I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 866 Come and do something

"Which hotel did you see it in? It was the No. 2 Factory Guest House." Suizi asked.

Que Wuyu smelled strongly of alcohol, probably because he drank a lot of alcohol to boost his courage.

He had been brewing for so long to say what he said. He thought that Suizi would be angry and sad, but he didn't expect Suizi to have such a reaction.

"How did you know?"

Que Wuyu's words made Suizi's heart calmer, and further confirmed her previous deduction.

Yu Jingting must be safe now.

Because the No. 2 Factory Guest House is the closest place to the roller skating rink, Suizi wanted to block Que Wuyu's back path, and deliberately tested him like this.

Suizi was right.

"Because the woman who was with him was arranged by me. She is a distant relative of my father-in-law. I asked him to entertain her when she came here."

Que Wuyu opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

"Director Que, I don't know if I have done something that misunderstood you before. If so, please tell me directly, and I will change it."

Cultural people are also gentle and polite when they hate others.

The translation of this sentence has one meaning: don't bother me in the future, hide as far away as you can.

If Suizi used to be close to Yu Jingting before to express her tactful alienation, this time she expressed her attitude openly and persistently.

"Don't get me wrong, I just thought it was inappropriate for us to get acquainted, and I didn't tell you it was inappropriate when I saw it, so I—" Que Wuyu's face turned red.

I don't know if it's shame or alcohol.

If Suizi still wants to save face for him, then he should follow Que Wuyu's words.

But Suizi didn't want to.

"Director Que, you and I have always been plain, not to mention that we are strangers, even friends, what you did today has already affected my normal life, I hope there will be no next time .”

These words made Que Wuyu's blushing face turn pale again. He was just at the age of youth and exuberance, and he took face even bigger than the sky. When Suizi said this, the last layer of window paper was pierced, and there was no sympathy at all. Did not leave him.

"I know, I won't bother you again in the future, I'm too busy." Que Wuyu tugged at the corner of his mouth weakly, and turned around lonely.

Suizi felt uncomfortable seeing him like this.

But she knew that at this time, she absolutely couldn't open her mouth to issue a good card.

As long as she spoke to comfort him, she gave him hope that he shouldn't have. If she couldn't promise others, she couldn't leave a way out.

She would rather Que Wuyu describe the stranger to her in this life than delay him.

Yu Jingting's voice seemed to ring in his ears: a man and a woman, what do you mean by friendship?

After cutting off Que Wuyu's thoughts, Suizi has already confirmed that Yu Jingting will not be in danger.

Who would that woman be with him?

Suizi straightened her temples, and she remembered everything he said.

Since he is sure that there is no pure friendship between men and women, the woman who is with him is either an enemy or a lover.

Whether it's a human or a ghost, she'll know when she goes to see it.

"Father, I'm going out." Suizi saw that the time was almost up, said hello and drove away.

Wang Cuihua hesitated to speak.

After coaxing the two children to sleep, they asked fourth master.

"The man looking for Suizi, what's going on?"

There was a man looking for her on the front foot, and the daughter-in-law went out at night on the back foot. It would be wrong for the mother-in-law not to ask if it was true, but she didn't dare to ask Suizi directly, for fear of affecting the relationship between the two mothers who had finally gotten along.

Fourth Master carefully looked at the blueprint in his hand. After several days of planing wood, the toy he made for the two babies was only short of stitching.

"It's not that I don't trust Suizi, I'm afraid that it's not safe for her to go out by herself—hey, talking to you, what do you think this shit is doing, the daughter-in-law is more important than the wood?"

Seeing that her wife ignored her, Wang Cuihua snatched the blueprint from his hand.

"Hua'er, you just eat radish and worry about it. Suizi is an ordinary girl? If you have time to worry about her, why not think about what to eat tomorrow? Shall I take you to boil mutton?"

"The backyard is going to be on fire. Are you still thinking about wood and boiled lamb?"

In a fit of anger, he wanted to tear up the drawings, but the fourth master hurriedly stopped him. With such a violent daughter-in-law, he couldn't even pretend to be deep.

"I have to get out the toy for Little Carrot today, and I'm afraid I'll have to struggle for a few days in the future."


"Based on what I know about the old man, it's impossible for him to give in so easily. There's a high probability that he'll mess with me. I even have a hunch."

Fourth master didn't continue, his premonition was that the son didn't come home on time, maybe it was the old man who messed with him.

Suizi drove all the way to the roller skating rink. At night, the roller skating rink is a dance hall, and you can hear music from a long distance away.

Fortunately, there are no residential areas nearby, or it is a nuisance to the people.

As soon as the car came in, something was wrong.

On weekdays, this meeting should have been filled with bicycles long ago, but the open space was empty, only a few bicycles were parked, probably belonging to employees.

Suizi checked the time and walked in at nine o'clock.

The two watching the scene at the door saw that it was the elder sister-in-law who came, and they stood up one after another, but their expressions looked a little strange.

"Is Jingting there?" Suizi asked.

The two who watched the scene replied together:


"Not here!"

After the two finished speaking, they looked at each other again, and the one who said it seemed to have realized it, and hurriedly shook his head and waved his hands.

"Not here!"

"Jing Ting is the boss, but I am the accountant, and I pay the salary. Let me ask again, are you here?"

The two of them fell silent, and squeezed out two words between their teeth after two seconds: "Not here!"

Suiko smiled.

"Okay, very loyal."

After speaking, go straight in.

The two who watched the scene were scared to death.

One of them beat the other.

"It's all your fault. Why can't you speak out of your head? Is the occasion inside that sister-in-law can see?"

The conversation between the two was very quiet, and the ears covered by the music could not hear it, but the reactions of the two said it all.

There is something tricky in it.

The dance floor was filled with light as the live band played "Sweet Honey".

The dance floor, which was supposed to be bustling and noisy, turned out to be empty. Only a couple of men and women were dancing rumba on the huge dance floor.

The slow pace, the swaying dance, the sweet tenderness of dancing a romantic song.

If the man didn't look like her husband, Suoko would even think that she danced well.

The woman who danced with him - Suizi only took one look, and her heart was suffocated.

It's so pretty.

Before that, she was wondering what Yu Yougan's "women who can serve men" would look like.

Now when I look at this dancing girl, this one automatically pops into my mind. She has a great figure and a soft face.

At first glance, it is the kind that is very whiny and good at acting like a baby.

Suizi only saw Yu Jingting's side face, but couldn't tell what his expression would be.

The keyboard player of the band saw the tassel first, and the notes in his hand stopped abruptly, and the other musicians also stopped.

Yang Lao Er, who was in charge of controlling the lights, seemed to be doing something on purpose, and focused the light on Suizi. Yu Jingting, who was hidden in the darkness, was in stark contrast to Suizi standing under the light, one bright and one dark.

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