I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 909 Only this title shows respect

When her mother-in-law brought up the matter between senior sister and Su Zhe, Suizi really took it to heart.

A few days later, when the group meeting was over, Suizi pestered her senior sister for a chat, trying to inquire about her impression of Su Zhe.

As soon as the senior sister opened her mouth, Suizi broke her defense.

"You mean Uncle Su? It's pretty good in my house. After dinner, my dad and I cleaned up the laboratory and closed the door to tinker in it for half the night."

In her mother's words, when she asked Su Zhe to move home, Shi's father's reaction seemed like a mouse dropped a rice vat, and it was a professional match.

In the end, it was the teacher's mother who was worried that his wife would not be able to get up for class tomorrow, so she went over to deliver a midnight snack, and then dragged the two out of the laboratory.

After this astonishing contact with heaven and man, the teacher's father asked the daughter to change her mind.

Only the title "Uncle Su" can show respect for Su Zhe.

Suizi's jaw can hardly be closed, things seem to be developing in a weird direction?

"He's my brother, what's your uncle name?" What's the deal with this strange seniority? !

"I don't think it's impossible for my dad to ask me to call him Grandpa Su if Uncle Su didn't resist."

The senior sister felt that her father was so excited and ecstatic that he almost ordered a shrine out of wood to enshrine Professor Su.

"It's unnecessary." Suizi didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

The mediator's intention to pull the strings was strangled to death in the cradle by this extremely respectful "Uncle Su".

From Suizi's point of view, this matter is almost dead.

However, Suizi, who predicts things like a god, never imagined that the two little lucky stars of her family would become gods to assist and make things turn around. This is a later story.

Liu Meimei was expelled from the school because the school did not explain it publicly, but combined with Chen Lun also disappearing from the school, many people can guess the clue.

Suizi learned through the hospital that Liu Meimei had undergone a medical abortion, and was sent back to her hometown in a low-key manner by her mother, and she was taken by her grandma in the future.

For Liu Meimei, this incident may have been a blessing in disguise.

Her stepbrother Li Tiehui plotted against her, and the two of them have been under the same roof for a long time, so there is no guarantee that they will not continue to make outrageous things.

Moreover, Liu Meimei's reputation is already very bad now, staying in the capital will not benefit her future development much, it is better to go to a place where no one knows her and start over.

On the day Liu Meimei left, Jiaojiao didn't go to see her off.

She asked another classmate to give Liu Meimei a gift, and asked her to give it anonymously.

Liu Meimei had just had a miscarriage. She was physically weak and motion sick.

When I got off the train and arrived in the countryside, I remembered that there was still a gift box.

When it was opened, Liu Meimei burst into tears.

Inside is a pair of woolen gloves, and there is a layer of flannel liner inside, and the gloves are sewn with particularly beautiful woolen strawberry balls.

Although it was not the season to wear gloves, this gift appeared a little abruptly, but Liu Meimei knew it was from Jiao Jiao just by looking at it.

Jiaojiao's gloves are all in this style. It is said that her sister-in-law made them herself. Liu Meimei wanted a pair of gloves like this very much before.

She picked up the gloves and sniffed lightly at the tip of her nose. The clean new gloves did not have any smell.

For some reason, she seemed to smell the faint fragrance of flowers in Jiao Jiao's hands.

That fragrance is destined to stay in her heart forever.

Suddenly, Liu Meimei stood up clutching her gloves, her eyes firm, as if she had made up her mind.

"Grandma, where can I make a phone call? I want to make a long-distance call!"

"Telephone? Then you have to wait until the weekend when you go to the city. We don't have any in our village."

"I'm in a hurry!" Liu Meimei stomped her feet anxiously.

Seeing that she was in such a hurry, her grandma had no choice but to let her follow the tractor in the village into the city, where she was squeezed into a pile of chicken coops, covered in chicken feathers.

It was already dark in the city, and Liu Meimei couldn't wait to call Lao Yu's house.

The phone is always busy.

Liu Meimei stomped her feet anxiously.

She borrowed a phone booth in the county seat, and there was only one phone nearby. There were so many people calling every day that they had to queue up.

As the only fast communication device with the outside world, this phone booth not only has the function of making calls, but also the service of answering calls.

Some people from outside called and asked for help to spread the word, and they also asked for money.

There are still several people in line behind Liu Meimei. Seeing that she has been occupying the phone, someone has already urged her impatiently.

The store also said that if she was given another minute, if no one answered, she would be replaced.

Listening to the busy voice, Liu Meimei could only call over and over again, praying for a quick connection.

At this time, at the old Yu's house, Suizi was on the phone with Yu Jingting.

"Han Sui, I'm going to have a drink with people from Bureau A tonight, so I won't go home for dinner, don't wait for me, it might be very late."

As soon as Suizi heard him address herself, she knew that there must be someone beside him, and they were outsiders.

"Well, pay attention to safety, don't drive after drinking, and ask Yang Lao Er to send you back."

After Suizi told her to hang up the phone, Wang Cuihua passed by her holding a handful of beans.

"What is Tie Gen busy with? Why isn't he at home these days?"

"He's negotiating a few big orders, dealing with public institutions, and it's always necessary to drink and socialize. Mom, where are the hangover herbal packages I prepared in advance? I'll prepare them for him in advance."

When Suizi heard that he would not come back for dinner, she guessed that his order should be a deal.

According to the usual practice, if you sign a big order, you have to drink with me. I guess I won't drink less tonight.

"Aren't you two messing around with Baomi? Why are you dealing with public institutions again?" Wang Cuihua never understood what her son's company was doing.

It will be in the capital for a while, and in the special zone for a while, and the items sold are not fixed.

In the past, she went out to dump agricultural products, but now she seems to be making office equipment again. In the eyes of her generation, this is just messing around and nothing serious.

Suizi patiently explained to her mother-in-law.

"Mom, we are doing import and export trade. We don't make products, we are only responsible for being a bridge between buyers and sellers. We do whatever makes money."

"Isn't it just a leather bag company that resells the price difference?" Wang Cuihua understood, but not much.

"The leather bag company has no real registered capital and is an empty shell. Our registered capital is real, and there will be fixed assets soon."

Suizi cunningly used the words "soon there" to fool Wang Cuihua.

Recently, office facilities are being remodeled everywhere. Most office equipment such as printers and fax machines need to be imported, and Yu Jingting's trading company can just come in handy.

In the past, doing agricultural products was just a cover, the purpose was to get loans.

Now that the loan has been obtained, he is in Beijing to contact the client. The unit here needs equipment, and Yu Jingting is responsible for ordering the client.

Between this buying and selling, what you earn is the exchange rate difference.

There is only one principle, do what you want to make money.

Agricultural products and office supplies are two completely different things to Wang Cuihua, but to Suizi and his wife, the routines are the same.

Suizi had just chatted with her mother-in-law when the phone rang.

Liu Meimei finally got the call.

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