I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 871 This is the power of love (thanks to Shu Yueer + more)

Mr. Hu's eye sockets became wet unknowingly.

When Suizi took out these two documents, all his resentment towards fourth master disappeared.

Although at the beginning he really wanted to use fourth master, so he accepted him as his adopted son.

But getting along for so many years, how could there be no feelings.

He hated Yu Shuisheng for abandoning all these things, and also blamed him for disregarding the relationship between father and son for many years for the sake of a woman.

But in the end it was his subordinates who were merciful. Otherwise, with Suizi's three tips back then, how could the old man release him.

Seeing the old man's reaction, Suizi knew that the matter was settled, and gave Yu Jingting a wink.

Her preliminary work is done, and it will be up to him later.

Yu Jingting took out a cigarette, passed one to the old man, and lit it.

The old man took a deep breath, looked at Yu Jingting with a complicated expression and asked, "Do you have no complaints about what your father did?"

"Hey, what can I complain about? My wife and I have no objection if he is happy. As for Jiaojiao, she probably thinks the same way."

"However, your father's business is not small now, and the shares—" The old man lost all anger when he thought that the fourth master had left 20% for himself.

It's not that he's short of money, it's that he feels valued.

"Neither my sister nor I have to rely on the wealth of the elderly. My sister is still young, but the education she received was the same as mine. My daughter-in-law has taken her with her all these years. I believe she will not be that kind when she grows up. Useless child."

"My daughter-in-law and I are also starting a business now. Although we can't do what you old people do now, it's only a matter of time."

Yu Jingting briefly talked about his company. He said here, and Suizi paid the invoices, which are all the company's turnover.

"You little bag, how can you hold it so well?" the old man asked Suizi.

"My eloquence is not very good, but the logistical preparations are still in place." Suizi said modestly.

She knew that there was going to be such a test, so she prepared for it.

There is nothing that can prove oneself more than the profit of real money.

She and Yu Jingting are now past the age of proving themselves by cursing in the street, and now they have a better way to calmly brighten their families.

"Your eloquence is not good?" Mr. Hu laughed loudly, and his stomach also grumbled.

He hasn't noticed it yet, but Suizi grabs the teacup to cover it up, ahem, it doesn't matter whether she is eloquent or not, the important thing is that she really holds a grudge.

"Girl, you just said that six years later, I didn't die because of illness, but why?" The old man's tone has improved a lot, revealing a hint of kindness.

Sui Zixin said, if she had known that you were so easy to be persuaded, she would have put less laxative leaves

"It's not what I said, it's what the hexagram shows. I can only try to give you a push. Whether it's right or wrong, you just have to listen to it for fun."

The old man said in his heart that he had predicted the date of his death so accurately, it would be strange if he was happy.

Suizi pointed to the turtle shell and said: "The third last yin line, don't grab a girl, see a warrior, you will die, there is no profit, is it possible, you will get involved with a married woman in the future, her husband Maybe he is a person with no power, but it is precisely because he has nothing that he dares to give it a go."

"My daughter-in-law is very polite. I'm afraid you don't understand. Let me translate it for you. It means that if you see that someone is poor, you will rob someone's wife and let them take revenge. Those who are barefoot are not afraid to wear shoes. That's what you want me to bully now. Poor people, I can't do it."

He was domineering in the village back then, because he never had anything to lose.

Now that he has a stable career and a happy family, he doesn't know anything about breaking the law and discipline, and the price is too high to do it.

When Mr. Hu heard this, he was puzzled at first, but when he thought about it carefully, his expression gradually turned ugly.

He recently fell in love with a young daughter-in-law, but she refused.

He also planned to wait until the matter here was finished, and then tie him back when he went back, and throw him back after a few years.

Hearing Suizi's hexagram, he began to think about it.

Six years, the time is right.

"Divination is only a reference value, because predicting the future requires you to make a certain decision before your fate will develop in that direction, but if you don't do that, your fate will change." gone."

Hearing this, the old man was completely fooled by her, but he still felt reluctant.

"Then if I don't touch that woman, won't I be able to escape? There's no need to back out at this time. The situation outside is so tight. Once I back out, those brothers won't be able to back out. Why? Didn’t you tell me to hand over the country that has been defeated for many years?”

"This is the business we want to discuss with you. Grandpa, Jing Ting and I have a plan that will not only make you look good but also make you face. As long as you can take care of yourself in the old age, there will be a steady stream of money rushing towards you. Are you interested?"

Suizi put on the face of a profiteer and made an offer that no one could refuse, and she even changed her name to Grandpa.

Mr. Hu was moved, and asked what the plan was, but Yu Jingting slyly talked about the emotional card.

"Those who waited for us to finish the meal were saying, we can't do business without righteousness. You are my father's father, and that is the grandfather of both of us. How can we make grandpa hungry?"

In terms of business, no one can compare to Jingting. This trick of retreating into advance is very effective. The old man's wrinkles are all unfolded, but the sound of his stomach growling is getting louder and louder.

"That is to say, we haven't told my father that you are here. My father will probably be worried about you at home. He will not be able to eat or sleep because of worry, and he will be haggard because of you."

Suizi formed a group with Yu Jingting to fool the old man, and just after saying this, he saw Yu Shuisheng leading Wang Cuihua, and the two of them were accompanied by the family's third baby.

Mr. Hu's eyes narrowed instantly, isn't this his rebellious son?

Suizi was also embarrassed.

This bullshit, oops, it broke a little early.

Yu Shuisheng was also stunned.

He couldn't wait for Suizi and his wife to come back at home, Hua'er was nagging at the side again, worried about his son and daughter-in-law.

After thinking about it, Yu Shuisheng decided to take the whole family out for supper and eat the hot pot in advance, so that he can deal with the old man in a down-to-earth manner tomorrow.

All three parties froze, Suizi scratched his heart and liver.

The cowhide was blown to pieces on the spot, she couldn't come back, so she kicked Yu Jingting violently under the table, hurry up, save the day!

Yu Jingting stood up abruptly, patted the old man on the shoulder, and said sincerely:

"Look! My dad can't even wait to see you tomorrow, he's here today! What is this? This is the power of love, this is the greatness of family affection, this is—"

"Pfft!" There was a fart sound.

Suizi's cup of added Kudingcha played a role, and the old man stood up with his hands on his stomach and a slight bend.

"I'll talk about it later!"

Thanks to Shu Yue'er for the 10,000 coins, titled and added~

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