I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 907 No wonder you never call him a daimyo

"Can he eat your cooking?!" Suizi was full of surprise.

Yu Jingting was unimaginable: "Meet a stranger, bring cake?"

Don't you think this operation is a bit strange?

The senior sister nodded.

That day, Hansui asked her to take the note to find Su Zhe.

The senior sister thought that such a powerful academic expert must be very busy and won't give her too much time, so she put her lunch in her bag, thinking about meeting with Professor Su, and finding a place where no one would have lunch up.

Professor Su said a few words to her, moved his nose and said it was delicious, so she took out the cake, and then he ate it.

Yu Jingting felt that this relationship was not like a normal person's relationship, one dared to give, and the other dared to eat! Two strange people get together!

"Senior sister, do you have time?" Suizi asked with mixed emotions.

Using a graduate student as a babysitter, isn't that like using a cannon to beat mosquitoes, overqualified?

"I'm in the third year of graduate school. Now I'm mainly working on my graduation thesis. I don't have much to do. I still have time. Before you find a nanny, it's okay for me to help take care of you."

Suizi burst into tears of gratitude, clasped her hands together, and worshiped her senior sister as a bodhisattva.

"On behalf of my whole family, I would like to thank you, Senior Sister, you are truly an existence that benefits all mankind."

"It's not so exaggerated, is it?" I was embarrassed to worship my senior sister.

"Why not? Professor Su's jade body doesn't belong to him alone. It's a treasure bestowed by heaven on the old man. If you take good care of him, it's equivalent to making a contribution to the academic world." Yu Jingting joked.

Suizi gave him a blank look, using words indiscriminately, what the hell is Yuti?

Fortunately, the senior sister is also dull, she didn't listen to the teasing intention in Jing Ting's words, she was still nodding there.

"However, can your family agree? You see, he is an old bachelor in his thirties, and you are a young girl, so you are not afraid of gossip?" Yu Jingting continued.

Suizi really wanted to kill him with a blind eye!

How can I say so bluntly!

"That's not a problem, but I really want to go back and discuss it with my parents at home. I'm worried that my dad won't agree."

Suizi frowned, this matter really cannot be made difficult by others.

"My dad might be worried that I can't take care of him well. Why don't you talk to Professor Su about moving to my house? My mom is a better cook than me."


"My dad is a loyal supporter of Professor Su, but he has always despised my cooking skills, saying that I haven't learned the essence of my mother's cooking skills, and I won't be able to marry after I don't look like a girl. He must be worried that I can't take care of me well. Professor Su, let Professor Su move to my house? My dad likes him so much, there must be a lot of common language."

The more the senior sister thought about it, the more she felt that this was a good idea. Her parents were both teachers, and the house she allocated was not far from Professor Su's school. My younger brother was not at home when he was going to college, so the room happened to be free.

"Will this be inconvenient? How about it, Jing Ting and I will come to visit and discuss with your father." Suizi's words seemed polite, but in fact she couldn't wait to settle the matter.

The sky and the earth are big, it is better to let Su Zhe eat big.

Suizi was really afraid that one day she would go to the laboratory to find him and find that Su Zhe had starved to death on the ground.

According to the current state of this guy's mess, this is not impossible.

Suizi and his wife went home with their senior sister and bought a trunk full of gifts. Suizi bought heavy gifts and even thought about it.

Unload the things first when you enter the door. The intellectual family must not have much energy. It will be difficult for them to move back!

The result is that Suizi is too worried.

As the senior sister said, her father is a loyal fan of Su Zhe. When he heard that his idol could live in his house, he was excited to clean the glass with a rag, and wanted to clean up as soon as possible so that Su Zhe could live in.

This straightforward reaction was even more straightforward than Yu Jingting, a straight man, and Suizi couldn't believe it. Such a difficult problem was solved like this?

Senior sister's parents refuse Suizi to give money.

Suizi originally wanted Su Zhe to rent a room in their house and pay the rent and food expenses. The senior sister's parents didn't want it, and Suizi dared to mention the money to insult them and insult chemistry.

How can an idol live in a rented house? That is the offering of love!

Yu Jingting also stood there to persuade Suizi. In ancient times, Wang Lun gave Li Bailiang eight horses and ten pieces of official brocade. Today, Gao Yirong, a teacher's parents, takes in a big chemical expert. What a good story, and the talk about money is very vulgar ?

Senior sister, the real surname is teacher.

Shi's parents looked at Yu Jingting as if they were looking at a confidant, that's what they meant!

Suizi can't force it, the rent is not charged, she always has other places to make up for, and she will look back to find out what the senior sister's parents like, and just come to match what they like.

After the matter was settled, Suizi was extremely relaxed when she came out of her senior sister's house.

"The mountain is poor and the river is full of doubts and no way out. There is another village where the willows are dark and the flowers are bright."

"By the way, did we forget something?" Yu Jingting asked, Suizi blinked, did you?

"Not to discuss with Su Zhe?"

"Will he agree to discuss it? As long as he has a brain - it doesn't matter if he doesn't mention it." Suizi sort of understood Su Zhe.

He is just a copper pea that can't be steamed, boiled, pounded, or fried.

Tell him directly, he will go to have a ghost.

"It's just that the sewer in the dormitory is broken and no one can live in it. You carried a bucket of dung and poured it into his room. Ask the dean to come forward and say that he will find a house for him to make do with, with food and shelter."

"Can he believe it?"

"Others will definitely not believe it, but Su Zhe might believe it. When has his brain pretended to be anything other than scientific research?"

Yu Jingting only admitted that she was half right.

In fact, Su Zhe really pretended to be something else in his heart a long time ago.

It is tassel.

But later, Yu Jingting and Yu Jingting became close friends because of "the urine is farther than anyone else", and the wife of a friend should not be bullied. Su Zhe is an honest gentleman, so naturally he couldn't take advantage of his brothers and daughters-in-law, and this matter passed.

Yu Jingting never mentioned it to Suizi, but he was somewhat pessimistic when Suizi was keen to help Su Zhe's mediator.

The person introduced to Su Zhe for so many years was not only because the other party looked down on him, but also had good conditions, so Su Zhe rejected him.

Yu Jingting believed that Su Zhe had something to refer to in his heart.

"The small arm can't twist the thigh. I used the dean to pressure him. He didn't dare to disobey. If he didn't obey, the courtyard cut his research funding. Are you afraid that he will be dishonest? Until we find a suitable nanny to take care of him, we can't let him take care of him." He's going to starve to death."

"That's right, just make do with it for a few days—by the way, what's your senior sister's name?"

Yu Jingting knew that the senior sister had a good relationship with Suizi, and when Suizi mentioned her at home, she was always "senior sister" and had never heard of her real name.

"My dear teacher, it is said that when she registered for her household registration, her father happened to be teaching her father in class." This must be the romance of a chemistry teacher.

"Blue vitriol. I'll go. Isn't that copper sulfate pentahydrate?"

Yu Jingting had just met Su Zhenahui, and for a while he was fond of cursing people with chemistry.

Blue vitriol is a common name for copper sulfate pentahydrate.

The chemical formula is CuSO·5HO.

The relative molecular mass is 250! ! !

No wonder Suizi never called her senior sister by her first name!

It’s not a day or two since I’ve been complained about naming Fei, but I’m always a little bit dissatisfied with myself, um, how can I be named Fei? Such an earthy and earthy author, wouldn’t it be rare if he didn’t hold it on the bookshelf?

There will be an update in the afternoon

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