Fighting takes physical strength.

A few days later, Suizi yawned frequently in the laboratory, her eyes were sleepy, which attracted the attention of her brothers and sisters.

"Junior sister Hansui, did you not take a break?" said the senior brother.

"I have tea, how about making you a cup?" The second brother followed attentively.

Suizi was really tired, and she didn't even think about perfunctory with them, so she nodded casually.

The two senior brothers rushed to make tea for Suizi.

"Are these two grandchildren sick?" The senior sister felt goose bumps all over her body because of the flattering attitude of these two.

These two guys looked at Suizi so unpleasantly before, and they were so yin and yang, but after being teased by Suizi, they became obedient and docile.

Now Suizi's status in the laboratory is second only to her mentor, and she is the object of frantic fawning of the two senior brothers.

Not only because Suizi is so hateful, but also because last time they saw Yu Jingting come over to pick up the tassels, and kicked away a social idler who was entangled with the school girl at the school gate.

The 200-jin brawny bastard was beaten by Yu Jingting like a sandbag, and he was powerless to fight back. The scene was too spectacular.

The two senior brothers suddenly learned to be human.

After the senior sister lamented the transformation of the two licking the dog, she looked at Suizi with concern.

"Han Sui, you look very haggard, why don't you come this afternoon, go home and have a good rest."

"It's okay, I'm doing exercise and stretching, don't delay to check the information." Suizi really has no face to say, why is she like this.

With a simple mind, the senior sister reached out to touch Suizi's arm.

"I really want to learn from you. You are really self-disciplined. You are so thin, and you still insist on exercising?"

Suizi felt guilty for fooling an honest person, her face was hot, and she lowered her head and pretended to pack up the documents.

But my heart beeped quietly, if my senior sister finds a vigorous man in the future, it will not be easy for her to gain weight.

Yu Jingting was dragged by Suizi to study in the library forcibly during his college years. Other students were swimming in the ocean of knowledge. Yu Jingting’s ocean was a different color from others.

I just found a document about calorie consumption in a pile of serious documents.

Tossing for half an hour can consume 300 calories from the waist and hips, which is equivalent to jogging for two kilometers.

Then, that report disappeared from the Medical Weekly—this smelly and shameless man actually tore up the book and shamelessly pasted it on the head of the bed!

The rest of the family couldn't understand English, but Suizi didn't expect to be so shameless, and even had the urge to go to the library to report him with his real name!

Yu Jingting even counted for Suizi with his fingers.

Half an hour is two kilometers of jogging. As someone who loves sports and strives to keep fit, two kilometers is definitely not enough. We have to do a super double!

Suizi even added a shameless sentence when he said these words——

"Only by strengthening your body can you protect your family and the country!" The senior sister praised Suizi for her good habit of exercising, and Suizi's face flushed red.

Isn't this sentence the one that Yu Jingting's shameless fooled her at that time?

He said these words while taking off his pants at the time. The shameless gestures and righteous tone formed a stark contrast, which made Suizi hard to forget, and even had a psychological shadow on this slogan.

Fearing that this embarrassing topic would continue, Suizi hurriedly changed the subject.

"Professor Su is at your house, didn't he cause any trouble to your parents?"

"I haven't been home these days, but my mother said when she gave me the clothes, they were all good."

Su Zhe is not good at dealing with people. He looks like a Frankenstein on weekdays. This kind of temperament is very popular with the parents of the teacher's family. Teachers don't like to be too meandering.

The topic was easily changed by Suoko.

It was time to call it a day, Suizi was about to leave when her mentor came over.

"Han Sui, will you have something to do soon? I need you to send some information."

"Uh—" Suozi wanted to refuse.

Yu Jingting also had a social event today, and another deal was settled, and he probably would drink until midnight like yesterday.

The father-in-law and her mother-in-law were not at home for dinner parties, so the task of picking up the twins fell on Suizi.

"Teacher, I'll go for Hansui." The senior sister knew that Suizi was going to pick up the child, so she volunteered.

"No, this place is a little hard to find. Hansui knew the way last time I went there."

"Then I'll pick up the child for Han Sui," said the senior sister.

With the help of her senior sister, Suizi went to help the teacher deliver the materials with confidence.

The senior sister has a very good impression of the twins of Suizi's family. She has seen them before and feels that they are two very cute, intelligent and polite children. They are eccentric and very cute.

Originally thinking of picking up the children, she led them to the grocery store to buy something to treat the two children, but Luo Luo shyly pointed at her chest.

"Aunt Xiaolan, look here."

Only then did the senior sister notice that there was a small red flower pinned to Luoluo's chest.

"Luoluo is really excellent, why did you get the little red flower?"

"Rewards for not messing with naps for three consecutive days!" Luoluo was so proud.

Senior sister's black line, if she hasn't made trouble for three days in a row, she has already moved the teacher to the point of making a little red flower?

How is this girl doing in the kindergarten on weekdays?

"I want my godfather to see it too. Aunt Xiaolan, you are so beautiful, will you take us there?" Luoluo shook her senior sister's arm and looked at her expectantly.

Although Bobo doesn't have a little red flower, he also wants to see his godfather, so he looks at his senior sister eagerly.

Being begged by two such cute babies, who can bear it?

So the senior sister patted her chest, didn't she just meet a godfather, let's go!

The two children were very happy when they got the answer. They grabbed the hand of the senior sister one by one, and walked towards the next courtyard chattering.

"Isn't your godfather in HKUST?" Senior Sister asked.

"I only go there when there are classes, and when there are no classes, I'm in the laboratory next door."

Luoluo recited Su Zhe's itinerary like a few treasures, and the senior sister was a little surprised.

"How can your memory be so good?"

"She will only be more careful when she remembers her godfather, because her godfather made such a big snowflake for her." Bobo put on a cool little expression.

"Hehe, women like blingbling things, and my mother is also superficial when she sees the gems that my father gave me."

Luoluo made faces at him.

"Godfather also made you a big bark flower, and he also said that if we are good enough, he will make us a mushroom cloud this week!"

In the eyes of the two children, Frankenstein Su Zhe is simply a magical magician. The "tricks" he conjures are exciting, even more fun than the magic tricks on TV, and they are responsive.

"Mushroom cloud???" The senior sister had question marks in her eyes.

What kind of dangerous thing is this tinkering with? Think carefully

"Is Uncle Su so easy-going in private?" The senior sister thought Su Zhe was a serious person.

It felt like an upgraded version of her dad.

Her father, who has been a head teacher all her life, puts her at level one, and Uncle Su is at level ten.

It is no longer appropriate to describe him as a teacher in charge, it is the feeling of seeing the dean, full of oppression.

But from the mouths of the two little children, Uncle Su doesn't seem so scary?

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