I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 843 Who cares about being a son-in-law

"Give up your father's claws! Daughter-in-law, call the mental hospital and let the car take him away now!" Yu Jingting just wanted to grab this old man and beat him up.

"Don't you know how big my property is?" Yu Yougan still finds it inconceivable that he is the one who suffers, but this brat doesn't appreciate it?

"I don't care if you are an industry or a shoveler, I am not interested! If you dare to say that you have something or nothing in front of me, no one can save you!"

Yu Jingting wanted to punch him twice.

"I don't want to make things worse, so please leave now." Suizi said blankly, "No matter how powerful you are outside, this is not your territory. If your people dare to touch us, you will not be able to leave."

When she said these words, Suizi didn't have much confidence in her heart. If these people really took her and Yu Jingting away, it would be really difficult to deal with later, and at the critical moment, she could only report her family name.

"First find out who my dad is. If you touch me, no matter how far you run, he will never let you go."

This sentence successfully suppressed Yu Yougan's shouting voice.

Suizi was right.

If she was just an ordinary person, Yu Yougan would never let her go.

Although her and Yu Jingting's base camp is far away, anyone who wants to inquire can still find out, and no smart person would think of sinning against Fan Huang.

"What's your father's name?" Yu Youqian asked.

"Fan Huang." Suizi mentioned her father's position, and Yu Yougan's expression turned serious.

"Why don't you have the same last name as him—oh, you're an illegitimate daughter?"

"I have my mother's last name."

Yu Youqian showed his original expression.

"Girl movies are worthless. It doesn't matter who's last name."

This sentence made Yu Jingting kick him again angrily.

"What doesn't matter?! It's because my father-in-law has a deep affection for my mother-in-law that he let my daughter-in-law take my mother's surname!"

"Brat, I'll let you off for now. I'll investigate when I go back. If what she said is not true, just wait and see!"

Yu Jingting spit on the ground, hetui!

He wasn't frightened too much, so he kind of let the horse come over!

Yu Yougan left, Suizi frowned.

"What expression?" Yu Jingting rubbed her head.

"I always feel that things won't be settled so easily. The night is long and the dream is full. Let's leave quickly tonight."

Suizi doesn't want to have anything to do with Tianlong Society, she plans to leave quickly with Yu Jingting.

"Don't worry, he doesn't have the guts to do anything here."

Yu Jingting is a bold and careful person.

He had already considered the consequences when he acted, and he would not do anything risky. Everything came from the bottom line. After all, when you go out with tassels, you have to think more about it.

"Having said that, but the enemy is dark and we are clear, in order to avoid long nights and dreams, we should leave here quickly and return to Beijing."

As long as he can go back, that is the safest place, no one can touch him.

"Why are you so nervous, can I never come here in the future? Even if I don't come, the second child is here, can I still leave them?"

The family's business has just started, and there are still a lot of business opportunities in the future, so it's impossible not to come here just because of a stupid old man who wants to die.

Yu Jingting's words made Suizi more uneasy.

She thought of the look Yu Yougan looked at Yu Jingting when he left, it was the look in which he was determined to win.

The old man had no intention of giving up.

"There must be a solution to this matter, let me think about it."

"Brother, are you all right?" The second child brought several others over.

"Brother, what do they want from you?"

"It's more troublesome to explain, fourth child, tell me first, how much do you know about what you have done?" Suizi asked.

The fourth child often reads gossip newspapers, so he should know something inside.

"I told you all during the meal. This old man is very fancy, and his girlfriends often change."

Newspapers did not dare to write too much about business matters, most of them were gossip about Yu Yougan.

"Have you ever heard the name Zhaodi?" Suizi asked.

She remembered that Yu Yougan said to let Yu Jingting marry Zhaodi, it seems that this is a key person.

"Zhao Di? No, most of Yu Yougan's girlfriends are starlets, and their names are more foreign than the other. For example, the big gourd woman named Man Li yesterday, they all have this style."

Such a rustic name as Zhaodi is rarely seen in rural areas.

"It shouldn't be his girlfriend—does he have a daughter?" Suizi asked.

"It wasn't mentioned in the newspaper, shouldn't it? It was always said that his only son died the year before last, and he never mentioned that he had a daughter."

Suizi intuited that it was very important to recruit Di, and she was probably Yu Yougan's illegitimate daughter. From Yu Yougan's attitude, it was not difficult to see that he was a patriarchal person. He didn't want to hand over the family business to his daughter, but just wanted to recruit another son in law.

"No way, I'm disgusted by what you said. If that ghost Zhaodi is his daughter, she must be in her forties? Considering seniority, I still want to call her aunt?"

Yu Jingting guessed what Suizi was thinking, and felt a deep aversion to the cold.

"Although grandpa and him are brothers, collateral blood relatives within three generations can't get a marriage certificate—but there are also many cousins ​​over there, I don't think he cares at all."

Spike methodical analysis.

Although from the perspective of normal people, this is an incredible thing.

But according to Yu Youqian, who doesn't care about ethics and only cares about blood relationship, maybe that's the real plan.

He planned to have a kiss to increase the kiss, so that he could give birth to a more "pure" Yu family.

"Fuck, I'm going to kill me." Yu Jingting rubbed his arms, who did he provoke?

If he had known that saving an old man would cause so much trouble, he should have let the old man die in the flames.

"The top priority now is to look up this trick, and it's best to get her contact information."

Suizi thought that although she was going back to Beijing with Yu Jingting, it was hard to guarantee that Yu Youqian would not make trouble in the follow-up, so it was best to be prepared.

When Yu Jingting's brothers found out that Yu Youqian was actually his great-grandfather, and also saw him as his heir, they were all very surprised.

"Does this count... Don't forget your original intention?" The fourth child held back for a long time, only thinking of this sentence.

The boss said that his family's ancestors were bandits, so in calculation, Yu Yougan can be regarded as inheriting the "family tradition".

The boss, who was admitted to Tsinghua University to do business, took a road that was so useless that it could no longer be considered a different kind of "forgetting his origin"?

"Oh, this kind of original intention, don't worry about it." Yu Jingting didn't care.

"But that's Tianlongshe. Big brother, don't you have any regrets?" the fourth child asked.

Everyone felt that Yu Jingting was born to eat this bowl of rice, and he had that kind of domineering spirit.

"What regrets? What they have now, I can earn by myself in the future, who cares about their rags?"

Yu Jingting raised the corner of his mouth and winked at Suizi.

He will do what he promises her.

If you say you want to go the right way, you will never look back.

He can make money and raise a daughter-in-law for nothing, so who cares about being that unclean son-in-law?

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