I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 859 Something is wrong

Just when the third child was thinking about whether to order these two desperate goods, Suizi spoke, still in a faint voice.

"I'm done here, you can go."

"Aren't you going to take it back?" The third child saw her notebook spread out on the table, and had no intention of putting it away.

Suizi put the folder in the hard-shell notebook, and glanced at the two senior brothers as if nothing, and all those she caught looked away guiltily.

"Only a few of us can enter this laboratory. It doesn't matter."

Coming out of the graduate student building, Suizi saw the boys playing football on the playground, swaying freely, fearless of the sun.

In a trance, I thought that Yu Jingting was one of them during those years in college, and she was always watching silently from the sidelines.

She herself doesn't like sports very much, but because she fell in love with an energetic man, she understood the rules of various ball games.

The ball game, which was originally boring for her, became more exciting because of the more sweethearts on the field.

Suizi curled the corner of her mouth, and she didn't hear the third child calling her twice in a row.

"Sister-in-law, do you miss elder brother?" The third child only knew that elder brother was going on a business trip to the border, but he didn't know that what he was doing was dangerous.

Seeing Suizi in a daze, she guessed that she missed her lover.

"What did you just say?" Suizi didn't answer directly.

Missing him, there is no need to tell anyone, it is enough for Feng to know.

"Let me tell you, is there any difference between graduate school and university?" the third child asked, "I also wanted to go to graduate school when I graduated. My family objected, which is somewhat regrettable."

"There is a big difference in the way of learning, learning to innovate and exploring different fields, but it was the same in my university, so the difference in this respect is not too big for me."

"What about relationships?"

"Oh, that's different."

Suizi only used four words to summarize her current situation.

When I was in college, I could talk freely, talk about life, ideals, studies, and the relationship between fellow students in graduate school. After deliberation, Suizi thought this sentence was the most appropriate.

"Brother, fire prevention, theft prevention, and the part involving the competition of interests, it is inevitable that there will be some disputes, but fortunately, they are all within the controllable range."

For Suizi, although she doesn't like dealing with people, it's not too difficult to deal with, after all, she has experience there.

If the research subjects of the same discipline are the same, it is a competitive relationship. Don't expect competitors to take care of you, let alone scholarship applications later.

Suizi can see the situation more clearly than her peers. If her expectations for her classmates are low, she will not be disappointed and world-weary. Her heart will not be affected, and she will focus on her studies without distraction.

Seeing the calmness she said, the third child knew that she had a really strong heart, but she still couldn't help but say one more thing:

"Sister-in-law, since you know that it is necessary to guard against others, why do you still put your research results there? Are you not afraid that they will copy your data?"

"Well, I'm afraid."

Suizi smiled slightly, and she was afraid that those people would not copy.

Seeing her expression, the third child suddenly thought that when she took everyone to the fairy dance, she had the same peaceful expression on her face, but her eyes were deep, as if they could hold the stars and the sea.

The third child suddenly realized.

The elder sister-in-law is able to comprehend even domestic and foreign political news, and she doesn't pay attention to the rivalry in a mere laboratory.

So... when the sister-in-law was writing the report calmly, she had already made a move. Before he came, she had already planned the strategy.

After thinking about this, the third child was agitated again, and smiled at Suizi very obsequiously.

"Sister-in-law, I haven't offended you lately, have I?"

He realized that if he offended his sister-in-law, he didn't know how to die. She missed her elder brother again, so she conveniently stuffed two mines into her opponent.

This quiet way of attacking is really fresh and refined.

Yu Jingting has been out for three days and has not heard from him.

In fact, this is also normal, the journey is far away and there are no flights, so there will be a two-day delay on the way, so it should not be long since he arrived.

Suizi behaved no differently than usual, going to school, taking care of the children, and going to the kitchen when she was free, tinkering with food.

Wang Cuihua always felt that something was wrong with her daughter-in-law, but she couldn't tell, so she could only secretly ask Fourth Master while the tassels were clinking in the kitchen.

"Has our Suizi encountered any problems recently? Why do I think something is wrong with her?"

Fourth master didn't come back.

Wang Cuihua glanced at Fourth Master, and felt that this old man seemed strange.

"Why don't you go out to steal chess these days?"

On weekdays, when Fourth Master didn't have to go to work, he would steal chess pieces from the old chess players in the alley.

"It's boring, I'm too lazy to move."

Fourth master sat on the rocking chair, watching the clouds drifting over from the sky.

Luoluo was playing football in the yard, and Bobo sat on a chair with a wrinkled face, as if he was worried about something.

Suizi came out with a tray, and Bobo was excited, coming!

He stood up and tried to run with his chubby legs, but was stopped by his overly gentle mother.

"Come here for some juice."

Bobo pretended not to hear and wanted to run.

"Kids who are picky eaters don't grow up tall."

The mother's overly gentle voice made Bobo's chubby face pout, and he knew he couldn't run away.

"It doesn't taste good, it's bitter!" Luoluo bluntly expressed her dissatisfaction with the orange-red unknown liquid in her mother's hand.

"I have improved this time, it should taste better."

Suizi shared the juice with the two children.

When Wang Cuihua saw her daughter-in-law walking towards her with a plate again, there was a black line on her forehead.

"Let's not use it, my lords, it's better to leave such precious things to—"

Wang Cuihua wanted to say, leave it to the children, and she couldn't bear to see the two little grandchildren pinching their noses like they were being drugged.

I also want to tell my in-laws, after thinking about it, it is not easy for my in-laws to get pregnant, this sour and bitter thing, it is not okay to harm my in-laws.

So he gritted his teeth and said, "You should save more for your father. He uses his brain so hard on weekdays, and he can occasionally receive foreign guests. It's best to give him foreign things."

"Tch." Fourth master was happy.

After thinking about it with Hua'er, no one is ashamed to cause harm, so they pick their in-laws to attack?

"My dad, I'll send a few too. This is specially made for you. With the addition of mint leaves, it shouldn't be so bad to drink."

Suizi handed a cup to each of her parents-in-law.

Wang Cuihua was embarrassed not to drink it, so she took a sip lightly, it was not bitter anymore, but it was still sour and unpalatable.

"Is there something wrong with this foreigner? How can anyone want such an unpalatable thing?"

Grapefruit has not yet been cultivated in China. If you want to eat it, you can only rely on imports. The quantity is very small and only special departments can get it. It is definitely a precious fruit, but Wang Cuihua feels that it is not as delicious as Okubo peaches that cost 10 cents a catty .

"It's rich in nutrition, and it's also divided into varieties. This variety is relatively unpalatable."

Under Wang Cuihua's admiring eyes, Suizi took a cup and drank it down.

Seeing her like this, Wang Cuihua finally remembered that something was wrong with her daughter-in-law.

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