the good news of my mother's pregnancy with you. Did you give me a chance? Can you use me to help you recall the situation at the beginning? You led me to my mother to taunt my mother, and you almost said 'can't lay eggs' The words "chicken" have been spoken, and now they come to pretend to be the victim? Jing Ting, how do you describe grandma's behavior?"

Yu Jingting whistled: "She is so confident, she is pure stupid."

Suizi curled her lips in dissatisfaction, she was too gentle.

Yu Jingting shrugged, respecting the old and loving the young.

"In the end, it's the elders. You can't let me say that she is Mona Lisa's sister, Jenny Marthabi, right? You can't say that she has an IQ, her mother cried IQ, and her IQ died, right? You can't say that she is a monkey made of coal powder. Rare, black-hearted and rotten intestines, right? Can I say these outrageous things?"

"Pfft!" Suizi couldn't help laughing, he really didn't say much!

"You dare to scold me!!" Fan's mother was already dizzy from this series of output. Seeing her clumsy tongue, Suizi thought of herself who didn't know what to say when she had a fight before.

"You think I'm swearing? You have to use this way of communication with an old lady who is not smart. I want to talk to you, and you have to understand it. Look at what shit you did before! Why is your face so ugly? If you think what I did is wrong, please tell me, I will never change it, mainly because I am afraid that you will be overwhelmed."

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